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A Message from the assembly by m' Pearson & m2 Hude with A bill Intituled An Act for repealing Certain Clauses in An Act Entituled for runing & Assertaining the Line of partition & Division between the Eastern & Western Divisions of the province of New Jersey &c And for Limiting the time for recording of Surveys, To which they desire the Concurrence of this board, Ordered the Said bill be read, the Said bill was read the first time And Ordered A Second reading

Mr Reading Chairman of the Comittee to whom was referred the bill Intituled An Act for the frequent meeting and Calling of the Generall assembly of this province and for the Alternate Sitting thereof And for disabling Certain persons from Sitting or Acting in the house of representatives Reported that they had gone through the Said bill and made Some Amendments thereto; Ordered the bill with the Amendments be read, the Said bill with the Amendments was read the third time & passed as amended

Ordered that m' Reading do Carry the bill with the Amendments to the assembly and desire their Concurrence thereto

A Message from the assembly by m' Harrison & m2 Eaton that his Excellency be applyed too; to appoint A Comittee of the Councill to Join a Comittee of the house to Examine and adjust the Accounts of the farmers of y° Excise

Ordered that the Comittee already appointed to Examine y Treasurers Accounts be A Comittee to Join A Comittee of the house of representatives to Examine and adjust the Accounts of y' farmers of the Excise & that Coll Anderson do Acquaint the house therewith

P M Present as above

the Bill intituled An Act for lessening the Sallarys of the Comiss appointed to manage the Loan offices in the Severall Countys of this province was read A Second time & Comitted to the Gentlemen of the Councill or Any five of them

the Bill Intituled An act for repealing certain Clauses in an act for runing and assertaining the Line of partition or Division between the Eastern & Western Divisions of the province of New Jersey &c And limiting the time for recording of Surveys, was read A Second time & Comitted to the gentlemen of the Councill or any five of them

At a Councill held att Perth Amboy January the 12th 1727

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A message from the Assembly by m' Farmer & m2 Hude with the bill Intituled An Act for preventing the trouble & Expense of the inhabitants of this Collony relating to the Enrollement of deeds and Conveyances of Land with the Amendments to Which the house disagreed

Resolved that this board do adhere to their Amendments and that m Anderson do Carry back the Said bill with y Amendments & Acquaint the House therewith

A Message from the Assembly by

that they had agreed to the Amendm's made by the Councill to the bill Intituled An Act prescribing the form of declaration of fidelity the Effect of the Abjuration oath and affirmation Instead of the forme heretofore required in Such Cases & for repealing the former Acts in Like Cases made & provided & had Sent it back Engrossed to be Signed by the Councill

The Said Engrossed bill haveing beene Examined with y° former bill and Amendm' was passed by this board

A Message from the Assembly by m' Bonnell and m

Eaton that they had disagreed to the Amendments made by the Council to the bill Intituled An Act for the ffrequent meeting & Calling of the Generall assembly of this province and for the alternate Sitting thereof and for disabling Certain persons from Sitting or Acting in the house of representatives And had Sent back y' bill and amendments

Resolved that this board do adhere to their Amendments and that m Reading do Acquaint the house therewith and carry back to them the Said bill with the amendments

A Message from the Assembly by

that they had agreed to the Amendments made by the Councill to the bill Intituled An Act the better to prevent the Concealing of Stray Cattle horses and Sheep; and had Sent it back Engrossed to be Signed by the Council; the Said Engrossed bill haveing been Examined with the former bill & Amendments was passed by this board

A Message from the assembly by m' Harrison and m Leoming

Ordered that m' Harrison & m' Leoming do wait on his Excellency & Councill And Acquaint them that this house desires that board to Appoint A Comittee of the Council to Join A Comittee of this house to have a free Conference On the amendments made by the Councill to the bill Intituled An Act for the frequent meeting & Calling of the Generall Assembly of this province and for the Alternate Sitting thereof and for disabling Certain persons from Sitting & acting in the house of representatives; Also on the Amendment to the bill Intituled An Act for preventing the trouble & Expense of the inhabitants of this Collony relating to the Enrollment of deeds & Conveyances of Land By order of the house Mich1 Kearny Clerk

Ordered that the gentlemen of the Councill or any five of them be A Comittee to meet a Comittee of the assembly upon the free Conferrence desired by that house & that m2 Cor: Vanhorn do Acquaint yo house therewith

At a Councill held att Perth Amboy Janry 16th 1727

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A Message from the assembly by m2 Aaron Leoming & m2 Vanburskirk to Acquaint this board that the house had agreed to the first of the Amendments made to the bill Intituled An Act for the frequent meeting and Calling of the Generall Assembly of this province & and made Some further Amendments on the other amendments to wch they desire the Concurrence of this board Ordered the Said Amendments be referred to a Comittee of the Councill or any five of them

Att a Councill held at Amboy Jan' 18th 1727

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A Message from the assembly by Coll Farmer and m' Hude to Acquaint this board that the house desires to be Informed whether they have as yet Come to Any result Concerning the Amendments made to their amendm" on the bill Intituled An Act for the frequent meeting And Calling the generall assembly of this province &c And that they will be pleased to give it y utmost dispatch they can because the busyness of the house is defferred on that Acct

A message from the Assembly by m2 Eaton and m2 Van burskirk with An Act for makeing £10:000 in bills of Credit

in Order to Exchange a Like Sum of the bills of Credit formerly made Currant in the province to which they desire y Concurrence of this board, Which bill was read once & ordered A Second reading

Mr Parker Chairman of the Comittee to whom was Comitted the bill Intituled An Act for repealing Certain Clauses in An Act for runing & assertaining the Line of partition or division between the Eastern & western Divisions of New Jersey & for Limitting the time for recording of Surveys that they had gone through the Said bill and made Severall Amendm thereto, Ordered ye Said Amendments be read, the Said Amendments were read And Agreed to by this board Ordered the Said bill be read the third time as amended wh was done & Ordered the Said bill do pass and that m' Parker do Carry the bill with the Amendments to the assembly & desire their Concurrence thereto

Ordered that m' Parker do Acquaint the house in answer to their message by Coll Farmer & Mr Hude that this board have Comitted y° Amendments made by the house to their Amendments on the bill Intituled An Act for the frequent meeting and Calling of the Generall Assembly of this province &c & that this board is not Come to Any result thereon

At a Councill held at Perth Amboy Janry 19th 1727

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The Bill Entituled An Act for makeing £10:000 in bills of Credit in order to Exchange a Like Sum of the bills of Credit formerly made Currant in this province was read A

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