SERMONS ON SEVERAL 4 Subjects and Occafions. FORTY FOUR Now published from the AUTHOR'S Manu- By CHARLES WHEATLY, M. A. VOL. III. LONDON: Printed for C. DAVIS in Holbourn; C. HITCH in Pater- M DCC XLVI. 1 CONTENTS. SERMON I. The Purification of MARY, and the Presen- tation of Jesus in the Temple. When the Days of her Purification, according to the Law of Mofes, were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord, (As it is written in the Law of the Lord, Every Male that open- eth the Womb shall be called Holy unto the D And as Jefus passed forth from thence, be faw a Man named Matthew, fitting at the Re- |