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Foreign Office Records.

1. Contemporary Authorities

State Papers, Domestic, Anne. Public Record Office.

Secretary at War's Common Letter Book. Ib.

Miscellaneous Orders: Forces Abroad, Guards and Garrisons. Ib.

Treasury Papers. Ib. Calendar. Ed. J. Bedington. Vols. I and Iv. 1702-14. British Army Lists and Commission Registers. Ed. C. Dalton. Vols. IV-VI, London. 1898 etc.

Blenheim Roll, the. Ed. C. Dalton. London. 1899.

Coxe papers. British Museum.

Berwick, Marshal. Mémoires. Ed. Abbé Margon. Paris. 1737. Collection
Petitot. Vols. LXV, LXVI.

Boyer, Abel. History of the Reign of Queen Anne. 11 vols. London. 1703-13.
Brodrick, Thomas. Compleat History of the Late War in the Netherlands. 1713.
Burnet, Gilbert (Bishop of Salisbury). History of My Own Time. 2 vols. 1724-34.
With notes by Earl of Dartmouth etc. New edn. 6 vols. Oxford. 1838.
Catinat, Marshal. Mémoires et correspondance. Paris. 1819.
Dangeau, P. de C., Marquis de. Journal de la Cour de Louis XIV, 1684-1720. 19
vols. Paris. 1854-60.

Deane, John (Private, 1st Guards). Journal. London.

Eugene, Prince, of Savoy.

Vienna. 1848.


Militärische Correspondenz. Ed. F. Heller. 2 vols.

Vienna. 1876.

Feldzüge. Published by the Ministry of War. Sammlung d. hinterlass. politischer Schriften. 7 Parts and Suppl. Stuttgart and Tübingen. 1811-21.

As to the forgeries in this see P. Böhm, Die Sammlung etc. Freiburg. 1900. Feuquières, Marquis M. de. Mémoires. 3rd edn. Paris. 1736. Gallas, Count.

Die diplomatische Korrespondenz des Grafen Joh. Wenzel Gallas, Kaiserl. Gesandten in London u. im Haag, während d. Span. Successionskrieges. Hrsgbn. von C. Höfler. Archiv für Oesterreich. Geschichte, 41. Godolphin Papers. Add. Mss. British Museum, 28,055.

Hare, Francis (Bishop of Chichester).

against France. 1711.

Allies, the, and the late Ministry defended

Conduct, the, of the Duke of Marlborough during the present war (with riginal papers). 1712.

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Hatton-Finch Papers. Add. мss. British Museum, 29,590–1.
Historical Manuscripts Commission. Blenheim papers (8th Report).

Hare papers. Appendix 1x, to 14th Report.

Hodgkin papers. Appendix II, to 15th Report.

Portland papers.

Vol. IV. Appendix to 15th Report.


Kane, Richard (Brigadier-General). Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlborough. 2nd edn. London. 1747.

La Colonie. Mémoires contenant les événements de la guerre dépuis 1692 à 1717. Brussels.


La Torre, de. Mémoires et négotiations secrettes de diverses cours de l'Europe. 5 vols. The Hague. 1721-5.

Lamberty, G. de.

Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du XVIIIe siècle. Cont. négociations, traités etc., liés par une narration. 14 vols. Amsterdam. 1733-40. [Vol. VIII.]

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Lettres et mémoires sur la conduite de la présente guerre et sur les négociations de paix, jusqu'à la fin des conférences de Geertruydenbergh. 2 vols. The Hague. 1711-2.

Lewis, Margrave of Baden. — Kriegs- u. Staats-Schriften des Markgrafen Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden über den Span. Erbfolgekrieg. Hrsgbn. von P. Röder von Diersburg. 2 vols. Carlsruhe. 1850.

Lives of the two illustrious Generals, John, Duke of Marlborough, and Francis Eugene, Prince of Savoy. London. 1713.

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Marlborough's Dispatches. Edited by Sir George Murray. 5 vols. London. 1845. Heinsius and Hop. Correspondance diplomatique et militaire du duc de M., du grand-pensionnaire Heinsius et du trésor.-gén. J. Hop. Publ. par G. G. Vreede. Amsterdam. 1850.

Sarah, Duchess of. Private Correspondence, with her sketches and opinions of her contemporaries, and private correspondence of her husband. 2 vols. London. 1838.

Millner, John (Sergeant, 18th Foot). Journal. London. 1736.

Noailles, Adrian Maurice, Duc de. Mémoires politiques et militaires. Ed. l'Abbé C. F. X. Milot. 6 vols. in 12. Paris. 1777. Coll. Nouv., Michaud et Poujoulat, II, 10.

Saint-Hilaire, Mormes, sieur de. Mémoires. Amsterdam. 1766.

Saint-Simon, Duc de. Mémoires. 21 vols. Paris. 1873-86.

1757. Coll.

Torcy, Marquis de. Mémoires pour servir à l'hist. des négociations, depuis le
traité de Rijswijck, jusqu'à la paix d'Utrecht. 3 vols. London.
Michaud et Poujoulat. Nouv. Coll. 111, 8. Paris. 1850.
Journal. 1709-11. Ed. F. Masson. Paris. 1884.

Vault, F. E. de, and Pelet, J. J. G. Mémoires relatifs à la Succession d'Espagne. (Collection des documents inédits.) Paris. 1835-62. 11 vols.

Villars, Marshal. Mémoires. 1672-1734. (Société de l'Histoire de France.) 4 vols. Paris. 1884-91. Also Coll. Nouv., Michaud et Poujoulat, 1, 9 and Coll. Petitot, II, 68-71.

The chief English Newspapers of the period were:

The Postman. The Postboy. The Daily Courant. The London Gazette.

2. Later Works

Alison, Sir Archibald. Life of Marlborough. 2nd edition. 1852.

Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. 3 vols. Vienna. 1858. Military History of Eugene and Marlborough.

Arneth, A. Ritter von.
Campbell, John.


Courcy, Marquis de. La Coalition de 1701 contre la France. Paris. 1886.


The War of the Spanish Succession

Court de Gebelin. L'Histoire de la Guerre des Camisards. Paris. 1819. Coxe, W. Life of Marlborough. 3 vols. London. 1818-9.

Davis, Colonel John. History of the 2nd (Queen's) Regiment. Vol. II. London. 1895.

Dumont, J. Les Batailles et Victoires du Prince Eugène. 1725.

et Rousset de Missy, J. Histoire Militaire du Prince Eugène et le Duc de Marlborough. Paris. 1725-9.

Elliott, H.

Life of Godolphin. London. 1888.

Ennen, L. Der Spanische Erbfolgekrieg u. der Churfürst Joseph Clemens von




Everard, Major H. History of the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment. Fortescue, J. W. History of the British Army. Vol. I. London. 1899. Gachard, M. Histoire de la Belgique au commencement du 18me siècle. Brussels. 1880.

Gaedeke, A. Die Politik Oesterreichs in der Spanischen Erbfolgefrage. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1877.

Hamilton, Sir T. W.

History of the Grenadier Guards. London. 1894. La Rosière, Carlet de. Campagne du Maréchal de Tallard en 1704. Amsterdam. 1755.

Campagne du Maréchal de Villars et de l'Électeur. Maximilien Emmanuel en 1703. Amsterdam. 1766.

Legrelle, A. Une négociation inconnue entre Berwick et Marlborough. 1708-9. Paris. 1893.

Madgett and Dutems, J. F. H. Histoire de John Churchill, Duc de Marlborough. 3 vols. Paris. 1808.

Matuschka. Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen. 20 vols. Vienna. 1876-92. Noorden, Carl von. Der Spanische Erbfolgekrieg. Vols. I-III. (Europ. Gesch. im 18. Jahrh. Part 1.) Düsseldorf. 1870-82.

Quincy, Marquis de. Histoire militaire du règne de Louis le Grand. 1726. 7 vols.

Reynald, H. Guerre de la Succession de l'Espagne. Négociations entre la France, l'Angleterre et la Hollande en 1705 et 6. Paris. 1878.

Ringhoffer, K. E. Die Flugschriften-Literatur zu Beginn d. span. Erbfolgekrieges.

Berlin. 1881.

Stanhope, Earl. History of England in the Reign of Queen Anne. London. 1870.

Vogüé, C. J. M., Marquis de. Villars d'après sa correspondance. Paris. 1888.

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Abel, C. Diarium belli hispanici, oder Vollständ. Tag-Register d. jetzigen Spanis chen Krieges, wie er von 1701-7 in Spanien, Italien etc. geführt worden... Halberstadt. 1707.

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Freind, John. Account of the Earl of Peterborough's Conduct in Spain. London.
Hill, Richard. The diplomatic correspondence of R. H., Envoy Extr. from the
Court of St James to the Duke of Savoy, 1703-6. Ed. W. Blackley. 2 vols.
London. 1845.

Impartial Inquiry into the management of the War in Spain. London. 1712. Louis XIV. Correspondance avec M. Amelot, son ambassadeur en Espagne. 1705-9. 2 vols. Nantes. 1864.

Saint-Philippe. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de l'Espagne sous le règne de
Philippe V. Amsterdam.
Saint-Pierre, Colonel James de.
Tessé, Marshal de. Mémoires.


Mss. belonging to the Royal Engineers. 1806.

2. Later Works


Albéri, E. Le guerre d' Italie del Principe Eugenio di Savoia. Turin.
Arneth, A., Ritter von. Das Leben d. Kaiserl. Feldmarschalls Grafen Guido
Starhemberg. Vienna. 1853.

Callegari. L'assedio di Torino del 1706. Venice.
Drinkwater, J. History of Gibraltar. London.

1893. 1785.

Künzel. Leben und Briefwechsel des Landgrafen Georg von Hessen-Darmstadt. Friedberg and London.


Landau, M. Geschichte Karls VI als König von Spanien. Stuttgart. 1889. Parnell, Colonel Arthur. The War of the Succession in Spain. London. 1888.

Russell, Colonel F. Life of Peterborough. London. 1887.

Stanhope, Earl (Lord Mahon). History of the War of the Succession in Spain. London. 1832.

Stebbing, W. Peterborough. (English Men of Action series.) London.

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Admiralty Papers. Public Record Office.

Carutti, D. Storia del regno di Vittorio Amadeo II. Florence. 1863.
Duguay-Trouin, R. Mémoires. Michaud and Poujoulat. III, 9. Paris. 1850.
Forbin, Claude de. Mémoires. Amsterdam. 1729. Michaud and Poujoulat. Ib.
Leake, S. W. Life of Sir John Leake. 1750.

Martin, Captain Stephen, Life of.

Society. London. 1895.

Ed. Sir Clements Markham. Navy Records

Rooke, Sir George. Journal. Ed. O. Browning.

don. 1897.

Navy Records Society. Lon

Torrington, Lord, Memoirs relating to. Ed. J. K. Laughton. Camden Society. London. 1891.

Villette, Marquis de. Mémoires. Publ. par L. J. N. Mommerqué (Soc. de l'hist. de France). Paris. 1844.

2. Later Works

Chevalier, Captain E. Histoire de la Marine française. Vol. 1 (to 1763). Paris.


Communay, A. Le Comte de Toulouse et la bataille de Malaga. Paris. 1885. Corbett, J. S. England in the Mediterranean, 1606-1713. London. 1904. Guérin, L. Histoire Maritime de la France. Paris. 1844.


The War of the Spanish Succession


[For earlier peace negotiations see previous Section.]


The chief Archives containing correspondence as to the Peace of Utrecht are those of the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères at Paris, of the Record Office and the British Museum in London, and of the Hague and Vienna. It was in the Record Office that O. Weber was fortunate enough to discover the Correspondence of Louis XIV with his plenipotentiaries at Utrecht. Mesnager's and Gaultier's reports are of course at Paris.


Actes, Mémoires et autres pièces authentiques concernant la paix d'Utrecht. 6 vols. Utrecht. 1714-5. [Vol. I contains list of plenipotentiaries.] Dumont, J., Baron de Carlscroon. Corps universel diplomatique. 8 vols. in 15. Amsterdam. 1726-31. With Supplément. 5 vols. in 7. Ib. 1739. [Vol. VIII.]

Koch, C. W. von. Histoire abrégée des traités. Cont. jusqu'à 1815 par F. Schoell. 15 vols. 1817-8. [Vol. II.]

Rastatt, Peace of. Les Articles préliminaires pour la paix générale dont on est convenu à Rastadt. [In French and in German.] s. 1. 1714.

Histoire Rastadtischer Friedens-Handlungen. Benebst zweyen FriedensProjecten u. dem Friedens-Instrument. Jena. 1714.


Avis aux négociateurs sur les nouveaux plans de partage. Trad. de l'anglais. London. 1712.

Bolingbroke, H. St John, Viscount.

Letters and Correspondence during the time he was Secretary of State. With notes etc. by G. Parke. 4 vols. London. 1798.

The Remarks on the Barrier Treaty vindicated in a Letter to the Author. 1712. London. 1712. [Works of Swift, ed. by Sir W. Scott, vol. IV. Formerly ascribed to Swift, but claimed for Bolingbroke by the late Sir C. W. Dilke.]

A sketch of the state and history of Europe from the Pyrenean treaty in 1659 continued. Letter VIII of Letters on the Use and Study of History. New edn. 1770.

[Defoe, D.] Minutes of the negotiation of Mons. Mesnager at the Court of England during the four last years of Queen Anne, done out of French. 2nd edn. London. 1736.

Prior, Matthew. The history of his own time. From the Mss. of Prior, copied for press by A. Drift. 2nd edn. London. 1770.

Recueil des instructions données aux ambassadeurs et ministres de France depuis les traités de Westphalie jusqu'à la Révolution. With Introductions and Notes by A. Sorel and others. 17 vols. Paris. 1884-1901.

Short State, a, of the War and Peace. 2nd edn. London. 1715. [In favour of the Peace.]

Steele, Sir Richard. The Crisis.

January, 1714. Reprinted in H. Morley. Fa1886.

mous Pamphlets. London.
The Importance of Dunkirk. London. 1713.

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