| Alexander Lunan - Sermons - 1712 - 160 pages
...fovereign Power which thrift hath, as Man and our Mediator, next unto God, over the whole Creation, that all Men fhould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father ; he that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father that fenthim: For as the Father hath Life in himfelf,... | |
| John Locke - 1721 - 334 pages
...fo the Son " quictaieth whom he will. For the Fa" ther judgeth no man j but hath com- 22. *c mitteth all judgment unto the Son: " That all men fhould honour the Son, 23. " even as they honour the Father. He " that honoureth not the Son, honou" reth not the Father which... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...pointed a DAY in the which he will 128 Miracles wrought by our Saviour. noureth not the Father which 2-. That all Men fhould HONOUR, the Son, even as they HONOUR the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, hohath fent h m. f ^ J Jefm . ^ , ift up his Fycs , r . i • It) John xvn.... | |
| Joseph Butler (bp. of Durham.) - 1740 - 488 pages
...future Return to judge the World in Righteoufnefs, and compleatly re-eftablifh the KingT dom of God. For the Father Judgeth no Man ; but hath committed all judgment unto the Son : 'that all Men Jhould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father h. All power is given unto him in heaven and... | |
| Isaac Terry - 1746 - 504 pages
...honoureth not the Sob, honourcth not the Father which hath fent him When our Lord fays, The Father hath committed all Judgment unto the Son, that all...honour the Son even as they honour the Father; He canned poffibly mean, that all Men .fhould ho- , — nour the Son, as being that God whofe NT vr Authority... | |
| John Glas - Sandemanianism - 1761 - 530 pages
...fame God with him, who will not give his glory unto another, and yet gives it to him. Thus the Father hath committed all judgment unto the Son, " that all men fhould honour the Son even as they ho" nour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, honour" eth nor the Father which hath fent him,"... | |
| John Flavel - Presbyterian Church - 1770 - 518 pages
...advanced, that it might be' adored and worihipped by all. " The Father hath committed' " all judgment to the Son, that all men fhould honour the Son, " even as they honour the Father." And the Father will accept of no honour di-wded from his honour. Therefore it is added... | |
| William Dalgliesh - 1776 - 214 pages
...the Fa" ther raifeth up the dead and qtiickeneth them, " even fo the Son quickeneth whom he will. " For the Father judgeth no man, but hath " committed...that all " men fhould honour the Son even as they ho' " 'nour the Father ; he that honoureth not the " Son, honoured! not the Father which hath " fent... | |
| Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 pages
...the Son quickeneth whom he will. For the Father judgeth no man; but hath committed all judgment 23 unto the Son : That all men fhould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that horioureth not the Son, horioureth not the Father which hath 24 fent him. Verily, verily I fay unto... | |
| James Purves - Socinianism - 1790 - 180 pages
...dead and quickeneth them, even fo the Son quickeneth whom he will. For the Father judges no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son ; that all men fhould honour the Son even as they honour the Father/ In this difeourfe our Lord affirms, in the firft place, moft folemnly, with a Verily, verily,... | |
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