ΥΣΤΕΡΑΙ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΕΣ. OR, THE Laft THOUGHTS O F Dr. W HIT BY CONTAINING HIS Correction of feveral Paffages To which are added, Five DISCOURSES. Published by his express ORDER. LONDON: Printed for JAMES and JOHN KNAPTON, at D THE PREFACE. Tis rightly and truly obferved by Juftin Martyr (a) in the Beginning of his Exhortation to the Greeks; That an exact Scrutiny into things doth often produce Conviction; that thofe things which we once judged to be right, are, after a more diligent Enquiry into Truth, found to be far otherwife. And truly I am not ashamed to say, This is my very Cafe. For when I wrote my Commentaries on the New Teftament, I went on (too baftily I own) in the common beaten Road of other reputed Orthodox Divines: Conceiving, firft, that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in one complex Notion, were one and the fame God, by Virtue of the fame individual Effence communicated from the Father. This confufed Notion I am now fully convinced by the Aguments I have offered bere, and in the fecond Part of my Reply to Dr. Waterland, to be a thing impoffible, (a) Orat. Cohort. ad Gracos. p. 1. A 2 and |