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commanders as to further operations. Jackson suggested a rapid movement around the Federal front, and a determined attack upon the right flank of General Hooker, west of Chancellorsville. The ground on his left and in his front gave such enormous advantages to the Federal troops that an assault there was impossible, and the result of the consultation was the adoption of Jackson's suggestion to attack the enemy's right. Every preparation was made that night, and on the morning of May second, Jackson set out with Hill's, Rodes's, and Colston's divisions, in all about twenty-two thousand men, to accomplish his undertaking.

Chancellorsville was a single brick house of large dimensions, situated on the plank-road from Fredericksburg to Orange, and all around it were the thickets of the country known as the Wilderness. In this tangled undergrowth the Federal works had been thrown up, and such was the denseness of the woods that a column moving a mile or two to the south was not apt to be seen. Jackson calculated upon this, but fortune seemed against him. At the Catherine Furnace, a mile or two from the Federal line, his march was discovered, and a hot attack was made on his rear-guard as he moved past. All seemed now discovered, but, strange to say, such was not the fact. The Federal officers saw him plainly, but the winding road which he pursued chanced here to bend toward the south, and it was afterward discovered that General Hooker supposed him to be in full retreat upon Richmond. Such at least was the statement of Federal officers. Jackson repulsed the attack upon his rear, continued his march, and striking into what is called the Brock Road, turned the head of his column northward, and rapidly advanced around General Hooker's right flank. A cavalry force under General Stuart had moved in front and on the flanks of the column, driving off scouting parties and other too inquisitive wayfarers; and on reaching the junction of the Orange and Germanna roads a heavy Federal picket was forced to retire. General Fitz Lee then informed Jackson that from a hill near at hand he could obtain a view of the Federal works, and proceeding thither, Jackson reconnoitred. This reconnoissance showed

him that he was not far enough to the left, and he said briefly to an aide, "Tell my column to cross that road," pointing to the plank-road. His object was to reach the "old turnpike," which ran straight down into the Federal right flank. It was reached at about five in the evening, and without a moment's delay Jackson formed his line of battle for an attack. Rodes's division

moved in front, supported at an interval of two hundred yards by Colston's, and behind these A. P. Hill's division marched in column like the artillery, on account of the almost impenetrable character of the thickets on each side of the road.

Jackson's assault was sudden and terrible. It struck the Eleventh corps, commanded on this occasion by General Howard, and, completely surprised, they retreated in confusion upon the heavy works around Chancellorsville. Rodes and Colston followed them, took possession of the breast works across the road, and a little after eight o'clock the Confederate troops were within less than a mile of Chancellorsville, preparing for a new and more determined attack. Jackson's plan was worthy of being the last military project conceived by that resolute and enterprising intellect. He designed putting his entire force into action, extending his left, and placing that wing between General Hooker and the Rappahannock. Then, unless the Federal commander could cut his way through, his army would be captured or destroyed. Jackson commenced the execution of this plan with vigour, and an obvious determination to strain every nerve, and incur every hazard to accomplish so decisive a success. Rodes and Colston were directed to retire a short distance, and re-form their lines, now greatly mingled, and Hill was ordered to move to the front and take their places. On fire with his great design, Jackson then rode forward in front of the troops toward Chancellorsville, and here and then the bullet struck him which was to terminate his career.

The details which follow are given on the authority of Jackson's staff officers, and one or two others who witnessed all that occurred. In relation to the most tragic portion of the scene, there remained, as will be seen, but a single witness.

Jackson had ridden forward on the turnpike to reconnoitre,

and ascertain, if possible, in spite of the darkness of the night, the position of the Federal lines. The moon shone, but it was struggling with a bank of clouds, and afforded but a dim light. From the gloomy thickets on each side of the turnpike, looking more weird and sombre in the half light, came the melancholy notes of the whippoorwill. "I think there must have been ten thousand," said General Stuart afterwards. Such was the scene amid which the events now about to be narrated took place.

Jackson had advanced with some members of his staff, considerably beyond the building known as "Melzi Chancellor's," about a mile from Chancellorsville, and had reached a point nearly opposite an old dismantled house in the woods near the road, whose shell-torn roof may still be seen, when he reined in his horse, and remaining perfectly quiet and motionless, listened intently for any indications of a movement in the Federal lines. They were scarcely two hundred yards in front of him, and seeing the danger to which he exposed himself one of his staff officers said, "General, don't you think this is the wrong place for you?" He replied quickly, almost impatiently, "The danger is all over the enemy is routed-go back and tell A. P. Hill to press right on!" The officer obeyed, but had scarcely disappeared when a sudden volley was fired from the Confederate infantry in Jackson's rear, and on the right of the road—evidently directed upon him and his escort. The origin of this fire has never been discovered, and after Jackson's death there was little disposition to investigate an occurrence which occasioned bitter distress to all who by any possibility could have taken part in it. It is probable, however, that some movement of the Federal skirmishers had provoked the fire; if this is an error, the troops fired deliberately upon Jackson and his party, under the impression that they were a body of Federal cavalry reconnoitring. It is said that the men had orders to open upon any object in front, "especially upon cavalry;" and the absence of pickets or advance force of any kind on the Confederate side explains the rest. The enemy were almost in contact with them; the Federal artillery, fully commanding the position of the troops, was expected to open every moment; and the men were just in

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