Contents of this Treatife. TH 2 2 HE Apoftle's divine Policy to beget a due Regard to his divine Doctrine of Eternal Life. Page 1 The Apostle's Explication of this Expreffion, viz. The Blood of Jefus Chrift cleanfeth from all Sin. The Apostle's Exhortation to Separation from Sin, as an Effect of a good Caufe, viz. Forgiveness.. The Apostle's Addition to prevent Mifunderstanding, viz. We have an Advocate with the Father. Two great Truths in the Text, 1. A Suppofition, viz. That Men in Chrift may fin. 2. An Expression by way of Confolation, in Cafe of Sin, viz. We liave an Advocate with the Father. An Enquiry into both thefe. Seven Things fuppos'd in the Office of Advocate. 1. That God is on the Throne of Judgment. 2. That Saints are concern'd at that Bar. 3. That Chriftians have an Accufer. 3 3 4 ibid. ibid. 6 4. That finning Saints dare not appear at this Bar to plead their own Cause. 7 5. That Chriftians are apt to forget their Advocate, and remember their Judge. 8 6. To remember our Advocate is the way to fupport Faith and Hope. 9 7. That if our Advocate plead our Cause (tho' that be never fo black) he is able to bring us off. The Apoftle triumphs in Chrift on this account. 10 II I 2 13 ibid. ibid. An Exhortation to the difficult Task of Believing. ib. Secondly, How Chrift manages this Office. 17 In pleading Chrift obferves thefe Rules: 1. He grant- eth what is charg'd on us. 2. He pleads his own He payeth all our Debt down. ib. All Mouths flopped who would not have the Sinner ib. The Sinner is deliver'd, God contented, Satan con- founded, and Chrift applauded. How Chrift manages this Office of an Advocate a- Satan rebuk'd for finding fault therewith. 2. He pleads God's Intereft in his People. It seems a weak Plea, becaufe of Man's Unworthi- nefs; but 'tis a ftrong Plea, becaufe of God's Wor The Elect bound to God by a fevenfold Cord. Chrift will; Satan will not: Chriff's Will ftands. 40 A 6. Chrift can plead the Sins of Saints for them, for whith Satan would have 'em damn'd. Eight Confiderations to clear that. 3d Head, to fhew who have Chrift for an Advocate, wherein are three Things contain'd. 5. They differ as to the Matter about which they are ib. 6. Chrift as Priest precedes; Chrift as Advocate fuc- ib. 2. In particular; to fhear if Chrift be our Advocate. ib. 1. If one has entertain d Chrift to plead a Cause. III. If one has committed a Caufe to Chrift; his Im- 58 The Client's comfortable Conclufion about his Advo- But yet Doubting and Defponding. ib 4th Head, to fhew the Client's Privileges by the Be- nefit of this Office of Advocate. Priv. 1. The Advocate pleads a Price paid. Of a rich Brother and his poor Brethren. Satan pleads by the Old Law, Chrift by the New. ib. In cafe the Accused hath no Advocate, Satan pre- vails. ib. Priv. 5. The Advocate hath Pity for his Client, and Indignation against the Accufer. Priv. 6. The Judge counts the Accufer his Enemy. 83 To procure the Judge's Son to plead, is defirable. 84 He pleads before God, and all the Hoft of Heaven. 85 He is the old Friend of Publicans and Sinners. ib. He pleads a Caufe bad enough to make Angels blufh. ib. He He appears now in the Prefence of God. 88 ib. Priv. 10. The Advocate is Fudge in the Client's Jofeph's Exaltation was Ifrael's Advantage. 90 91 92 Priv. 11. The Advocate hath all that is requifite for an Advocate to have. ib. Priv. 12. To fhew the Neceffity of an Advocate, 93 I. To vindicate GOD's Justice against the Cavils of Satan God is pleas'd with his own way of faving us ib. 94 96 -97 Chrift not ashamed to own the way of Salvation, 99 III. Many things give our Accufer advantage, relating both to the Promifes and our Lives, IV. To plead our Afflictions for Sin A Simile of a Man indicted at the Affizes ib. 101 ib. 105 V. To plead the Efficacy of our old Titles to our Inberitance (if questionable) because of new Sins,106 Saints do not fell their Inheritance by Sin *109 VI. Our Evidences are oft out of our bands, and we recover them by our Advocate Obj. What needs all thefe Diftinctions? 110 112 113 God's People are baffi'd by the Devil, for want of a diftin&t knowledge of Chrift in all his Offices, 114 David's Arange Gift to God ib. Obj. If Chrift be my Advocate once, he will always be troubled with me Anf. He is an Advocate to the utmost 119 ib. 121 Use 1. To confider the Dignity GOD has put upon Chrift by Offices, Places of Truft, &¿. Ufe 2. To confider this Office of an Advocate in particular, by which thefe Advantages come, 126 1. To fee one is not forfaken for Sin ib. 2. To take courage and contend with the Devil, 127 |