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From Number 101 to 164, read I to 64.

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Reverend Brother in God,

ALL health and spiritual benediction. Amen.

Inflamed and fet on fire with holy zeal, to return and as soon as opportunity opens her heavenly arms and unfolds the mystery of bleffings prepared for my people, through my means, when feated primate in the metropolitan of my ancestors, to purge and do away all herefy and fchifm, with every other prefbyterian or Calviniftical infamy and diabolical intrufions, creeping, caterpillar like, leaving their filthy excrement wherever they tread, even into our Scriptures and Common-prayer Books, which has fo altered, maimed, changed and turned topsy-turvy, lithfome, pliant, limber, nimble, naughty, and the whole an unmeaning and huge dunghill of extravagance, drollery, buffoonery, and humorous jocularity; fo that whenever or wherever we appear, we present the face of a Wag, or Merry-Andrew, to all other focieties. I therefore humbly crave your attendance to-morrow, at the ufual hour, to expedite our courfe of Conferences. Fare you well.


Mofes will attend Mr. Luther and Boy, at the ufual hour. Adieu.

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Enter the Parties and Notaries.

Mofes. I have had from my youth much grief and anxiety, for the long captivity and deplorable state and miferies of my nation, a common by-word and proverb in the mouth of all nations, from the rifing to the fetting fun; no peace nor refting place for Ifrael; our temple destroyed, no fenfible communication with our God, either by prophecy or facrifice, upon the verge of two thousand years. Alas! poor nation, once the delight of the Almighty but now the fcoff and derifion of all nations of the earth, what have we tranfgreffed, or what are our fins, that we fhould be thus singled out from being the chofen, to become hateful, outcaft, and abandoned by our God, groping in the abyfs of horror and dark despair. These thoughts present themselves continually to my distracted foul, and to relieve myself the study


my life has ever been in fearch of truth, and from whence thefe miferies take their fource, that I may apply the remedy, and ufe my endeavours to reconcile my people to our angry God. Mofes weeps.

Luther. I think we have by the affiftance of the Almighty, gone through with great temper in the fix laft Conferences, the difcuffion of christianity, and put to fhame and difmay all gainfayers, fuch as Prefbyterians or Calvinifts, Infidels, Pagans, Mahometans, Anabaptifts, Quakers, Papifts, Deifts, Atheists, Zuinglians, Socinians, Sacramentarians, and I know not


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