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had spread into many countries. Emperors and kings embraced the scheme, and became its furious advocates, and enforced their doctrine by the arms of Goths and Vandals, and persecuted the church in opposition to them with great severity. Smith on the Prophecies, page 449. This monster has, from time to time, lifted its gorgon head since the days of Arius, for acceptance among men; and it is a fearful fact, that even now that sentiment poisons all ranks of irreligious men to an alarming degree. Notwithstanding it has been from age to age refuted as unsound, yet it lives, and will live, deceiving and being deceived, till the time arrives when God shall arise in his might, and destroy infidelity in all its ramifications, by a destruction of its adherents before the time of the Millennium. But in the midst ot all this increase of wickedness, the gospel will also prevail, and be carried into all heathen nations of the earth; but the numbers who shall be saved thereby, it is feared, will be small in comparison of the immense numbers of sinners, who will reject it or neglect it; for while thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands, will be converted by the gospel all along till the Millennium, there will be found millions who will despise it.

But a small minority of mankind, since the first promise of a Saviour, has accepted of him, there were but few who were ready to enter into the ark when the flood came, and but few received and believed in the Messiah when he appeared at Jerusalem; and but few, in comparison of the great mass of men who will be on the earth when the Millennium shall have nearly arrived, will be ready to enter into its joys and immunities when the trumpet shall sound. The days of the trial of the inhabitants of earth is now drawing to a close, for God has said that his spirit shall not always strive with man. The time will soon come, when God will say, All the the day long I have stretched out my arm, but no man regardeth it. Ye have set at nought all my counsels, and would none of my reproofs. I also will laugh at your calamity, and mock when your fear cometh. When your fear cometh as a desolation, and your destruction as a whirlwind, then shall they call upon me, but I will

not answer.

In the beginning, God was six days in making the solar system, but he rested on the seventh: wherefore it is said, six days shalt thou labour, but the seventh is the Sabbath. Now God has labored, when the Millennium shall have come, six thousand years with the great family of man, rising up early, and crying, O, do not this abominable thing that I hate-offering to all the race of man grace and mercy, in the dispensation of his wisdom and providence.

From the view I have given of my fellow man, I am led to believe that they will increase in wickedness, as the years draw nigh to the close of the great week. It is probable that before that time arrives, there will be a tremenduous and dreadful persecution, which will arise in every part of the world nearly at the same time, as the allied powers of Satan have once before arose, for the Mahomedans, Arians and Roman Catholics came into being about the same period of time. It will be needful, therefore, in order that the Millennium may sustain the character of rest, peace and lioliness, for God to remove all the wicked from the face of the earth, at the same time when Satan shall be bound and shut up. For if the father of sinners is taken away, why shall not his children share a similar fate? And that this shall be the doom of Satan is certain, because the evangelist John has said, And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand. This chain should be considered only as descriptive of the power of God to bind or curtail, effectually and totally, the evil influence and power of Satan, who will be undoubtedly confined and located to the place which was prepared, (and therefore created) for the devil and his angels, when first they fell from heaven, or from their first estate, and is situate somewhere in the great field of space, where he, with all his demoniac companions, who fell from heaven with him, shall be confined. See Rev. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and satan, and bound him a thousand years


Considers the way and manner in which it is probable God will remove the wicked from among the living, for they shall not enter into that land of promise.

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Twelve million men, or more, in the deep flood
Were drown'd, because they sinn'd against their God;
And when the Egyptian king, and tawny host,
The Jews pursu'd, were in the Red Sea lost :
So in the last great war, through all the world,
From life to death the wicked shall be huri'd..


THE dealings of God with notorious sinners in for--mer ages, is a criterion by which we can be guided to a talerable degree of certainty, relating to the above supposed total destruction of all the wicked just previous to the Millennium.

Our first instance shall be the case of the antedeluvians, of whom it is stated in the Scriptures, that they had wholly corrupted their way before God-theircrimes and abominations cried to the very heavens, and howled through all the habitations of men. Violence, bloodshed, rapine and plunder, was doubtless their uni-.. versal character: Therefore, God said concerning them, The end of all flesh is come before me. Consequently, he brought the flood upon the whole earth, in

the year of the world 1656, in which perished all the race of men, Noah excepted, and his family.

A second public testimony, which God has exhibited against sinners, though not so fatally accompanied as to produce death among the offenders, was the case of the builders of the tower and city of Babel.

The particular sin of which this great compact were guilty, was, their intention of placing, at the very pinnacle of their tower when finished, an idol, with a sword, which idol was to be to them a talisman, to whom they intended to look for protection and success in war. See Clark on Genesis.

This great tower stood on the river Euphrates, in the country where was built the city of Babylon in after times on the plains of Shinar, and is spoken of by several historians. It is stated that Nebuchadnezzar beautified and adorned it for idolatrous purposes, an account of which, and of the confusion of tongues, is given by several ancient authors. Herodotus saw and described it. A Sybil, whose oracle is yet extant, spoke both of it and the confusion of tongues. A history of this tower, and of many remains of ancient facts respecting it, is found in the Chaldean writings and records.

But for building this tower God was displeased, and manifested his displeasure by confounding their language, and scattering them abroad in the earth. I shall here insert an extract from the Chaldean history, (copied from Clark) concerning this tower, by BoCHART, who observes, that these things are taken from. the Chaldeans, who preserved many remains of ancient

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