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only now and then, by fits and starts? Your ready, cheerful, conscientious obedience should be rendered every hour in the day, every day in the week, every week in the year, through all the years of your childhood. Can it be, that Jesus, who rose so cheerfully from the midst of the doctors in the temple, and went with his parents to Nazareth, yielded them a fitful, changeful obedience?


6. Obey, even if you cannot see the reason. It is very wonderful that the infinitely wise. Jesus, should have ever subjected himself to the guidance of poor, ignorant, sinful creatures. Yes, there lived in Judea, Two frail, ignorant, sinful beings, who were honoured with the guidance of Him, whose knowledge knows no bounds. He who is the " yesterday, to-day, and for ever," humbled himself to follow the guidance of Two, who but yesterday, were called into being from nothing, and to-morrow were to vanish away. He was subject to his parents. What an example to you, who are to follow the guidance of your parents, because you are much more ignorant and unwise than they. For you it is a merciful provision, that you have guides

who have travelled the road before you, who know the way, and who exceedingly love you; who know how to direct you, and who choose to direct you to your own best good. Obey them then, even though you cannot see the


Thus obey your parents; thus follow the example of the blessed Jesus. Think how sinful it is to disobey them, or even to feel unwilling or angry in your heart; how sinful to slight the example of that holy child, who, though Lord of all, humbled himself to be subject to his parents. Try to remember your many acts of disobedience, and all the unwillingness of your hearts. Go seat yourselves alone in your chamber, or in some secret grove, or under the covert of some rocky ledge, where no eye will see you but God's, nor ear but his hear you, and weep for all your sins against your kind and tender parents, and ask forgiveness of that Saviour, whose commands you have disobeyed, and the example of whose holy childhood you have not followed. And whenever your heart inclines you to disobey, whenever your anger rises against the authority of your parents,

whenever you need rewards or punishments; whenever you think you know better than they, think of the holy child Jesus subject to his parents.



LUKE ii. 51.

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them.

THERE is one trait in this short account of the childhood of Jesus, which I have thought it best to notice in a separate discourse. We have no account that Joseph, his reputed father, said any thing to him on the occasion. His mother addresed him; and we learn from her words, that Joseph took a kind and paternal interest in him; for she says, "thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing."

We must then consider the blessed Saviour, in his cheerful departure and subjection, as

obeying particularly the call and authority of his mother. Yes, He went down to Nazareth, and yielded to his mother, that meek, quiet, cheerful and steady obedience, which became a child in whom no fault could be found. Thus he did from twelve years old and upwards, when children so often despise the authority of their mothers. I have often noticed that boys, particularly, are less ready to obey their mothers than their fathers. Attend to me while I show to you

I. The reason of this.

II. The guilt of it, and while I point you III. To Christ's example in his obedience to his mother.

I. The reason of this.

The children who do this, are certainly not governed by the fear and love of God and of their parents. They have no motive within, which inclines them to obey when they are not obliged to. They would rather have their own way; they are anxious to be free from all control; they are unfeeling, unchristian children, who obey only from fear, or hope, or compulsion. They can be drawn by a bait like a fish, by a bridle like VOL I..


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