670 THE LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY SIR ROBERT KANE, LL.D. F.R.S. M.R.I.A. F.C.S. AND WILLIAM FRANCIS, PH.D. F.L.S. F.R.A.S. F.C.S. "Nec aranearum sane textus ideo melior quia ex se fila gignunt, nec noster TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, SOLD BY LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER; KENT AND CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HODGES, FOSTER, AND CO, DUBLIN:-PUTNAM, NEW "Meditationis est perscrutari occulta; contemplationis est admirari perspicua . . . . . Admiratio generat quæstionem, quæstio investigationem, investigatio inventionem."-Hugo de S. Victore. 'Cur spirent venti, cur terra dehiscat, Cur mare turgescat, pelago cur tantus amaror, J. B. Pinelli ad Mazonium. CONTENTS OF VOL. XLVII. Mr. J. Y. Buchanan on an Apparatus for Gas-analysis. M. H. Herwig on the Disintegration of the Electrodes in the Prof. Challis's Theory of the Source of Terrestrial Magnetism. Mr. R. S. Brough on Wheatstone's Bridge.. Prof. Challis's further Discussion of the Analytical Principles M. A. F. Sundell on the Electromotive and Thermoelectric Forces of some Metallic Alloys in contact with Copper.... 28 Prof. W. F. Barrett on the Molecular Changes that accom- Mr. J. M. Wilson's Elementary Geometry Proceedings of the Royal Society :- Dr. J. H. Gladstone and Mr. A. Tribe on an Air-Battery. 61 Mr. O. Reynolds on the Condensation of a Mixture of Air and Steam upon Cold Surfaces. Proceedings of the Geological Society :- Mr. S. Sharp on the Oolites of Northamptonshire.- On some Phenomena of Illumination, by A. Lallemand |