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The Bible in its free circulation-the Missionary to inforce and explain it-the Sunday Schools and Tract Societies, are the mighty bolts of Heaven, with which he is smiting the nations, and breaking in pieces all the strong holds of Satan-all combinations of wicked men, till all enemies shall be subdued and saved by grace, or destroyed from the earth by judgments from Heaven.

Such then, are the signs of our own times, which streak the horizon of our world with spiritual light, like the bright lights of the night that illume the northern skies, when the Aurora Borealis flashes there; or such light as the sun affords before his rising, when his beams shoot athwart the Atlantic sea, and tip with gold the Rocky Mountains. Such are the certain tokens, that a brighter sun will soon arise to set no more, till a thousand years of holy rest to the saints shall complete the great week of time.

But we are too apt to let pass the notable signs of Heaven, without bestowing upon them that pious at: tention they demand. The antediluvians thought nothing of the signs of their times, but were heedless, until the flood came and took them all away.

The signs of the times which went before the birth of Christ, were not sufficiently looked into; otherwise the Jews would have known the Messiah, by the tokens foretold by the prophets.

But let it not be the guilt of this nation, to be blind to the signs of the times, nor of the Churches; but to look, expect and pray, for the coming in of the great sabbatical year and jubilee of Heaven, the Millennium

Was there ever a time when the different sects have been so united as at the present, to promote the same cause. Of them it may now be said with great propriety, see how these brethren love one another. Is this not a token that the watchmen shall soon see eye to eye?

Was there ever a time when benevolent combinations of talent, and appropriations of money, (having for their ostensible object, the amelioration of suffering humanity) so pervaded all Christian sects, all refined society, all Christendom, as at the present?-never. Witness the struggles of philanthropy in the Court of St. James, with the powers of avarice, for the emancipation of slaves. Witness the arm of pity in this country, which is bared to the shoulder, to snatch from the bloody lash, and from ignorance the most horrible, the groaning African. That arm is the growing energies of the Colonization Societies. Angel of mercy! brood over its being, and say, be strong! Tarry not in all the plains of the Northern and Southern States, till thou hast whispered in the heart of all slave holders,

Let all flesh that's human from thy grasp be free,
Nor speak the name of slave in North America.
Then fly thee to the Isles of the Atlantic sea,
There wave thy wand of love-ye slaves, be free!
Then hasten from that clime, O 'tis mercy speaks,
O'erwhelm the Ottoman power, but save the Greeks.

O, the glory of that day, when Slavery, the foulest blot on the politics of men, shall be wiped off; and where the fatal stain was recorded, there write the radient word, Liberty.

But the signs of Heaven, that the Millennium is


igh, may be expected to be multiplied with the passing years. The means now in operation to spread the gospel, in a short time will effect wonders not yet conceived of, in reference to a preparation for the introduction of the seventh Chiliad of the world. The Lord hasten it in his time, the time to cleanse the sanctuary, the time to give to the saints the kingdom, the great jubilee, the Sabbath of creation, the victory of Christ, the time to bind Satan a thousand years, the renewal of the paradisiacal state, the glory of Messiah's kingdom on earth.

That the times in which we now live, signify the near approach of some great event, is evident from the character the two grand principles of CHRISTIANITY and Infidelity are now assuming. For these two are taking a decisive stand against each other, aiming to push their success to the climax; victory over all the earth : for while the Bible principles and the soul-saving power of those principles, are sweeping the world as the early and the latter rains of heaven;-so also, Infidelity, from horrid atheism down through all its varied modifications which are not a few, is unaccountably insinuating itself among all ranks of people, deceiving and being deceived; fulfilling doubtless, the view of St. Peter 2d. iii. 3. who has said, "that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts?" This is now therefore eminently fulfilling, which is a prominent sign among many others, that the present dispensation of the government of heaven over the earth and its inhabitants, is about to be changed-even so-Amen.


Will represent the probable state of the incorrigible and wicked part of mankind, just previous to the commencement of the Millennium. In this division will be given an account of Pagan Rome and of Papal Rome, which subjects are hinted at by the Revelator, in his 18th and 17th Chapters.

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It is probable that the most popular idea about the commencement of the Millennium, is, that there will be a gradual reformation, from year to year, until the whole of mankind, generally speaking, shall be favourably disposed towards religion; when a general morality shall prevail throughout the world. Such a state as this, is also supposed by many, will be the condition of the world during the Millennium. But if Christ, relative to the Church, in the days of St John, expressed himself as abominating all luke warm souls, and threatened to spue them out of his mouth, or cast. them down to hell, as I understand it to mean; how, then, in the Millennium, when it is expressly stated that all shall be holy, can it be consistent that there then shall be any mere moralists to nauseate the bosom of

the millennial Church? Again, if it is at all scriptural to expect there will arrive a time, when the sanctuary, which is nothing else but the Church of God on the earth, shall be cleansed, then we may calculate from this, as from an immoveable data, that all such as are merely moral only, shall be cast out at the time of that cleansing. If this shall not be the fact, how is it that Mount Zion is to become finally the joy of all the earth? How is it that this Zion, which is the king's daughter, is to be all glorious within, if there shall, in the Millennium, be any sinners at all? The very genius and nature of salvation, commenced by a competent Saviour, contemplates such an effect over his enemies. If such shall not be the fact, how then are the saints to take the kingdom, if a part of the inhabitants, at that time, belong to the kingdom of Satan.

But we resume the other idea, which is, that it is not probable the millennial state is to be brought on by the slow advances which real piety is supposed will make, so as to overcome all opposition. Far enough from this, it is to be feared, will be the horrible fact.

Man is a free agent, and we have no precedent, in the dealings of God with man, to fix upon, as data, from which to calculate a suspension of that free agen cy, so that he should become incapacitated thereby, to follow the will of his own mind. Hence, we conclude, that such shall not be the fact: therefore, man shall continue to exercise this power, (given) till the final period arrives, when all free agents, who are sinners, shall have that gracious, yet wonderful gift taken away. See Matt. xxv. 28, 30.

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