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It was impossible for so honest may exhort them to a due cona divine and zealous a churchman sideration of all things, and to a as Whitgift to resist the plea con- right esteem and valuing of each tained in this artless address. It thing in that degree wherein it happened that the rectory of Bos. ought to stand : for it oftentimes combe, near Amesbury, in Wiltshire, falleth out, that what men have was at that time vacant; and either devised themselves, or greatly though the Bishop of Salisbury was delighted in ; the price and the the regular patron, its disposal was excellency thereof, they do admire in the power of the Archbishop, on above desert. The chiefest labour account of a vacancy in the See, of a Christian should be to know ; and he presented Mr. Hooker to of a Minister to preach, Christ this benefice in 1591. This prefer- crucified; in regard whereof, not ment was quickly followed by only worldly things, but things collation to the prebend of Nether otherwise precious, even the dishaven, and the office of subdean. cipline itself, is vile and base. At Boscombe he finished four books, Whereas now, by the heat of conwhich were printed in 1549. The tention, and violence of affection, next year he resigned Boscombe, the zeal of men towards the one, and was presented by Queen Eliza- hath greatly decayed their love to beth to the rectory of Bishopsbourne the other. Hereunto therefore they in Kent, near Canterbury. There are to be exhorted, to preach Christ he composed the fifth book, pub. crucified, the mortification of the lishing it separately in 1597, and flesh, the renewing of the Spirit; dedicating it to the Archbishop. not those things, which in time of The remainder of his life was occu- strife seem precious, but (passions pied in the other three, completing being allayed) are vain and childish,” the work. “ But whether we have A curious anecdote is told relative them genuine, and as left by him to the publication of the first four self, has been a matter of much books. Cardinal Allen and Doctor dispute. Dr. Zouch, however, Stapleton, both Englishmen and in seems to have advanced almost Italy, hearing them well reported unanswerable arguments against of both by Romanists and Protestheir being directly from the pen tants, were desirous of reading of Hooker."*

them. They contrived accordingly Whatever may be the justice of to have them sent for, and after this opinion, the author took coun- their perusal, told Pope Clement sel with George Cranmer as to their the Eighth, that though he had publication, and also with his friend lately said he never met with an Dr. Spencer, who had married Mr. English book whose writer deserved Cranmer's sister. In the answer the name of an Author ; yet there of the former, which has been pre- now appeared a wonder to them, served, he enters at considerable and it would be so to his Holiness, length into the questions at issue if it were in Latin : for a poor between the episcopalians and non- obscure English priest had writ conformists, and ends with a para- four such Books of Laws, and graph which may be read with Church Polity, and in a style that approbation by pious men of all expressed so grave and such humble parties. You may exhort the majesty with clear demonstration clergy, (or, what if you direct your of reason, that in all their readings conclusion not to the clergy in they had not met with any that general, but only to the learned in exceeded him. The Pontiff reor of both Universities?)- You quested Stapleton to bring the work

and read part of it to him in Latin ; * Chalmers, Biog. Dict. Art. Hooker.

which was done to the conclusion

of the first book, when he remarked, or bis curate to catechise after the “ There is no learning that this second lesson in the Evening Prayer: man hath not searched into; His sermons were neither long nor nothing too bard for his under- earnest, but uttered with a grave standing : this man indeed deserves zeal and a humble voice: his eyes the name of an author: his books always fixt on one place, to prevent will get reverence by age; for bis imagination from wandering ; there is in them such seeds of insomuch, that he seemed to study eternity, that if the rest be like this, as he spake; the design of his they shall last till the last fire shall sermons (as indeed of all his disconsume all learning."

courses) was to show reasons for As to his personal appearance what he spake. And with these and private life, Walton has left reasons such a kind of rhetoric, as the following particulars. He de did rather convince and persuade, scribes him as “ an obscure harm than frighten men into piety : less man; a man in poor clothes, studying not so much for matter his loins usually girt in a coarse (which he never wanted) as for apt gown or canonical coat: of a illustrations to inform and teach mean stature, and stooping, and his unlearned hearers by familiar yet more lowly in the thoughts of examples, and then make them his soul; his body worn out, not better by convincing applications ; with age, but study and holy mor- never labouring by hard words, tifications ; his face full of heat- and then by needless distinctions pimples, begot by his inactivity and and sub-distinctions to amuse his sedentary life. And to this true hearers, and get glory to himself; character of his person, let me add but glory only to God, which inthis of his disposition and behaviour; tention he would often say, was as God and nature blest bim with so discernible in a preacher, as an great a bashfulness, that as in his artificial from a natural beauty. younger days, his pupils might “He never failed the Sunday beeasily look him out of countenance; fore Ember Week, to give notice so neither then, nor in his age, did of it to his Parishioners, persuading heever willingly look any man in the them both to fast, and then to face: and was of so mild and humble double their devotions for a learned a nature, that his poor parish- and pious Clergy, but especially ioners and he did never talk but for the last; saying often, That with both their hats on, or both off the life of a pious Clergyman was at the same time; and to this may visible rhetoric, and so convincing, be added, that though he was not that the most godless men (though purblind, yet he was short or weak- they would not deny themselves sighted; and where he fixed his the enjoyment of their present lusts) eyes at the beginning of his sermon, did yet secretly wish themselves there they continued till it was like those of the strictest lives.' ended; and the reader has a liberty And to what he persuaded others, to believe that his modesty and dim he added his own example of fastsight were some of the reasons why ing and prayer; and did usually he trusted Mrs. Churchman to every Ember-week, take from the choose a wife for him.

parish clerk the key of the church “ He gave a holy valediction to door, into which place he retired all the pleasures and allurements of every day, and locked himself up earth; possessing his soul in a for many hours; and did the like virtuous quietness, which he main- most Fridays, and other days of tained by constant study, prayers fasting. and meditations. His use was to “He would by no means omit the preach once every Sunday, and he customary time of procession; per

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suading all, both rich and poor, of any house, he would usually if they desired the preservation speak to the whole family, and of love, and their parish rights and bless them by name ; insomuch, liberties, to accompany him in his that as he seemed in bis youth to perambulation; and most did so. be taught of God, so he seemed in In which perambulation; he would this place to teach his precepts, as usually express more pleasant dis- Enoch did by walking with him, course than at other times, and in all holiness and buinility, making would then always drop some each day a step towards a blessed loving and facetious observations to eternity.” be remembered against the next The blameless tenor of his life year, especially by the boys and did not exempt this worthy minister young people; still inclining them from malicious slander; and while and all his present parishioners, to the record of such baseness may meekness and mutual kindnesses serve to show religious characters, and love; because love thinks not that if men say all manner of evil evil, but covers a multitude of in- against them falsely, their case is firmities. He was diligent to en- not singular, let them learn to exquire who in his parish were sick, hibit the same lovely spirit of foror any way distressed, and would bearance and forgiveness as marked often visit them unsent for, sup- the Rector of Bishopsbourne. His posing that the fittest time to dis- faithful friends, Sandys and Crancover those errors, to which health mer, finding that he lay under a and prosperity had blinded them. base charge, which from helplessAnd having by pious reasons and ness, or conscious innocence he did prayers, moulded them into holy not sufficiently labour to disprove, resolutions for the time to come, were indefatigable in searching out he would incline them to confes- the authors of the calumny, and sion, and bewailing their sins, with compelling them to confess that purpose to forsake them, and then they had wronged him, and were to receive the holy communion, ready to ask his pardon. When both as a strengthening of those they brought him intelligence that holy resolutions ; and as a seal they had detected the fraud, he betwixt God and them of his mer answered, “ The Lord forgive them, cies to their souls, in case that pre- and the Lord bless you, for this sent sickness did put a period to comfortable news! Now I have their lives.

a just occasion to say with Solomon, " And as he was thus watchful and Friends are born for the days of charitable to the sick, so he was adversity, and such you have proved as diligent to prevent law-suits, to me. And to my God I say, as still urging his parishioners and did the mother of St. John Baptist, neighbours to bear with each other's Thus hath the Lord dealt with me, infirmities, and live in love, because, in the day wherein he looked upon as St. John says, He that lives in me, to take away my reproach among love, lives in God, for God is love. men. And, O my God! peither And to maintain this holy fire of my life, nor my reputation, are love, constantly burning on the safe in mine own keeping, but in altar of a pure heart, his advice thine, who didst take care of me, was to watch and pray, and always when I hanged yet upon my mother's keep themselves fit to receive the breast. Blessed are they that put holy communion, and then to re- their trust in thee, O Lord ! for ceive it often; for it was both a when false witnesses were risen up confirming and a strengthening of against me; when shame was ready their graces. This was his advice; to cover my face ; when I was and at his entrance or departure out bowed down with a borrible dread, and went mourning all the day long; conference on the benefit, necessity, when my nights were restless, and and safety of the church's absolumy sleep broken with a fear worse tion, it was resolved the Doctor than death; when my soul thirsted should give him both that and the for a deliverance, as the hart panteth sacrament on the following day. after the rivers of waters : then, At the appointed time his friend thou Lord, didst hear my complaints, attended, and they discoursed togepity my condition, and art now ther for a little while in private ; become my deliverer; and as long then joining some company who as I live I will hold up my hands bad assembled, they partook of the in this manner, and magnify thy consecrated emblems of a dying mercies, who didst not give me Redeemer's love. He seemed after over as a prey to mine enemies. this act of devotion to enjoy inward O blessed are they that put their peace and consolation, but his bodily trust in thee: and no prosperity infirmities soon returned, with some · shall make me forget those days alarming symptoms : on his partial of sorrow, or to perform those recovery however, his friend took vows that I have made to thee in his leave, promising to revisit him the days of my fears and affliction; early the next morning. The Docfor with such sacrifices, thou, o tor found him then better in appearGud, art well pleased, and I will ance, but deep in contemplation, pay them!”

and not inclined to talk; he kindly In the forty-sixth year of his age, however inquired the subject of his he laid the foundation of a mortal thoughts, when he replied: “I illness, by taking a severe cold on have been meditating the number the water between London and and nature of angels, and their Gravesend. He lingered several blessed obedience and order, withmonths, during which he did not out which, peace could not be in relax in his studies, telling his friend heaven; and oh! that it might be Dr. Saravia, who visited bim daily, so on earth !--I have lived to see “ that he did not beg a long life that this world is made up of perof God for any other reason, but turbations, and I have been long to live to finish his three remaining preparing to leave it, and gathering books of Polity; and then, Lord, comfort for the dreadful hour of let thy servant depart in peace!” making my account with God, About a month before his departure which I now apprehend to be pear. his appetite failed, and he was much And though I have by his grace reduced, but continued his favorite loved him in my youth, and feared employment; and on being in him in mine age, and laboured to formed that his house had been have a conscience void of offence robbed, he asked, “ Are my books to him, and to all men; yet, if thou, and written papers safe?” and to O Lord, be extreme to mark what the answer in the affirmative, he I have done amiss, who can abide replied, “ Then it matters not, for it? And therefore, where I have no other loss can trouble me,” failed, Lord, show mercy to me; Pope would call this, “ the ruling for I plead not my righteousness, passion strong in death :” the but the forgiveness of my unrightegrateful churchman recognizes in ousness, for his merits who died to his reply, that sincere regard for purchase a pardon for penitent sinChristian truth, and ardent desire ners! And since I owe thee a death, of Christian order, which were Lord, let it not be terrible; and paramount to every other feeling in then take thine own time, I submit the breast of this exemplary pastor. to it: let not mine, O Lord, but His dissolution approaching, Dr. let thy will be done !” In a state Saravia came to him, and after a of exhaustion, he fell into a slum

ber ; but he recovered sufficient master in getting money for him, strength and consciousness to add, and more frugal than his mistress “ Good Doctor, God hath heard in keeping it." His widow died my daily petitions, for I am at peace four months after him, but not with all men, and he is at peace before she had married again. She with me; and from which blessed lodged in King Street, Westminassurance I feel that inward joy, ster; and it is said, that the Archwhich this world can neither give bishop sent one of his Chaplains to nor take from me!” He seemned her in the first instance, after Mr. desirous to say more, but wanted Hooker's death, to enquire after power. A short convulsion ensued, the three remaining books of the and with a sigh the good man “ Ecclesiastical Polity,” but could expired, at two o'clock in the obtain no satisfactory answer from afternoon, Nov. 2, 1600.

her. His Grace then thought fit, “And here (says the honest about three months after, to have Isaac Walton) I draw his curtain, her examined by the Privy Council, till with the most glorious company concerning the disposal of the of the Patriarchs and Apostles, the manuscript; and the day before had most noble army of Martyrs and her brought to London to have Confessors, this most learned, most some preparatory conversation, humble, holy man shall also awake where she confessed " that one Mr. to receive an eternal tranquillity, Charke and another minister who and with it a greater degree of dwelt near Canterbury, came to her glory than common Christians shall and desired that they might go be made partakers of. In the mean into her husband's study, and look time, bless, O Lord, bless his upon some of his writings; and that brethren, the clergy of this nation, there they two burnt and tore many with ardent desires, and effectual of them, assuring her that they endeavours to attain, if not to his were writings not fit to be seen;' great learning, yet to his remark- adding that she knew nothing more able meekness, his godly simplicity concerning them. From the ignoand his Christian moderation : for rance and perverseness of her chathese are praise-worthy; these bring racter, but little credit can be given peace at the last: and let the to this representation. It is how. labours of his life, his most excel- ever a remarkable circumstance, lent writings, be blest with what he that the next morning she was designed when he undertook them; found dead in her bed. The papers which was glory to thee, O God on were subsequently recovered by high, peace in thy church, and means of Spencer, Cranmer, and good will to mankind. Amen, other friends, though in a mutilated Amen!”

state. By his will, dated October 26, As a specimen of Mr. Hooker's 1600, he left his widow sole execu style of preaching, the following trix, bequeathing to each of his extract is given from his sermon four daughters, Alice, Cicely, Jane, on pride, from Habakkuk ii. 4. and Margaret, one hundred pounds. His mind swelleth, and is not right His property, consisting in great in him : but the just by his faith measure of his library, was about shall live. eleven hundred; “which was much « To declaim of evils issuing more than he thought himself out of pride is an easy labour. I worth, and which was not gotten rather wish that I could exactly by his care, much less by the good prescribe, and persuade effectually housewifery of his wife, but saved the remedies, whereby a sore so by his trusty servant, Thomas grievous might be cured, and the Lane, who was wiser than his means how the pride of swelling


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