THE METHOD OF TEACHING AND STUDYING THE BELLES LETTRES; OR, AN INTRODUCTION ΤΟ LANGUAGES, POETRY, RHETORIC, HISTORY, WITH REFLECTIONS ON TASTE, AND INSTRUCTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE ELOQUENCE OF The whole illustrated with Passages from the most famous WITH CRITICAL REMARKS ON THEM. Designed more particularly for Students in the University. BY MR. ROLLIN, Late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence PRINTED FOR W. J. AND J. RICHARDSON; CUTHELL AND By W. Blackader, 10, Took's Court, Chancery Lane, 1803. BOOK III. 2. To heighten low and common Thoughts, ibid. S. To soften harsh Expressions, The Antithesis, and such-like Figures, Figures with regard to Thoughts, The Success of the two Orations, I. The Judgments of the Ancients on Æschi- 103344 |