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kindle gratitude to God, and love school. What a group of disorderly to the Redeemer, and to throw the untrained beings! How. shall the purifying and softening influence master reduce this moral chaos of Christian sentiments over the to order ? How shall he draw forth heart; then must they seek, and the light of intelligence from under diligently seek, for one who, deeply the covering of ignorance and imbued with Christian affections, mental inactivity ? His first step and feelingly alive to the import must be to win the obedience of the ance of his work, will zealously children, but through their will and devote himself to this interesting not against it; for this purpose he and important avocation.

must avail himself of the power of Nor let it be thought enough to sympathy, which incites to imitahave discovered a suitable agent tion. Whatever he wishes the and fixed him in the school; his children to do, he must commence virtues must be cherished, his zeal by doing himself, throwing a cheer, must be fostered, lest his warmth ful kind-hearted animation into decline into comparative indiffer- every act; attention is soon caught; ence, and his exertions degenerate the most lively of the little group into lifeless routine. His interest almost involuntarily copies the must be sustained, his devotedness teacher’s gesture, or repeats hiş confirmed by the interest which the words, another and another fall in, patrons of the school evince by their till the whole school are in motion practical acknowledgment of the or in chorus, and the work is begun. importance of the cause. " The great art of the teacher

And yet there is a wearisome throughout the whole plan is to interference even more to be depre- lead rather than drive; a few chil. cated than neglect. A master dren more susceptible than the should be chosen with judginent others soon catch the tone he wishes and trained with care; but when to communicate, and a moral as chosen and trained, confidence well as a physical momentum iş should be reposed in him, or he given to the school. Thus when should be removed. There is much the teacher has gained some inin the minutiæ of teaching that fluence over the children by leading is comparatively unimportant; at their several exercises, they natuleast it is much more important rally look up to him for encourage. that the master should throw a ment, and are delighted with his right spirit and fitting temper into affectionate commendations. Should the forms of instruction he employs, he hear an oath or indecent expresthan that those forms should be sion, he gives signs of being grieved slightly improved. But if his and shocked; and the little offenfreedom be controlled by needless der, who had sinned without knowrestraints, if his temper be harassed ledge, is without knowledge but by futile objections, he becomes merely through feeling diverted morally incapacitated for the work from his practice. Soon what of educating.

shocks the master shocks the Let us suppose a suitable building school; so powerful does this senand play-ground provided, and a timent become, that the blasphecompetent person appointed to carry mies or obscene expressions of a on the work of education. Let us new-comer have in an instant suppose the district visited, the arrested every amusement, till the poor of the neighbourhood made dreadful fact has been notified to acquainted with the advantages the teacher, and the child, pitied for offered to their little ones, and its misfortune, has been led silent invited to bring them clean, at and appalled to its place. least, and tidy, if possible, to the One of the first aims of the

teacher will be to foster a spirit of reply. And has any one a right mutual kindness in the school. His to take it from me ? No, no, it own affectionate manner towards would be thieving. Then drawing all will predispose them to this state it out of his pocket and displaying of feeling; as he soothes the sor. it in his hand, Whose is the shilling rows of the little ones, he teaches now ? Has any one a right to the elder by his example to be take it from me ? Then, suiting tender-hearted to the younger. If the action to the word, If I throw a quarrel disturb the general bar- it on the ground, whose is it now? mony, he separates the little com- Instantly a score of little ones batants ; giving a hand to each, he sprang forward to seize the prize. leads them down the school, and The practical moralist was on his diverting their attention from each guard, he covered the glittering other, by his kindness soon dispels bait with his foot, motioned the their animosity, and having restored little trespassers to their seats, and the sunshine of good humour to again addressed the elder children, their minds, prevents by separation Whose is the shilling now? Yours, the recurrence of the evil. Some teacher, yours. He repeated the times when ill-humour and per- question till every voice exclaimed, verseness manifest themselves in a It is yours, it is yours. Then, said child, he confides him to one a little he, If I choose to let this shilling older than himself, who calmly and remain all night on the floor, has affectionately pacing round the any one a right to take it away? room with him, brings him back Nobody, nobody, was the unanirestored at last to serenity and good mous reply. Go home then, and temper.

to-morrow morning we will see Among those moral feelings whether my shilling is left in its which I have known inculcated place ? The next day, the teacher with the greatest success, is that was the first in the school-room, of scrupulous respect for the pro- the children as they came in eyed perty of others. When the Spital. the shilling still lying in the same fields school was first established, place, and a few appropriate obserit was found that the children were vations fixed the moral impression habitual pilferers. They constantly on their minds. When children attended the markets and levied are taught in a manner so suited to heavy contributions on the fruit their age, can we wonder at the sellers. The master of that school happy change which takes place in succeeded so well in subduing this their character and dispositions ? propensity, that though both flowers They themselves are aware of it, and fruit were witbin their reach and bear their siinple testimony to in the open space appropriated to the efficacy of the system. Teacher, their amusements, they scrupu. said a little boy at the Brighton lously abstained from picking a school, “ I used to fight before I single currant, or plucking a single came here, but I never fight now." leaf.

When the children are trained A lesson given by the same in- to order, docility, and mutual kinddividual at another school will dess, when the moral influence of serve to illustrate the manner in the master is established, and a which these moral impressions are moral tone has been given to the conveyed. Just before the dismissal school, then, and not till then, the of the children for the day, he work of intellectual development assembled them around him, and should begin. It is one of the putting his hand into his pocket, most delicate points in education to asked Whose shilling is this ? maintain the necessary degree of Yours, teacher, was the general order, without trenching on that liberty which is essential to the of little hymns, many of which formation of character, and the breathe sentiments of simple, but improvement of mind. The diffi- enlightened piety. In some of culty is much increased, if intellec- these institutions, religious instruc. tual vivacity be excited in the pupil tion is poured over the infant mind before a due degree of moral influ. in that gentle, persuasive, spiritual ence be possessed by the teacher. strain, which leaves nothing to be It bcomes then an important prin- desired but the blessing of God, to ciple of Infant's school education, set the seal upon the work. This that moral sentiment precede step crowning principle is not, however, by step intellectual development, and necessarily and invariably attending that the teucher call not forth more Infants' schools—many a candidate life than he feels himself able to for the office of teacher may precontrol.

sent bimself, capable of sustaining If the establishment of Infants' every other part but this. This schools tended to produce no other part no model school can teach, no results than to train up the children manual of instruction can convey. of the poor in habits of cleanliness, It is not the product of human of order, of mutual kindness, of institutions, but the gift of the submission to authority, and of Almighty. strict integrity; I should regard Should then, through the perusal them, I must own, as valuable of these pages, be excited the Institutions. If our hospitals are benevolent desire of establishing thought not unworthy of encou- an Infants' school, let it be rememragement, though they profess to bered that if we would supply the alleviate only the physical sufferings, most urgent want of the poor, and and to restore the bodily health spread before them a truly spiritual of their occasional inmates, then feast; we must first offer it up in must I conclude that these schools, faith, a sacrifice to the Most High; whose obvious operation is to“ for whoever aims at promoting the diminish the mass of moral misery best interests of mankind without and moral disease, have a stronger making the glory of God his first claim on the support of the bene- object, is at best a busy trifler, or volent. But generally, I trust uni. a good-natured enthusiast. Further, versally in England, Infants' schools if we would do the work of the inculcate the first principles of reli. LORD, we must do it in his strength, gion. The children are taught to for all things are of God; would know that it is God that hath made we influence others in schemes of us, and not we ourselves, that in Christian benevolence, we must him we live, and move, and have remember that God must pour into our being, that he is the author their hearts that most excellent of every good and perfect gift, that gift of charity; would we train a therefore prayer is to be made to master to the business of education, him, and daily is he to be praised; he himself must be taught of God; that his eyes are in every place, would we bring the children under beholding the evil and the good; the influence of the gospel, no one that he will one day judge the can come to Christ unless the Father world by that man whom he hath draw him. While then every purordained, when the wicked shall be pose we conceive is directed to cast into hell, but the righteous God's glory, may we seek direction shall go into life eternal. In most in every step we have to take, and schools the leading incidents in the hallow every measure we adopt by life of our blessed Lord are care- the spirit of prayer. fully taught, together with a variety



The Evidences of Christianity stated of PROPHECIES that has been fulfilled, in a popular and practicul man. and is now fulfilling in the world ; the

first miraculous PROPAGATION of the ner, in a Course of Lectures

gospel; and the prodigious Effects it delivered in the Parish Church of

has produced and is producing upon St. Mary, Islington. By Daniel the welfare of mankind. Wilson, A. M. Vicar. Vol. I.

Having thus sufficiently established Pp. xxxii. and 550.

the divine authority of the scriptures,

we must pause before we proceed to Many of our Readers are aware

the internal evidence, which that authat some years since Mr. Wilson

thority would lead us next to consider, delivered a course of Lectures on

in order to enquire whether these books

are, properly speaking, inspired, so that the Evidences of Christianity, at every part of thein was written under St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row, the superintendence of the Holy Spirit, which were heard with considerable and is an unerring rule of faith and interest, and the publication of practice. In other words, we must show which was at the time earnestly THE INSPIRATION OF THE HOLY SCRIP

TURES. desired. They will therefore rejoice

We come next to the evidence arising with us that he has been induced to

from the internal excellency and efficacy resume the subject, and has in con- of the religion; those marks which it sequence published the volume presents to every humble inquirer, before us.

abstracted from its outward evidences, Mr. W. has largely and some

from its own peculiar nature. Here we what diffusely stated his plan in the

shall show that to the sincere and de

vout student who submits to the introductory Lecture.

Christian doctrine on the footing of its In conducting this great argument undoubted credentials, there will arise upon these admissions of natural re- the strongest confirmation of his faith ligion, the first question to be asked from considering the suITABLENESS of is, What is TAE TEMPER OF MIND IN Christianity to the obvious state and WHICH SUCH A SUBJECT SHOULD BE wants of man as an ignorant and sinful STUDIED, and do unbelievers seem in creature—the excellency of all its DOCany measure to possess that temper? TRINES—the unspotted purity of its

We may inquire in the next place, PRECEPTs—the inimitable character of What has been THE STATE OF MANKIND its DIVINE FOUNDER—and its TENIN ALL AGES AND NATIONS WHERE DENCY to promote, to the highest deCHRISTIANITY 1149 BEEN UNKNOWN, gree, the temporal and spiritual happiand of Christian nations in proportion ness of nations and individuals. as it has been inadequately known and But it may be asked, in the next obeyed ?

place, whether there is any test to which The succeeding topic will be to prove the serious inquirer may bring the THE AUTHENTICITY AND CREDIBILITY practical effects of Christianity in his of the books of sacred scripture—that own case-can he obtain a share in its these books were really written and blessings and make a trial of its propublished at the time they profess to be, mises? This is a practical and most and contain a trustworthy narrative important part of the whole subject. entitled to full credit and belief.

And we shall show that this may be Our books being found to be genuine done by SUBMITTING TO ITS DIRECTIONS, and credible, we next open them to see AND MAKING THE TRIAL FOR OURwhat they contain, and finding that our SELVES of its proffered grace and mercy. Lord and his apostles lay claim to a A consideration of the chief 0 BJECDIVINE AUTHORITY, as bringing TIONS of infidels, and a comparison a revelation from the great and Al of their LIVES AND DEATHS with those mighty God, we ask what credentials of sincere Christians, will furnish a they produce of such a claim. This forcible subsidiary argument in favour leads us to consider the undeniable of our religion, and will turn the very and numerous MIRACLES that were weapons of our adversaries against publicly wrought ; the astonishing series themselves. AUGUST 1828.

2 R

THE FAITH with which the religion it spreads, it sets up a judge and avenger is to be received the sound system Of within the breast, and governs man INTERPRETING its records which such a by the fear of an invisible tribunal. faith implies—and the UNIVERSAL OB- 3. Then it discourages and tends to LIGATION of obeying this divine doctrine eradicate the vices which most directly which lies upon every human being, infest society-rapacity, violence, malice, will close the whole.—Pp. 26—29.

revenge, profligacy, treachery : and

establishes the contrary virtues of The plan thus sketched termi honesty, meekness, forgiveness of innates in the present volume with juries, purity, fidelity and truth : and two Lectures on the Inspiration of thus restores peace and harmony amongst the Holy Scriptures, in the close of men. which our Author rapidly reviews

4. Further, it mitigates that insatiable

ardour after worldly possessions and the course passed over, and con

enjoyments, which is the spring of so cludes the consideration of the

many acts of injustice and oppression ; external evidences of the Christian by elevating man to a consideration faith.

of spiritual, intellectual, solid, pure, Those at all acquainted with Mr.

eternal blessings.

5. It implants especially the principle Wilson's character and attainments

of enlarged, active, effectual benevowill obviously anticipate a rich col

lence, in opposition to that inordinate lection of useful and instructive self-love which is the bane of every information, delivered in a copious virtue, the enemy of all public spirit and glowing style of eloquence. At and love of country, and the gangrene times we have wished him less of states. On earth peace, good-will diffuse and more severely argu

towards men, is inscribed on the banners

of the Christian faith. mentative; but taking the volume

6. It is, again, the spring of personal as a whole, it is merely an act of exertion and beneficial industry-it justice to state, that it is every way expels indolence, and self-indulgence, deserving of a serious perusal, and and inspires an active and useful constitutes a highly valuable gift to diligence, the employment of life to the every impartial inquirer. The fol most valuable purposes, and the occulowing brief extract on the benefi.

pying with our time and various talents

as accouniable stewards of the Great cial effects of Christianity contains

Householder. some observations which specula

ich specula. 7. Lastly ; it elevates the whole chative writers often overlook.

racter, enlarges and improves the mind,

raises man in the scale of being, brings I. Christianity IMPLANTS THOSE him back to himself, to his fellow-men, PRINCIPLES upon which the welfare to his country, to all the ends for which of individuals and states depends. he was created, to his God. It first

1. It begins in the proper province teaches him to love the Lord with all his of religion, the silent course of private heart, and soul, and mind, and strength; and domestic life. It makes good and then to love his neighbour as himself. fathers and mothers of families, good II. By the operation of these princichildren, honest men-servants and maid- ples the Christian doctrine has actually servants, faithful tradesmen, quiet vil- BANISHED AN IMMENSE MASS OF lagers, peaceful manufacturers and hus- FRIGHTFUL EVILS from Christian states. bandmen. These are the materials : 1. Idolatry with all its atrocious imof public property. The welfare of purities and cruelties was gradually states is only the consequence of indivi- expelled from the kingdoms of Europe, dual happiness.

Asia, and Africa, as our holy faith was 2. In the next place, Christianity propagated. Human sacrifices prearouses the powers of conscience and vailed in the heathen world. Men directs aright its determinations. It offered their sons and their daughters gives solemnity and sanctity to oaths— unto devils. The polished Greeks and on which the security of persons and Romans were infected with this horrid property, and, indeed, of society in all practice, as well as the ruder Scythians its relations so much depends. Thus and Thracians. It reached from one it lays the foundations and forms the end of the globe to the other. Our own sanction of human laws. Wherever ancestors offered their Druidical victims;

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