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(-) Britannia Trium

phalis, p. 67. 12mo. Lond. 1657.

being burthenfome to the generality, though



agreed, that the castle of Edinburgh, after a short, but
brifk fiege, fhould be delivered up to him, with all the
ordinance, arms, magazines, and furniture of war
thereunto belonging. It may feem ftrange and al-
most incredible, fays a writer of that time, that fuch a
ftrong and impregnable hold as was that, should be fo
eafily won, the like whereof is not in that nation;
wherefore it was the common vogue of that time,
and by many credibly believed, that it was affaulted
with filver engines ().' It does not however appear
that Cromwell was wont to make use of these against
his foes. The Scots, in the mean while, were not
intimidated by their loffes: full of zeal for their King,
and hatred of the fectaries, who were now their con-
querors, they again railed a very confiderable army,
and hoped without doubt to be fully avenged on them.
For they had friends and well withers in England, efpe-
cially the prefbyterians, who were plotting how to ad-
vance the young King to the thrones of his fathers.
But all was ineffectual. The plots in England were
difcovered, and fome loft their lives on that account;
the Scots army cared not to face Cromwell, but chofe
what appeared to them, the fafer game, viz. to give
him the flip, and march before him into England, where
they counted they fhould meet with aid and affiftance.
This they put in execution. Charles II. at the head of
a good army and gallant officers, attended by many of
the chief nobility and gentry of Scotland, fet forward the
nearest way for England. In Lancefhire he was joined
by the Earl of Derby with others, and after in vain fum-
moning Shrewberry, he arrived at Worcester, where he
determined to abide the coming of Cromwell, who was
in full march after him. A few days brought him
⚫ within view indeed; and on the third of Sept. 1651, he
without ceremony, gave orders to his troops to attack
the enemy, and gave them a total overthrow. This,
fays Cromwell, hath been a very glorious mercy, and

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it could not be acceptable to those from

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xx. p. 44.

of Great

as ftiff a conteft for four or five hours, as ever I have (3) See his feen (s). So that Clarendon, out of fpight to the Letter to the Speaker Scots, has grofly mifreprefented their behaviour in this in the Parbattle, by faying, That except on the part where Mid- liamentary dleton was, who was quickly overpowered, there was Hiftory, vol. no resistance made; but fuch a general confternation And Whitpoffeffed the whole army, that the reft of the horse lock, p. fled, and all the foot threw down their arms before 507, 508. () Vol. vi. they were charged (').' What credit can fuch a P. 409. prejudiced writer deferve? Mr. Hume, however, has fervilely copied this falfe and ungenerous account of the () Hiftory behaviour of his countrymen (u). In this battle the Britain, vol. King loft 3000 men, belides about 12000 made prifo- ii. p. 29. ners, amongst whom were many of the chief quality. Thus an end for the present was put to the hopes of the Scots King and his party; who from this time was forced to wander abroad (where he would have wandered, had he had no affiftance but from the cavaliers, for ever) till the restoration in 1660-After this Scotland yielded to the English, and prefumed no more to enter the lifts, for power and dominion. Indeed the was wholly fubdued. How high a fenfe the parliament had of Cremwell's fervices, will appear from the inftructions given to the commiffioners whom they fent to compliment him on this laft victory. They are dated Sept. 9, 1651, and are as follows: You are in the name of the parliament, to congratulate his lordship's good recovery of health, after his dangerous ficknefs; and to take notice of his unwearied labours and pains in the late expedition into Scotland, for the fervice of this commonwealth; of his diligence in profecution of the enemy, when he fled into England; of the great hardships and hazards he hath expofed himself to, and • particularly at the late fight at Worcester; of the pru⚫dent and faithful managing and conducting throughout this great and important affair, which the Lord from heaven hath fo fignally bleffed, and crowned with so

" com

(x) Parliamentary H í.

tory, p. 48.

vol. xx. And Journal, 9th Sept. 1051.

() Meme

whom it had taken the power of tyrannifing

rials, P. 509.

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compleat and glorious an iffue. Of all which you are to make known to his lordship, the parliament hath thought fit, by you, to certify their good acceptance and great fatisfaction therein: and for the fame you are to return, in the name of the parlia⚫ment and commonwealth of England, their molt hearty thanks: as alfo to the reft of the officers and foldiers, for their great and gallant fervices done to this commonwealth. You are likewife to let his lordship know that fince, by the great bieffing of God upon his lordship's and the army's endeavours, the enemy is fo totally defeated, and the ftate of affairs, as well in England as in Scotland, fuch, as may very well difpenfe with his lordship's continuance in the field; they do defire his lordship, for the better fettlement of his health, to take such rest and repofe as he shall find moft requifite and conducing thereunto: and for that purpose to make his repair to, and refidence at or within fome few miles of this place, whereby alfo the parliament may have the affiftance of his prefence, in the great and important confultations for the further fettlement of this commonwealth, which they are now upon (x).' Mr. Whitlock, who was one of the commiflioners, tells us, That they met the general near Aylesbury, delivered their meffage, and he received them with all kindness and refpcct: that he gave each of them a horfe and two Scots prifoners, as a token of his thankful reception of the parliament's regard in fending them to meet and congratulate him (y).' Cromwell was also met at Acton, by the Speaker, the Lord President Bradshaw, many members of parliament and the council of ftate, with the Lord. Mayor, aldermen, and fheriffs; and, entering London in a coach of ftate, was received with all poffible demonftrations of joy. And to crown all, the parliament refolved that lands of inheritance to the yearly value of 4000 belonging to the ftate, be fettled upon the lord


over their neighbours.-Nor was this all


general Cromwell and his heirs, as a mark of favour
from the parliament for his great and eminent fervices to (2) Parlia
the commonwealth (z). The other officers were not tory, vol. xx.
forgotten, but were provided for out of Scotland, which p. o.52.
being looked on in fome meafure as conquered, it was
refolved to bring in an act for afferting the right of the
commonwealth to fo much of Scotland, as was then un-
der the forces of the commonwealth, and to fettle it
under the government thereof (a).Such being the (a) Journal,
9th Sept.
actions of Cromwell in Scotland, and at Worcester, we
are not to wonder that his panegirifts talked of them
in lofty terms, and preferred him to antient heroes for
valour and fortitude. The learned reader, poffibly, may
be pleased with a fpecimen of them: In victoriis tuis
tâm multis Olivari, quæ funt eò nobiliores, quò dif-
ficiliores, periculofiores, formidabiliores pugnæ fuêre,
celeritatem certè tuam, fortitudinemquè fuperioribus
heroibus omnibus longè clariorem arbitror, quippe
quos vel explofi Sclopi globulus cum audaciâ fuà prof-
traviffet illicò. Atque ut ingenuè fatear, longè plus
• æftimo virtute tuâ fuperatam Cambriam, atque poft
fractos tàm multos, eofquè Scotorum valentiffimos ex-
ercitus, à te captum Edenburgum, Sterlinumquè, at-
que ex confequenti Scotiam univerfam. In Hibernia
• verò Tredam vi captam, Hiberniamque redactam ;
in Anglia, Scotorum exercitu potentiffimô defenfam,
⚫ muntiflimamquè tum natura loci, tum arte Vigorni-
am, vi tamen occupatam, plus inquam, ex animi mei
finceritate victorias hafce tuas facio, quàm Cyri, Al-
exandri, Julii Cæfaris laureas omnes, habitâ ratione (6) Paralle
temporis, locorum, hoftiumque (b).'-Another speaking nec non O-
of him, faid, Ille eft, ille eft, auditores admiremini!livarii, p.
Cujus unius fortitudo plus biennio profecit, quam 125.
centenis feculis majores noftri profuerant, vel forfan
nepotes profuturi. Nempe per ultimam Thulen au-
fpiciis obftupefcendis volitantia vexilla protulit, & ultra
Romanas aquilas, exercituum victrices alas expli-

lum Olive

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(c) Oratio

in diem In

augurationis Olivari,

per Fisher. Fol. Lond.


Disputes arifing with the Dutch (MM), a

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cuit (c).'—A third defcribes the battle of Worcester Aniverfaria in the following manner: Ad extremum illud & maximum, in quo de fumma rei Scoti dimicarunt; prælium venio. Illua inquam Vigornianum, omnibus totius antea actæ ætatis acerrimis comparandum: Nam neque apud Mantineam Thebani cum Lacedemoniis, neque apud Zamam Annibal cum Scipione, neque in Pharfalicis campis Pompejus cum Cæfare, neque apud Mutinam cum Antonio Confules, neque apud Phi(Panegy-lippos cum Augufto & Antonio Brutus & Caffius acrius & pertinaciùs dimicarunt (d).' The victory at 40. 1654. Worcester, and the refpect and applaufe almost univerfally attending him, infpired Cromwell, probably, firft of all with the defire of difpoffeffing his mafters, and feizing the fupream command. The reasons of this affertion will be found in the note (ww).


welli, p. 35.

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(MM) Difputes arifing with the Dutch, a spirit ani conduct appeared in the English commonwealth, &c. ] From the beginning of the quarrel between Charles and the parliament, the Dutch had acted fomewhat partially in his Majesty's favour. Arms and ammunition, officers and private foldiers, together with fome fhips, had been procured from them at different times by the Queen and her agents. On complaint of these things from the parliament, by their agent Mr. Strickland, orders were given to put a ftop to every thing of this kind, and to obferve the most exact neutrality. But among a money-loving people this was but ill obferved, and therefore orders were given to the commanders of the English fhips, to feize all Dutch fhips on which were provilions, ftores, ammunition or any other thing belonging (e) See Se- to or intended for the enemy: which orders were well crets difco- obeyed, and caufed great complaints in Holland against vered; or the parliament, who, however, were not to be moved complaint from their refolution (e). In the beginning of January, against the 1643, the States-General fent ambaffadors into EngStates-Ge- land, who, though refpectfully treated by the parlia


neral. 4to.

Lond, 1643.


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