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heroism which he displayed, that all men foretold his future greatness if his life was prolonged; and such were the extraor-, dinary interpositions of Divine Providence in his favor on seve ral occasions, that devout men were inspired to predict, that he was preserved for the future glory and defence of his country. He continued to be honored by Virginia with important appointments, civil and military. He continued to do much good; in war a hero, in peace a statesmau and a farmer. A statesman, studying the good of his country, and with his brother patriots, adopting measures to promote it. A farmer, cultivating his lands, cultivating his mind, and cultivating every social and domestic virtue. Heaven was preparing him for more important scenes and thy blood-stained soil, O Lexington! opened the glorious drama. The contest between the colonies of America and their mother country had not drawn to a crisis; and the hostile fleets and hostile armies of the ill-advised Britain, had compelled the former to assert their rights, and to repel force by force. But who shall lead the troops of freedom! By impulse more than human, the American people cast their eyes upon the Cincinnatus of Mount-Vernon, and he is elected the commander in chief of their armies.

His country calls. He hesitates not to resign the sweet delights of domestic life, but with a modest diffidence in his talents, and an humble, but firm reliance on the god of armies, he at once obeys her call. To detail the various events of the bloody conflict, all of which, whether prosperous or adverse, evinced the greatness of his soul and the warmth of his patriotism, cannot now be expected; the historian will record them, and the present and future ages will read and wonder. With an undisciplined army, almost without arms or ammunition his country without military resources; against an enemy, brave,, determined, and enured to war; and against a nation in the zenith of her power, he nobly took the field. Under his auspices, order sprang out of disorder; detachments of strangers were formed into a band of brothers, and the sons of freedom spread their embattled ranks around him, as the rock of our strength, and under God, our sure defence.

DURING the eventful contest, his patriotic care extended to every part of the Union. Did danger assail the north, there was his Gates, and there his gallant Lincoln; did hostile bands invade the south, there was his faithful Greene; and near their chieftain's camp, there was the sword of the Lord and of Washington. There he protected us by day, and watched over us by night; there he cheerfully offered his precious life to the fate of war and there he caused the enemies of our freedom to feel

"The keen, rough searchings of a patriot's steel." Throughout the bloody conflict, his country's good was the polestar of all his conduct. The voice of praise could not betray him into rashness, nor could the malignant tongue of slander warp him from his duty. With the same steady mind he advanced; with the same steady mind he retired;—with the same firm soul he fought the foe; with the same firm soul he declined the combat. When victory held out to him her bleeding hand, he clasped it with serenity, thanking his God. With calm composure he bore every adversity, resigned to the will of heaven. Possessing the full confidence of his country, the idol of his army, and of all the militia, he was never elated. The admiration of the age for military skill and heroic atchievements, he never boasted. Though by his arduous struggle in the cause of freedom, he had stamped an inestimable value upon a soldier's name, the name of patriot was his great delight.

VARIOUS were the events of the important conflict; but heaven at length crowned his military labors with success. With all the joy which patriotism could inspire, he saw the independence of his country established, and her peace restored. The joy of ambition never entered his soul. Having received from the United States in congress assembled, the most pathetic acknowledgments for his long and faithful services; having paid due honors to his comrades in war, and leaving his country a legacy too valuable to be forgotten, he nobly retired. The hero of America became the FARMER of Mount-Vernon. Methinks I see the venerable patriot on his way; every where met, every where followed, every where accompanied and surrounded by the affectionate wishes of a grateful people. Happy man! glorious retinue! Haughty despots, attend! bow before him, and learn

how little you are.

Ambition for a moment stop thy pursuits,

and if thou canst, learn what GREATNESS is.

BUT the important work which he had begun, the political happiness of his country, was not yet completed. The confederation of the states, formed amidst the noise of war and the din of arms, proved unequal to the purposes for which it was designed. The band of union was incomplete, and the strength of the nation could not be called into exertion. Rebellion be. gan to rear its head. Private and public credit were nearly destroyed; and America, though strong in men and full of resources, presented to the world the picture of a feeble and bankrupt people. His country called again; he again obeyed, and joined a band of worthies in forming a constitution for these United States, founded on the purest principles of political freedom, and calculated to make his country great and happy.

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To carry into effect this constitution, then became the allimportant work, on which depended the happiness or misery of our country. Difficulties arising from various causes, presented themselves to view. Discordant sentiments, ambitious designs, and the intrigues of the enemies of our independence, were all to be encountered. Washington lives! Washington lives! is again resounded from north to south, from east to west; and by the unanimous voice of his grateful country, he is elected chief magistrate of this rising empire.

LOADED with honors, and on the pinnacle of human glory; surrounded with friends, and in full possession of all the blessings which affluence can bestow, and of every social and domestic enjoyment, he again resolves to engage in the toils, the dangers, and the anxieties of public life. Here let the historian pause, and search for language to bestow due praise. It is the brightest plume in all his reputation. There was no still voice to whisper in his ear, HERO, THOU HAST ENOUGH. There was no voice which dared to utter, HERO, THE RISK IS TOO GREAT! The illustrious patriot could hear but one voice,

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the sacred voice of his beloved country; to obey which, had been the delight of his youth, and the sublime pleasure of his life.

BEHOLD him advancing to the arduous task, and recollect the feelings which then agitated every American breast. Did not every bosom glow with gratitude and every heart expand with joy and confidence? See him engaged in the solemnities of taking upon himself the important office. The hero of America was not there; the patriot and the Christian alone appeared. The persevering patriot, again willing to devote his life, his fortune and his reputation to the welfare of his country. The humble Christian looking up for aid to that Almighty Being, under the shadow of whose influence he had walked in safety, and by the strength of whose arm, he had atchieved happiness for his country, and for himself immortal fame.

FOR eight long years, all of them anxious, and some of them extremely portentous of evil, he presided over the important concerns of the Union. With unremitting care and attention; with unexampled wisdom and firmness, he discharged the arduous trust. His country's good was again his only guide, and its durable happiness his only wish. Superior to flattery, and unawed by calumny, he pursued his course of well doing.

It is impossible, on this occasion, to detail the various measures which he pursued during this interesting period-let us select a few.

WHEN a daring rebellion against the laws, evidently instigated and designed to prostrate our government, broke out in a neighboring state; with all the tenderness and affection of a father, he endeavored to reclaim the disobedient. His character now shone forth with more than usual splendor. Whatever a sound head, or a benevolent heart could dictate to prevent the effusion of human blood, was attempted; and at length, when all his kind and paternal admonitions proved abortive, he, in mercy, sent a force which forbade resistance, and without the loss of a single life, order and obedience to the laws were hap

pily restored great was the disappointment of our enemiesglorious the result to us.

DURING his administration, a still more serious danger was to be encountered; a danger which threatened our peace, and the ruin of our commerce. It was a time to try his soul, and his soul was tried. The American people having their passions heated by the conduct of Great-Britain, respecting the treaty of peace; their former animosities not yet subsided, and their minds enraged by the cruel and unjust depredations on their commerce, were ripe for a rupture; and but for their Washington, would have rushed into the horrors of another bloody contest with the English nation. He knew their feelings, and how little many of them wished for peace and reconciliation. The incomparable patriot saw their danger, and happy for America, he knew his duty. He stepped in between the people and the precipice to which they had arrived, and by the wisdom, moderation and firmness of his conduct, he, without the desolations of war, procured for his country, what the loss of thou-· sands of lives, and millions of treasure, could but have effectedhonorable peace, future safety, and complete justice,

BUT time will not permit me further to particularize his great: and good actions. It must again be left to the faithful historian, to record the various efforts of his genius to promote our peace, our honor, and our safety. Let it suffice at present to observe, that all the measures which he adopted or recommended, either as to our internal or external relations, proved. him the friend and the father of his people; and that under his administration, these United States rose to a height of prosperity, unequalled in the annals of history: happy and free at home, honored and respected abroad. His country thus flourishing under its excellent constitution, and under just and equal laws; encreasing in wealth and population beyond its most sanguine hopes; peace in all our borders, and the cup of blessings overflowing in our habitations. The illustrious patriot having again given us the most paternal advice for our future happiness, again retires, and is again followed by the blessings of a grate, ful people, and the plaudits of an admiring world.

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