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grave objection raised by professors of theology, and by eminently scientific men. It is this objection which Dr. Carson minutely examines, and by arguments, apparently complete, abundantly refutes. He goes even further, and successfully shows that phrenology is the only basis upon which the immateriality of the soul can be upheld by metaphysical science and argument. For if the brain be not the organ of the soul, and if that organ be not compound, the soul must have a structure with parts that may become inactive, turbulent, or idiotic, and which, in old age, mostly drivels into childishness; whereas the soul being a percipient principle, invisible, and of endless duration, is a separate thing from the brain altogether, and dependent on it only for its manifestations; hence our obligation to God for a healthy brain as the physical medium through which mind in its embodied state is ordained to act, and therefore must act when it acts at all. As to another world, there is no physical theory that can be relied on. "We walk by faith, not by sight." But we may safely conclude that a glorious provision is made for the "sons of God," who will not "be found naked," but each be clothed upon with his house, "not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Believers are in the hands of their great Redeemer; and being inseparably united to him, may calmly leave in abeyance the doctrine which respects the mode of their future existence, and the means of personal manifestations. No doubt we shall each have a medium of some kind, befitting the wisdom of God, and as much suited to a heavenly state as the present is to an earthly one. Meanwhile, persons who wish to become acquainted with the science of phrenology, can hardly do better than procure the book Dr. Carson has just given

to the world.

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preference to the theology of conscience as explained by the author of this work. Whether the ideas of sin and sacrifice are "seminally instinctive" or not, we have no idea that true religion has its root in "the world's consciousness;" or that redemption is universal because Christ was the brother of all mankind. Those who differ from us may read this book, which is written in a smart, effective style, and displays · polemical attributes of no mean order.

Prayer and the eternal covenant of Salt: Reflections upon the spiritual consideration of Hymns 317 and 318, Wesley's Selection. To be had of Mr. Sedgwick, Hymnologist, 81, Sun-street, Bishopsgate, London.

A shrewd fellow remarked in one of his books, not long since, that "there never was such a place as London for coincidences;" he might have added, "nor for contrasts and contradictions." We shall only say, whosoever does not know his own mind, or has but little mind of his own to know, should avoid contact with both this and the preceding publication.

Notes of Sermons by the late W. PARKS, B.A., Rector of Openshaw, near Manchester. Collingridge.

This small volume of imperfect sermons is as full of gospel as an egg is full of meat. The lamented author was one of the few gospel ministers who, as yet, speak from pulpits in the Establishment. He was a ing to the order of covenant relationships champion for the doctrines of between the Divine Persons in the Godhead.



Sure of Heaven. By THOMAS MILLS. Elliot Stock.

A remarkably telling book, abounding in excellent thoughts, clearly expressed, and often beautifully delineated.

The Church of Christ: What is it? By

JESSE HOBSON. Elliot Stock.

Mr. Hobson says: "The law of God, and that only, is to be our guide. Good men-devoted men-earnest and pious men there are in all denominations; but good men cannot consecrate a system, nor pious men legislate for Christ." These are noble words, and uttered just when they are wanted. We think, however, when discribing the qualifications for church membership, the author might have named baptism. It seems we are to have a letter on baptism some time hence; why not have had at least a respectful notice of it in its proper place?

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The fixed character of God's Dealings in Nature and Grace. By GEORGE ST. CLAIR. 6d. E. Stock.

A sermon which for talent, style, and composition, is but rarely surpassed. The author's aim seems to be to show a scientific age that a Christian may use his reason and retain his faith.

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The City Diary and Almanack for 1869. By W. H. COLLINGRIDGE. City Press," 117 to 120, Aldersgate-street. Besides the usual almanack matter, the new edition of this annual publication contains a mass of information respecting schools, colleges, hospitals, companies, churches, deaneries, &c. &c., with information concerning members and officers of the Corporation, the City clergy, &c.; the whole occupying several pages of closely packed letter-press, and forming a comvarious plete guide to the business

offices of the city. The book is interleaved with blotting-paper, and the price is one shilling.

BRIEF NOTICES:-The Hive. Elliot Stock. There are two or three capital pieces in the



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October number of this Sunday-sohool magazine, and a first-rate review of Van Doren's Commentary on Luke. Old and New Testament lessons are given on an excellent plan, and the same may be said of "Outlines of an Address." We wish the theology could be more in accordance with the plan of salvation.-The Church contains in its last issue but one, an article by J. Aldis on Spirituality of worship," which everybody ought to read, and those more especially who are infected by Tractarian tendencies, or enamoured by the gew-gaws of a ceremonial worship.-The Little Gleaner and The Sower hold on their juvenile course, and are doing good service.-Pearls from the Golden Stream are still enriching the little ones of our Sabbath-schools, with whom it has become a decided favourite. It should be in every Sunday-school.-The Scattered Nation, By C. SCHWARTZ, maintains its pre-millennial views, despite of Mr. Grant's "End of all things," and in the face of strong proofs to the contrary. It is not destitute of talent, and the author's affinity with the scattered tribes may lead him to think "glorious things are spoken of them." We cannot say we indorse his millennial views.-The Gospel Magazine continues to deserve the confidence of evangelical Episcopalians, and to supply spiritual nutriment to not a few of another sect. The last two numbers evince an improvement both in its tone and its contents.-The Gardener's Magazine, conducted by SHIRLEY HIBBERD, Esq. F. R. H. S., is worth reading by every. body who grows a grape or plants a potato.



THE Fifteenth Anniversary was held on Lord's-day, Dec. 13th, 1868, when two excellent sermons were preached by the pastor, Mr. Hazelton, who, at the request of the church, occupied the pulpit as usual. The attendance was good, and the collections most encouraging.

On the following Tuesday the annual Tea Meeting was held. A numerous company sat down to tea; after which the public meeting commenced, when Mr. HAZELTON presided.

Mr. WISE opened the meeting by prayer.

The Chairman, in a few introductory remarks, expressed his gratification at the large attendance, and briefly glanced at the early history of the church, when, seventeen years ago, it consisted of but 36 members, and the total number of his hearers was but 60 or 70. Their numbers, however, soon increased; so that their former place of worship proved too small; and 15 years since they purchased the present building, with money borrowed chiefly from a building society. He had no faith in the undertaking at the time; but through the Lord's goodness, this debt (viz. to the building society) had been removed. It had been said that the truth of God was dying out, and that when certain old ministers departed, their peculiar views would cease.

He re

joiced, however, in the fact that the truth | clared himself the Bread of Life, because

of God would never die. He had often been called bitter, censorious, and bigoted: but he had gone on with his work, sinners had been converted, and the church had enjoyed uninterrupted peace and prosperity; so that with humble gratitude he could say, "The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad."

Mr. FOREMAN next addressed the meeting, on "The Book of Life" (Phil. iv. 3). His subject was figurative. A book conveyed the idea of order, regularity, particularity, and continuity. Men of business had their books; hence the figure suggested the exactitude of God's knowledge of his people, and of his dealings towards them. To have a name in the book of life was to be registered for eternity. It was a safe and indelible record, and suggested the idea of-1st, Electing love. (Here the speaker described in a very encouraging manner the characteristics of those whose "names are written in heaven.") 2nd, Redeeming love. Hence it was called "The Lamb's Book of Life. 3rd, Regenerating grace; and 4th, Being written among the living in Jerusalem," or having an experimental name in the Bible. If we possessed the evidences of spiritual life, our names were in the heavenly register, although we could not read them.

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Mr. MILNER, after congratulating the pastor and his people upon their prosperity, announced his subject,-"The Tree of Life" (Rev. xxii. 2). The Revelation was a mysterious book, and commentators too frequently passed over the most difficult passages of Scripture. "The Tree of Life," no doubt, alluded to the Lord Jesus Christ; yet the subject was perplexing,—as, for instance, the position of the tree" on either side of the river." He suggested that "the river" might represent the Holy Spirit, who was given shortly after Christ had ascended; and that Christ, as the "Tree of Life," was on one side of the river prophetically, and on the other side as having accomplished his work; so that both Old and New Testament saints rejoiced in the same object. The twelve fruits might denote the perfection and fulness, the plentitude and variety of the blessings of salvation; and as the tree yielded its fruit " every month," so Christ was needed all the year round. The leaves might represent the means of grace; for Christ was everything in the gospel.

Mr. WBBB was the next speaker. His subject was "The Bread of Life." Bread, he said, was indispensable; so was Christ. Bread was needed every day; so was Christ. The Jews were offended when Christ de

they were destitute of spiritual life. Christ and his work were spiritual bread to the living soul, and this bread was for all that wanted it. It was to be found in our Father's house, the church of God. He had said, "I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread." In every stage of Christian experience Christ was precious.

MR. GRIFFIN spoke upon "The Promise and Hope of Life. The expression "eternal life" implied not merely eternal existence, but a life like that of Christ himself. The blood of the paschal lamb was the life of the Israelites, and Christ was the life of his people. He had voluntarily become so in the counsels of eternity, and hence he was called "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." He could not rejoice in God's covenant with Adam, nor in his covenant with Israel; but he could rejoice in God's covenant with his Son, who was responsible for all the conditions it contained, and of the performance of which his resurrection was the proof. "Because I live," said the Saviour, "ye shall live also." As to the promise of life, God had given us not only his promise, but his oath. The promise was "exceedingly great and precious,"-great, because it related to eternity; precious, because the believer had nothing else to trust in. After a few remarks upon the hope of life, the speaker concluded.

Mr. MEERES, in addressing the meeting upon "The Crown of Life," said that the subject of the evening-life, was an important one. Even natural life was most dearly prized; but spiritual life was of unspeakable importance. After briefly adverting to the source, the stream, and the consummation of this life, he said that a conflict or a race was involved in the figure, "a crown of life." Timothy was exhorted to "endure hardness as a good soldier of Christ Jesus; and none could expect to be crowned except he strove lawfully. He alluded to the Christian's armour,-the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the robe of righteousness, and the preparation of the gospel of peace. Final victory was certain, and a "crown of life" was laid up not only for the Apostle, but for all who love Christ's appearing; while the prospect of the crown enabled the Christian to endure to the end, “looking unto Jesus."

Mr. WISE, having requested permission, briefly expressed the pleasure he had felt in being present. He could add his hearty amen to all that had been advanced, because he felt a union of heart to all who

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EBENEZER CHAPEL, HIGH-STREET. ON Monday, Dec. 7, a social tea meeting was held to celebrate the completion of Mr. Osmond's first year of labour. About 150 persons partook of tea, after which Mr. Osmond commenced the evening service by giving out a hymn and reading the Scriptures, after which Mr. Cooke, of Trinity Chapel, Borough, implored the Divine blessing.

Mr. Whittaker then took the chair, and made some very excellent remarks with reference to anniversaries, speaking of the harmony and prosperity with which the church had been favoured during the past year. He said he had a pleasing duty to perform on behalf of the church, viz., to present a small token of its love and esteem to Mr. Osmond. He then presented Mr. Osmond with a very handsome copy of Denham's Selection of Hymns. Mr. Osmond then rose and in a feeling manner expressed his sincere thanks, saying that the love of Christ shed abroad in the heart would surely develope itself in the conduct. He believed that love existed in those among whom he laboured, and prayed that God's abundant blessing might be the rich reward of all his friends.

After singing, Mr. Wilkins, of Soho Chapel, addressed the meeting, from whose address the sweet savour of the truth was enjoyed. He first congratulated the pastor and people, and expressed his desire for their spiritual and lasting prosperity; he then made a few remarks from the words, "I will be as the dew unto Israel."

Brother Griffith then addressed the meeting from Heb. xii. 28; Brother Griffin

on "Spiritual Revival;" Brother Sankey, on "Christ and him crucified;" Brother Crowhurst on "Be of good courage;" Brother Webb on "The Love of Christ;" Brother Stringer was present also. After a few remarks from Brother Cook, the meeting was closed with the benediction. It was a good meeting, the house was full, and the presence of Christ was felt and enjoyed.

P. S.-Mr. Osmond immersed four believers on Lord's-day evening, Nov. 29, 1868.



ROME. A Communication from Rome in the Monde says :-"A rumour is current that Pius IX. has the intention of reconstituting the ecclesiastical hierarchy in Scotland, and of creating at the approaching consistory two new cardinals in England; that Messrs. Manning and Ullathorne are mentioned as the persons designated. There is also said to be a question of appointing a Primate of Scotland, in the person of Mr. Batherson."

AMERICA.-The New York Times says that America is and has been for some time, a favourite field for Roman Catholics, and that on this continent they are meeting with their greatest success. In Europe with a population of 287,000,000, 23 per cent. are Protestants, and 50 per cent. Roman Catholics; while in America, with a population of 73,000,000, 38 per cent are Protestants, and 59 per cent. Roman Catholics. But then it must be remembered that all America, with the exception of New England, was originally colonized by Roman Catholic countries. It is a favoruite theory with the Romish clergy that Republics arethe best fields for their missionaries; but unfortunately, where the Church prospers the Republic does not, and vice versa.


AN important decision has been given in the Common Pleas, in the case of Baxter v. Langley, in which the plaintiff sought to to restrain the defendant from permitting the Sunday evening entertainments at St. Martin's Hall. Their lordships stated that the case was one of considerable importance, and they had taken some time to deliberate before giving judgment. They had, however, come to the conclusion that the statute of George III. did not extend to the case, inasmuch that the plaintiff had failed to show that the proceedings complained of tended to irreligion. It did not

follow that because their views of religious worship differed from the state, or other sects, that they were irreligious; certainly nothing tending to profanity or immorality had been proved, and although payment was, in some instances, demanded they did not see that the defendant could be deprived of the Toleration Act; and while expressing their faith in the good intentions of both parties they felt bound to give judgment for the defendant. This decision is, of course, open to appeal, but whether the case will be carried further we have yet to learn.


Ar the early age of 26, having wasted a splendid patrimony, the Marquis of Hastings fills a premature grave: one of the victims of the turf, of which he was called (surely ironically) "the patron." May his example prove a blow to our great national juggernaut-horse-racing, from which it will never recover. In addition to the fraud and chicanery which characterize the turf, it has added blasphemy to its other sins, for we find the racing correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, of Oct. 30th, says :-"The Crucifixion filly had it all her own way, and since winning her race her name has been changed to Atonement." It is difficult to find language sufficiently temperate to censure this scandalous appropriation to gambling purposes of two names whose solemnity is such that Christians pause with reverence before pronouncing them. We hope, however, this great national evil will receive some check at the hands of the new legislature.


THERE is little doubt that the success of many Tory candidates at the recent elections is due to the influence of the rural clergy, who have worked might and main to prevent the success of any candidate who held decided views on the disendowment of the Irish Church. Not a few cases of intimidation have been resorted to, in fact we should not be over-estimating the case if we asserted that 90 agricultural voters out of every 100 have been driven to the Tory side of the poll by their landlords or clergy. No wonder the Tories are afraid of the Ballot, which, if once adopted, will be the death-blow to their unlimited influence in the counties.


THE BISHOP OF LONDON AND FATHER IGNATIUS.-The following letter has been addressed by the Bishop of London to the rector of St. Edmund the King and Martyr, and St. Nicholas Acons, City:-"Fulham Palace, S. W., Dec. 7th.-My dear Mr. Hill, a lady with whom you are acquainted has placed in my hands a letter which Mr. Lyne acknowledges to be his, in which that gentleman states that he proposes to excommunicate her daughter, and publish the sentence in the newspapers. He states that the daughter had 'broken a solemn life-vow of obedience to him, received and taken in the name of the most Holy Trinity.' I consider this letter to show that I cannot

with any propriety allow Mr. Lyne any longer to officiate in your church, as he has hitherto done for some time past with my knowledge and allowance, though without any license. I know how much you have felt that the zeal of Mr. Lyne and his earnest appeals on the great Christian verities have affected many of your people for good, and I wish you could retain what is good in him without being compromised by his peculiarities, but I have no doubt now that this cannot be."-A. C. LONDON.

has been delivering addresses to large Since this prohibition, Father Ignatius Music Hall; having laid aside his ordinary numbers of persons at the Store-street clerical costume for a black monkish habit, and having his neck quite bare.

THE Ritual Commission sat on Thursday, the 17th Dec., but little progress, it is said, was made and that the liturgical revision chiefly occupied their attention.


DR. HAWKDAY, in a paper which he read at the Society of Arts, on the 18th Dec., says; that 2,000 convicts are annually turned loose on the community of London, in addition to 100,000 of all sorts of culprits from our jails, and that 100,000 children, destitute of proper guardianship, were left to the training of beggars and thieves. He said that he doubted if so repulsive a picture could be found out of the kingdom of Dahomey.

A correspondent of the Times says that this is painting the king of Dahomey too black; and, what with all his barbarism and cruelty he would never suffer such a state of things in his territory.

BRISCOE & SONS, Printers, Banner-street, Bunhill-row, Finsbury.

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