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ADOPOCIRE, history of this remarkable
substance, 290.

Æschylus, the Perseus of, 73.
Africa, Northern, capabilities of, for emi-
gration, 6.

Aix-la-Chapelle, analysis of the waters
of, 390.

Alcyonius, his account of the burnings of
sundry Greek poets in MS., by the
Byzantine priests, 72.
Amadis de Gaul, quoted, 267.
America, United States of, Remarks on
the Statistics and Political Institutions of,
with some Observations on the Eccle-
siastical System of, by William Gore
Ouseley, Esq, 507.

Anacreontic verse, Greek, modern pronun-
ciation of, 75.

Apparitions, philosophy of, 287-strong
sense of the supernatural in all minds,
ib. the northern lights, how regarded
by our ancestors, 288-every article of
the Christian's faith associated with the
conviction of supernatural agency, 289
-ancient theories of apparitions, ib.-
re-appearance of departed spirits, ib.-
processes of Palingenasy, 290-history


of adopocire, ib. Dr. Ferrer's account
of an experiment on the body of a male-
factor, 291-Dr. Webster's work on
witchcraft, ib. -Lavater, 292-the phe
nomena of apparitions, divided into two
classes, 292-apparitions seen by seve-
ral persons at the same time, ib.-em-
ployment of optical images, 294-Ben-
venuto Cellini and the necromancer at

the Colliseum, ib. story from Bovet's
Pandæmoneum, or the Devil's Cloyster,
quoted, 297-apparitions originating in
certain recondite functions of vision,
299-the sea-captain's story, from
Broad's 'Popular Antiquities,' 301-sin-
gular story of a dream related by Dr.
Gregory, ib.-apparitions of an optical
nature, 302-apparitions seen only by
one individual at the same time, 303-
phosphorescence of the eye under pres-
sure, 304-the functions of vision dis-
turbed by the derangement of the sto-
mach, 305-curious instance thereof,
related by Dr. Patoullet, 305-appari-
tions originating in local and temporary
associations, 306-apparitions having
their origin in a diseased state of the
vital functions, 307-extraordinary il-
lusions of Nicolai, the bookseller at Ber-
lin, 307-curious case of spectral illu-
sion related by Sir D. Brewster, 310-
the cause of spectral illusions investi-
gated, 314-the immediate cause a dis-
order in the digestive organs, 315-lo-
cality of the illusion, or place of its
production, ib.-illusions of the ear, ib.
-case of Moses Mendelssohn, ib.-case
of spectral illusions communicated to Dr.
Abercrombie, 317-Sir David Brews-

ter's theory of spectral illusions, 318.

Apollonius Rhodius, quoted, 10.
Archilochus of Paros, 79, 81, 85.
Aristocracy of England, strictures on the

condition of, 189.
'Arlington.' See Novels of Fashionable Life.
Atheism and cruelty, close connexion be-
tween, 105.



Atheneus quoted, 93-the Boswell of the 'Cato's Letters,' quoted, 259, 260.

ancients, 98.


Bayle, M., his observation on faithless party
historians, 235, 242, 255.
Becker, Rev. J., his 'Anti-Pauper System,'
334-its extraordinary success, ib.
Berkeley, Bishop, his description of a fine
lady and fashionable gentleman, 200.
Blood, Dr. William Stevens's Observa-
tions on the Healthy and Diseased Pro-
perties of the, 375-prejudices against
Harvey's system, ib.-leading points of
Dr. Stevens's system, 376-analysis of
the blood, 378_saline matter of the
blood, ib. salt an antidote to the
poison of the rattle-snake, 379-salt the
principal saline ingredient in the blood,
380-high esteem in which it was held
by the ancients, ib.-Lord Somerville
on the advantages derived to his sheep
from the use of salt, 381-the climate
fever of the Ganesee country, 382-the
African typhus, how produced, 383-
fever a disease of the blood, 384-Dr.
Stevens's views on the treatment of
these fevers, ib.-cholera, 388-sea
scurvy, ib. the saline waters of Aix-la-
Chapelle, 290.

Boettigir on the origin of the elegiac cou-
plet, 177.
Bopp, Franz, quoted, 8.

Broad's 'Popular Antiquities, the sea-

captain's story of an apparition from, 301.
Brewster, Sir David, his 'Letters on Na-
tural Magic,' 287. See Apparitions.
Burns, Robert, quoted, 95, n.
Bulwer, Edward Lytton, Esq., his novels
characterised, 393, 395.

Burton, Rev. Edward, D.D., his 'Remarks
upon Church Reform.'
See Church

Buxton, Mr. Fowell, Count Pecchio's ac-
count of a dinner at, 228.


Cellini, Benvenuto, his life quoted, 294.
Chalmers, Dr. Thomas, his 'Political Eco-
nomy, in connexion with the Moral
State and Moral Prospects of Society.'
See Political Economy.

Charlemagne, History of, by G. P. R.
James, Esq., 421-the subject a noble
one for the historian, ib. -the empire of
Charlemagne, 424-his personal cha-
racter, 425-modern writers who have
treated of the age of Charlemagne, 426
-character of Mr. James's work, 427.
Chaucer, the most purely and essentially
Homeric English poet, 74.
Church Reform, 553-Lord Teynham's
safe and easy plan for making the coun-
try prosperous and happy, ib. assaults
on the established church, 556-views
of the ultra-reforming assailants of the
church, 558- Safe and easy Steps
towards an efficient Church Reform,
ib.-Lord Henley's plan of church re-
form examined, 560-necessity of a
revision of our ecclesiastical law, 569-
church patronage, 571-conduct of the
Lord Chancellor with regard to, ib.-pre-
sence of the Bishops in the Upper House,
572-ultimate views of the republican
reformers, 574-and of the more virulent
dissenters, ib. -the Scottish kirk an
object of rancorous hostility, ib. the
end of a church establishment, 576-
necessity of arresting the march of reck-
less innovation, and confounding the
machinations of lawless anarchy, 577-
the welfare of the community deeply
implicated in preserving in its integ
rity our established church, 579-Dr.
Chalmers' character of that church, 580
-duty of rallying round our conservative
leaders, 582.


Clergy, advantages of a well educated, 124.
Coals, singular objection to a reduction in
the duty on, 62,
Coleridge, Mr., quoted, 95.
College of Physicians, evening conversa-
zione at, 375.

Cadamesto, the Venetian traveller, quoted, Colonization, capabilities of Northern Africa


Callimachus, 98.

Callinus, elegies of, 71, 75, 77-the inven-
tor of the elegiac couplet, 78.

Cannibalism, proofs of the existence of, in
New Zealand, 142.

Carne, Mr., his 'Life of Eliot,' the mis-
sionary, characterised, 214.

for, 61.

Constant, Benjamin, described, 274.
Cooper, Mr., his The Wept of Wishton-

wish,' characterized, 216,
Country wake in Yorkshire described, 232.
Crabbe, Mr., quoted, 416.


Cashmir, Wilson's abstract of the history of, 2./ Day, William, Esq., his 'Inquiry into the


Poor Laws and Surplus Labour, and
their Mutual Re-action, 321.' See Poor

Dream, singular story of a, related by Dr.
Gregory, 301.


Earle, Augustus, his 'Three Months resi-
dence in New Zealand, in 1827, with a
Journal of a Residence in Tristan
D'Acunha,' 132. See New Zealand.
Elegiac couplet, musical notation of a
Latin, 75.
Elegy, Greek. See Greek Elegy.
Emigration considered, as an expedient for
removing the existing distress, capabili-
ties of Northern Africa for, 61.
Emigration, infant, Major Robinson's
scheme of, 329.

England, Count Pecchio's Observations on.
See Pecchio.

England and France; or a Cure for the
Ministerial Gallomania, 523.

Euripides, 73.


Family Prayer, its service, 119.
Fashionable Society in England, strictures

on the condition of, 189-picture of, 195
-its chief characteristic exclusiveness,

Fayette, La, et la Révolution de 1830:
Histoire des Choses et des Hommes de
Juillet, par B. Sarrans le Jeune, 523.
Ferrier, Dr., his account of an experiment
on the body of a malefactor, 291.
Feudal system, late and gradual growth
of, 12

Fief, definition of a, 15

Flint, Timothy, his 'Recollections of the

Last Ten Years passed in occasional
Residences and Journeyings in the Val-
ley of the Mississippi, from Pittsburg
and the Missouri to the Spanish Fron
tier.' See Mississippi.

Foster, John, his 'Essay on Accent' quoted,


'France and England, or a Cure for the
Ministerial Gallomania,' quoted, 252
Franck, his Callinus, sivè Quæstionis de
Origine Carminis Elegiaci tractatio cri-
tica,' 69-his overflowing erudition, 78
-his strange and afflicting style of Latin
composition, ib. See Greek elegy

Freeling, Sir Francis, excellence of his
post-office administration, 366

French Revolution, real principles of, 104
-horrors of, and their origin, 122

French Revolution of the Three Days, 234
-the most causeless and the most un-
provoked, ib.-yet held up by English
reformers for appl applause and admiration,
235-its history published by the Society
for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge,
ib.-Boyles observation on faithless
party histories, ib. the Histoire de la
Restauration, par un Homme d'Etat, ib.
-Prince Polignac's 'Political Reflec-
tions' in reply thereto, ib.-his vindica-
tion of himself from the charges of the
'Homme d'Etat, 238-his description
of the distinguishing character of the
present epoch, 240-necessity of a poli-
tical power in a state, 242-the charter

1814,245-and of 1830, 246-events
of Charles X.'s reign, 248-conduct of
La Fayette, 253-conduct of the French
periodical press, 255-impolicy of is-
suing of the ordonnances, 258-charac-
ter of the French expedition to Spain,
260-league for the suppression of
piracy, 262-French expedition against
Algiers, 263-France still a Catholic
country, ib. consequences of a war
against England, 264-state of French
Canada, ib. situation of Louis Philippe,
267-his struggle with the press and
the march-of-intellect men, ib-the
French journalists, 269-Louis XVIII.,
277-his selfishness and apathy, ib.-
religious history of the French people,
281-the principle of order must triumph
in France unless the world is to be re-
barbarized, 284.

Fry, Mrs., and the female convicts in New-
gate, 229


Glass, Alexander, the governor of Tristan
d'Acunha, account of, 157
Goethe, his 'Faust' quoted, 195
Gower, Lord F. L., his translation of 'Faust'
quoted, 195

Gravina, his 'Region Poetica' quoted, 72
Greek Anacreontic verse, modern pronun-
ciation of, 75

Greek Elegy- Franckii Callinus, sive
Quæstionis de Origine Carminis Elegiaci
tractatio critica, 69-peculiar character
of the Iliad and Odyssey, ib. -the cha-
racter of Homer merged in the character
of the age, 70-with Homer the sun of
Greek heroic poetry rose and set, ib.-

no genuine descendants of the Homeric
hero, 70-second epoch of Grecian poe-
try, ib. The Elegy, ib.-the connexion
between Homer and Pindar entire, ib.-
their joining links, the warlike strains
of Callinus and Tyrtæus, ib. Hesiod,
ib. the works and days, ib. Mimner-
mus, ib. Sappho, ib, close connexion
between the genuine Hesiod and the
Gnomic elegy, 72-effects of time and
barbarism on the antique muse of Greece,
ib. Alcyonius's account of the burnings
of sundry Greek poets in MS. by the
Byzantine priests, ib. -Gravina's Region
Poetica, ib. Foster's 'Essay on Accent'
quoted, ib. proper and specific age of
lyric poetry, 73-the ode, ib. -the
Persians of Æschylus, ib.-Sophocles
the middle point between the predo-
minance of the ode and the comedy, ib.
-the connecting links Æschylus and
Euripides, ib. in Sophocles alone the
constituents of the Greek tragic ideal
met, united, and became vocal, 73-
Greek poetry strictly original and self-
evolved, 74-Chaucer the most purely
and essentially Homeric English poet,
ib.-sketch of the elegy, ib.-musical
notation of a Latin elegiac couplet, ib.
-modern pronunciation of Greek Ana-
creontic verse, ib. - Boettiger on the
origin of the elegiac couplet, 77-cha-
racter of Franck's dissertation, 78-age
of Simonides, 79-origin of the term
'elegy,' ib.-distinctive names relative
to elegiac poetry, ib. -the exhortation of
Hector and Ajax to their troops, and the
fragment of Callinus compared, 80-
account of Tyrtæus, 33-and of his
poems, ib. his 'Embateria' quoted, 84
-characteristic differences of the poetry
of Callinus and Tyrtæus, ib.-honours
obtained by Tyrtæus at Sparta, ib.-
Archilochus of Paros, 85-account of the
Gnomic elegy of Solon, 86-and of
Theognes, 89-fragments of Xenophanes
of Colophon, 93-love elegies of Mim-
nermus, 94-Simonides the poet of
Ceos, 96-his elegies and epigrams, 97
-Philetas of Cos, 98-Callimachus, ib.
-the elegiac couplet a favourite mode
of composition with the Romans, ib.-
Catullus, Ovid, Tibullus, Propertius,

Greek poetry, strictly original and self-
evolved, 74

Greek poets, burning of sundry in MS. by
the Byzantine priests, 72

Green, John, his 'Reminiscences of the

Rev. Robert Hall, A.M.' See Hall.
Gregory, Olinthus, LL.D. F.R.A.S., his
edition of the 'Entire Works of the Rev.

Robert Hall, A.M.' &c. See Hall.
Gregory, Dr., singular story of a dream
related by, 301

Guizot, M., his 'Lectures on the History
of Civilization in France' cited, 12


Halford, Sir Henry, essays read by him at
the evening conversazione at the College
of Physicians, 375-his essay on the
illness and death of George IV., ib.
Hall, Captain Basil, his view of the state

of society in America, 521
Hall, Rev. Robert, A.M., &c., the entire
works of, published under the superin-
tendence of Olinthus Gregory, LL. D.,
F.R.A.S., 100_' Reminiscences of the
Rev. Robert Hall,' ib. - difficulty of
forming an opinion of Hall and his writ-
ings, ib. his early pamphlet, entitled
Christianity consistent with a Love of
Freedom,' 101-sundry passages from,
102-Hall's eloquent and philosophical
sermon on the real principles of the
French revolution, 104-ferocity of cha-
racter the effect of sceptical impiety, ib.
-close connexion between atheism and
cruelty, 105-infidelity favourable to
unbridled sensuality, ib. impropriety
of republishing the unripe speculations
of Hall's youth, ib.-his 'Apology for
the Freedom of the Press, 106-his
acrimonious and unjust character of
Bishop Horsley, ib. - his calumny
against the Church of England, 107-
his libel on Mr. Pitt, ib. his self-con-
tradiction, 108-his description of Dr.
Priestley, 110-and upon Hartley, Pa-
ley, Burke, Paine, Wolstonecraft, 112-
his aversion to formularies of faith, 113
-disastrous effects of his latitudinarian
principles, 114-bitterness displayed in
his controversies, 115-his rough notes
for sermons, 118-the indiscriminate
publication of his papers condemned,
ib.-family prayer, 119-swearing, ib.
-his sermon on infidelity, 120-advan-
tages which society owes to religion, ib.
his sermon on war, 122-horrors of the
French revolution, ib. advantages of
knowledge to the lower classes, 123-
improvement of the mass of the people
our grand security, ib.-his sermon on
the death of the Princess Charlotte, 124
-his sermon on the discouragements
and supports of a Christian minister, ib.
-his polemical treatises, 126-his con-
fessions on the subject of reviewals, 127
-his biographical sketches of departed
friends, ib. his letters, 128-his per-
sonal character, ib.-his style of preach-
ing, ib. his temperament and disposi-
tion, 130.


Hallam, Mr., his 'History of the Middle
Ages' cited, 11, 15

Heber, Bishop, his testimony to the merits
of Colonel Tod, 5

Henley, Lord, his 'Plan of Church Re-
form.' See Church Reform.
Herodotus, quoted, 77, 81, 82
Hesiod, 71-his works and days, ib.-
connexion between and the Gnomic
elegy, 72

Hibbert, Dr. Samuel, his 'Sketches of the
Philosophy of Apparitions, and an At-
tempt to trace such Illusions to the
Physical Causes,' 287. See Appari-

Historical Novels.' See Novels of Fa-
shionable Life!

How will it work?" by J. G. Lemaistre,
542. See Parliamentary Reform.
*How it must work, by Lord Teynham.
See Parliamentary Reform.
Homer, peculiar character of the Iliad and
Odyssey, 69-his character merged in
the character of the age, 70-the sun of
Greek heroic poetry rose and set with, ib.
Homer and Pindar, the connexion between
entire, 71-their joining links the war-
like strains of Callinus and Tyrtæus, ib.
Hume, David, quoted, 269

[blocks in formation]

Kitchener, Dr., his 'Traveller's Oracle, or



Maxims for Locomotion,' 346 - his
Horse and Carriage Oracle.'
Public Carriages the Road.
Knowledge, advantages of
classes, 123


of to the lower

Land, great extent of, in the British terri-
tory of North America, &c. 60
Landed property, mischiefs of a minute
subdivision of, 58

Landor, Mr., his 'Imaginary Conversations'
quoted, 196

Latin elegiac couplet, musical notation of
a, 75


Laws of Inheritance, 57
Leamington waters, analysis of, 391
Lemaistre, J. G., A. M., his 'How will it
work?' See Parliamentary Reform.
Lister, Mr., characteristics of his novels,
See Novels of Fashionable Lif
Louis XVIII., Mémoires de, recuellés et
mis en ordre par M. le Duc de D****,
455-menteris impudentissime! the
work a gross fraud on the public, ib.-
detection of the imposture, 456

Lower classes, advantages of knowledge
to, 123

Lunatic Asylum at York, 230


Malcolm, Sir John, his History of Persia,'
392, 404

Manzoni, his tragedy of Desiderio quoted,


Middleton, Dr. Amos, his analysis of the
Leamington waters, 390

Milliners' apprentices, intolerable labour
imposed on them during the London
season, 194

Mimnermus, of Colophon, 71-his love
elegies, 94

Missionary Plutarch, a desideratum in
the literature of Protestantism, 214
Mississippi, valley of the, 'Recollections
of the last Ten Years, passed in occa-
sional Residences and Journeyings in,
by Timothy Flint,' 201-worthy to be
placed on the same shelf with Mrs.
Trollope's 'On the Domestic Manners
of the Americans,' ib. account of the
author, ib. his ten years woful ups and
downs, 202-his picture of clerical life
in the valley of the Mississippi, ib.-
camp-meetings in the woods, 206-de-
scription of the scenery on the shores of

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