God of whom the Son of God hath given us this Knowledge (as our Lord hath told us, John xvii. 3,) is the true God, and the Knowledge of him is eternal Life. Thus the Disciple accords well with his Master, and only teacheth what he had learnt from him. [As for Rev. i. 8. See Dr. Clarke's Scripture Doctrine, p. 62, 63, 64. And the Modest Plea continued P. 12.] A A TABLE Of the PHRASES, our Lord JESUS CHRIST, or CHRIST JESUS our Lord, which occur in the Epistles. Rom, i. 7. G Race be with you, and Peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Chrift. Chap. iv. v. 24. Faith shall be imputed to us, if we believe on him that raised up Je fus our Lord from the Dead. G4 Chap. Chap. v. v. 1. We have Peace with God THROUGH our Lord Jesus Christ. V. 11. We Joy in God THROUGH our Lord Jesus Christ. Chap. vi. v. II. Likewise reckon ye also your felves to be alive unto God Through Jesus Christ our Lord. v. 23. The Gift of God is eternal Life THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord. Chap. vii. 25. I thank God THROUGH Jefus Chrift our Lord. 7 Chap. viii. 39. Nothing shall separate us from the Love of God, which is in Chrift Jefus our Lord. Chap. x. 9. If thou shalt confess with thy Mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine Heart, that God hath raised him from the Dead, thou shalt be saved. Chap. xvi. 27. To the only wife God be Glory THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Cor. i. 4. I thank my God always on your behalf for the Grace of God which is given to you by Jesus Christ our Lord. v. 9. God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the Fellowship of his Son fesus Chrift our Lord. Chap. xv. 57. Thanks be to God which giveth us the Victory THROUGH our Lord FeSus Chrift. 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The Grace of our Lord fefus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Com munion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all A men. Eph. iii. 11. According to the eternalPurpose which he proposed in Chrift Jejus our Lord. Chap. iv. 5, 6. One Lord-One God and Father, who is above all, &c. Chap. v. 20. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Chrift. Chap. vi. 23. Peace be to the Brethren, and Love, and Faith, from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil. ii. 11. Every Tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. Chap. iii. 17. Whatever ye do in Word or Deed, do all in the NAME of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father By him. 1 Thef. i. 3. Remembring without ceasing your Work of Faith, and Labour of Love, and Patience of Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the fight of God and our Father. Chap. iii. 11. Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you. V. 13. That he may stablish your Hearts unblameable in Holiness before God even our Father, at the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thef. 2 Thef. i. 1. To the Church of the Thessalonians in God our Father, and the Lord Fefus Christ. v. 12. According to the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Chap. ii. 16. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God even our Father which hath loved us-comfort your Hearts. 1 Tim. V. 21. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, that thou observe these things. Chap. vi. 13. 1 give thee Charge in the fight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, that thou keep this Commandment without Spot unrebukeable until the Appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Tim. iv. 1. I charge thee before God and the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who shall judge the Quick and the Dead. Titus iii. 6. GOD shed on us the Holy Ghost abundantly, THROUGH Jesus Christ our Saviour-Acts ii. 23. 2 Pet. i. 16. Our Lord Jesus Christ received from God the Father Honour and Gloγγ. Jude 21. Keep your selves in the Love of God, looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Chrift. Should any Man instead of these Words, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, put these, THE SAME GOD, or THE SAME SUPREME GOD, as |