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This engagement ended the campaign as far as the cavalry were concerned, and it was the movements of this arm that I proposed to outline. These were uniformly successful, while those of the infantry, from what appeared to be some fatality, were regularly unsuccessful. While the cavalry drove their opponents before them at Stone House Mountain, Culpeper Court-House, Brandy, Warrenton Springs, Bull Run, and Bucklands, the infantry failed to arrest the enemy at Auburn; were repulsed at Bristoe with the loss of several guns; and now, on the Rappahannock, was to occur that ugly affair at the railroad bridge, in which two brigades of General Lee's army were surprised, overpowered, and captured almost to a man. Such is the curiously mingled "warp and woof" of war. warp and woof" of war. It was the Army of Northern Virginia, led by Ewell and Hill, with General Lee commanding in person, which sustained these losses, and failed in the object which the great soldier declared he had in viewto cut off and fight a pitched battle with General Meade. The movements of this latter commander entitled him to high praise, and he exhibited throughout the brief campaign a vigour and acumen which only belong to the thorough soldier.

Such is an outline of some incidents in this rapid campaign; this hasty movement backward and forward on the great chessboard of war. The discursive sketch here laid before the reader may convey some idea of the occurrences as they actually took place. From the "official reports" the grave Muse of History will sum up the results, generalizing upon the importance or non-importance of the events. This page aims at no generalization at all, but simply to show how Stuart and Fitz Lee, with their brave comrades, did the work assigned to them in those bright October days of 1863.



NOTHING is more curious than the manner in which a sudden and unexpected attack imposes upon the recipients thereof; and it is safe to say that none but the best troops, trained and disciplined to stand firm under all contingencies, can be counted on in such moments of emergency.

The following incident will prove the truth of this assertion. It is not related "for the greater glory" of the Southern arms, so much as to present a curious illustration of the effect upon the human mind of a sudden surprise.

A word first of the doughty sabreur who figured as hero on the occasion, my friend, Major R of the C. S. A.

The Major is stout, rosy, of a portly figure, and from his appearance you would not take him for a very active or dangerous personage. But he is both. No man delights more in movement, adventure, and combat. No man sits a horse with more of the true cavalry ease. You may see from the manner in which he handles his sabre that he is master of that weapon; and in the charge he is a perfect thunderbolt. He fingers his pistol and makes the barrels revolve with admirable grace; his salute with the sabre is simply perfection; his air, as he listens to an order from his superior officer, says plainly, "All I wish is to know what you want me to do, General-if it can be done it will be done." This air does not deceive. It is well known to the Major's friends that his motto is, "Neck or nothing." At

Mine Run, when General Meade confronted the Southern lines the worthy said to me, "A soldier's duty is to obey his orders; and if General Stuart told me to charge the Yankee army by myself, I would do it. He would be responsible."

It will be seen from the above sketch of the gallant Major, that he is a thorough soldier. In fact he loves his profession, and is not satisfied with performing routine duty. He is fond of volunteering on forlorn hopes, and in desperate emergencies -when he cannot get at the blue-coats for any length of timehe pines.

This mood came to him in the fall of 1862. Quiet had reigned along the lines so long, that he grew melancholy. His appetite did not fail, as far as his friends could perceive, but something obviously rested on his mind. He was rusting, and was conscious of the process. "Why don't they come out and fight?" the Major seemed to ask with his calm, sad eyes. They were in Virginia for the purpose of "crushing the rebellion,"— why didn't they set about the work?

These questions meeting with no satisfactory response, Major R-determined himself to take the initiative, and see if he could not bring on a little fight, all on his private account. He would thus relieve his bosom of the perilous stuff which preyed upon his heart. It had, indeed, become absolutely necessary to his peace of mind to come into collision with his friends across the way, and he set about devising the best plan for arriving at his object.

The Southern cavalry to which the Major was attached, at that time occupied the county of Culpeper, and picketed along the Rappahannock. So did the enemy's horsemen, and the Federal pickets were stationed on the southern bank at every ford. This was the case at Warrenton Springs, where a bridge, afterwards destroyed, spanned the Rappahannock; and at this point Major R― determined to bring on the little affair which had become so necessary to his happiness. He intended to combine pleasure with business by visiting some young ladies at a hospitable mansion not far from the bridge; and having thus laid out his programme he proceeded to execute it, and “all

alone by himself" attack the picket guard of some twenty of the enemy.

Behold the Major now in warlike panoply-that is to say, in fine gray dress coat with burnished buttons (for the eyes of Venus after the conflict with Mars); pistol carefully loaded, in holster on his right side; and sabre in excellent order, jingling against his top boots. It was a saying of the worthy, that he "generally kept his arms in good order," and on this occasion nothing was left to be desired. His pistol revolved at the touch, with a clear ringing click; and you could see your face in his sabre blade. Thus accoutred, and mounted on a good, active horse, he set off from Hazel river, and making a detour around Jeffersonton, came to an elevation in rear of Mr. —'s house, where he stopped to reconnoitre.

The Federal picket-of nineteen men, as he afterwards discovered-was at the bridge; and in the yard of the mansion were two videttes, with their horses tied to the trees under which they were lying. Whether he could succeed in "driving in" the whole picket was problematical, but the videttes were pretty sure game. He would either run them off or capture them.

With the Major execution followed conception rapidly. Pushing boldly over the crest from behind which he had made his reconnoissance, he charged across the field at a thundering gallop, whirling his burnished sabre around his head, yelling in a manner that was truly awful; and shouting as he rode to a supposititious squadron:

"Charge! charge! cut down every man !"

So portentous was the reverberating shout of onset from the lips of the Major, that the videttes started to their feet, and clutched the bridles of their horses instantly. As the warlike figure, surrounded by the brilliant lightning of the flashing sabre, swept on, the videttes probably saw at least a squadron of "Rebel cavalry" in the dust which rose behind; and hastily mounting, darted away, pursued by the triumphant Major, whose yells were now more tremendous than ever.

Across the broad field, past the house, on toward the bridge, galloped the furious assailant, bent on striking terror to the

enemy's hearts, and successfully completing his adventure Before him fled the frightened videttes-their movements ac celerated by several balls, which issued from the Major's pistol, and whistled by their ears. On toward the bridge, and into the midst of the picket fled the videttes; and as the Major's shouts, and vociferous orders to his cavalry to charge, and let no one escape, resounded nearer, the pickets, too, mounted in hot haste, and clattered across the bridge, pursued by the Major's pistol shots.

In vain did the officer in charge of the picket-post shout to his

men :

"Halt! halt! Shoot down the rascal! Shoot him down I say! There's only one of them!"

His voice was unheard or his order unheeded. The picket was composed of stuff less soldierly than their officer, and would not obey him. Before their vivid imaginations rose at least a squadron of Confederate cavalry, sweeping on to ride over them, sword in hand.

The result was that Major R in ten minutes had posses sion of the bridge, and sat his horse defiantly in the middle of it. He then amused himself by sending a few parting shots after the demoralized picket, and having performed this agree able duty rode back to the house of Mr. -, laughing low in his peculiar way; his breast completely lightened of the oppres sive weight which had so long weighed upon it.

At Mr.'s he met with a triumphant reception; was greeted with a perfect ovation. The young ladies of the mansion were crazy almost with delight at the manner in which they had been delivered from the presence of their enemies; and when the hero of the occasion made his appearance they met him as women only can meet their deliverers—with smiles such as shine rarely for the poor "civilian." After all it is something to be a soldier. The trade is hard, but the feminine eye has a peculiar brightness when it rests on the sons of Mars!—of Mars, proverbially the favourite of Venus!

The Major was an old soldier, and in no hurry to depart. He counted on the extent of the "scare" he had given the enemy,

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