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ed on the supposition, that justice itself is bound to remunerate them for supposed sufferings. But it appears to me, that certain proof should first be come at, before we make such deductions. A consciousness of suffering is absolutely wanting in the whole animal world. Their grade in being does not arise high enough to possess a conscious knowledge of suffering, so as to deplore and lament it. Here is manifest the wisdom of God, who, while he made animal natures capable of feeling, denied the power of rational thinking; therefore, are not conscious so as to deplore pain when they feel it. This alone is possessed by man-a consciousness, so as to deplore pain when it is know ingly felt; but even man is not conscious of pain when asleep. Some kinds of animals show signs of life even after their heads are taken off, viz. the tortoise, several kinds of fish, and serpents; but there is no knowledge of pain, though the flesh agonizes. It follows, then, that if their heads were on, unless endowed with a consciousness of knowledge, and sense enough to deplore such pain, that their suffering is not of that sort which might expect redress from the Creator. This argument I would apply to all animals, from the insect up to the most sagacious beasts of the field. But if animals must arise from the dead, then it will follow, that no exceptions are to be made, and will extend to every minutia of animation, embracing every species, with every particular insect that ever existed, even the vermes of the human body, as well as of animals, which loads the opinion with contempt beyond endu


Finally: that doctrine which pleads a resurrection of animals to a future state, plainly charges the Creator with folly; inasmuch as that work which he pronounced very good, is so constituted, as finally to be reduced to calamity necessarily, (not by choice, as was the case with man) so as to justify a demand even on the justice of the Creator of a remuneration. But I think I have proven in the preceding pages, that animals were created subject to death, without any reference to the sin of man; and therefore, it being an appointment of the Creator, no remuneration should be expected for animals, any more than for vegetation, which also is appointed to die annually. The death which was brought into the world by sin, falls on man's body and soul, but not on beast. These effects, which are similar in appearance, are the result of dissimilar causes. The first came by sin, but the latter by the appointment of the Creator.


Presents a view of the vast mutiplication of mankind during the Millennium, and of the happiness of their political state; and who they are that will attempt to make war upon the camp of the saints, called Gog and Magog; and why Satan must be loosed out of his prison a little season, after the Millennium; and in what manner they will attempt an attack upon the camp of the saints, and of their final end.

If God at first ordain'd the procreative birth,
That men should multiply on all the new made earth;
If marriage then was holy, then was bless'd of heav'n,
When first the only two were to each other giv'n :
So when Millennial years shall all that's evil hide,
The human race restor'd, shall then be multipli'd.

That the multiplication of the human race will be immensely great during the Millennium, there cannot be a doubt. This the Revelator seems strongly to intimate, when he speaks of the army of Gog and Magog, which will begin to exalt itself against the camp of the saints in the four quarters of the earth, whose numbers (of the apostates only) shall be as the sand of the sea for multitude. Rev. 20, 8.

And further, it is evident, there will be a multiplication of mankind during those years of holiness and innocence, for we find a qualification of this kind existed in the composition of the blessing which God pronounced upon the venerable ancestors of our race, when first they came in all the glory of perfection from the hand of their Creator.

The qualification contained in that first of blessings pronounced on man, was, Multiply and replenish the earth. If, then, it was consistent to ordain the propagation of our species in that holy and sinless state, most certainly it will be equally consistent in the Millennium; because the ordinances of heaven are founded upon the eternal principles of righteonsness, and the propagation of human beings is well pleasing in the sight of God-provided always that the bond of matrimony and reciprocal affection, be the only cause of such propagation. Every deviation, therefore, from this rule, is open war with the wisdom and order of heaven. And all pretences to holiness and sanctity, of such as despise the marriage bond, and boast their ability to live above it, are generally the authors of much secret confusion and wickedness, and would do well to notice the caution of Solomon, Be not overmuch righteous-why shouldst thou destroy thyself? Eccle. 7, 16. If the marriage bond, that obvious wisdom and ordinance of heaven, which at first was established in the paradistical state, was holy, just and good-then equally so when the earth shall be restored, when man shall Cc*

become universally innocent. Consequently the race of man will be exceeding numerous; for, during the lapse of a thousand years, there shall be no diminution of their numbers by death, for then shall be waged no wars. The instruments of death, that once made horrible the field of battle, shall then become instruments of husbandry. No inordinate appetite, the fruitful parent of disease, shall then possess the souls of any, but simple, innocent, restored nature shall only crave her support, which shall ever be at hand by the attending providence of God, so that they will be as far removed from natural evil as Adam was before he fell.

If it be needful to restore again the tree of life, it will be in sufficient numbers to supply every individual with its life-preserving fruit, so that death, produced by a natural tendency to dissolution, (as I believe was the condition of man before he sinned) will not be permitted to approach the human race.

This being their condition, the increase of his numbers baffles all calculation; but undoubtedly the whole earth will become as a well tilled garden in all the accessible climes, in order to afford habitations for the Millennial population. It cannot be reasonably doubted but the earth affords land enough to accommodate all that can be expected to come into being during the Millennium, besides the saints who will be alive at its commencement, in which time the human race will suffer no loss by death. If all the race were now living that have existed from the beginning, there would be more than twenty-six persons to each square foot of land. This calculation is deduced from the two following da

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