By the struggling moonbeam's misty light And the lantern dimly burning. No useless coffin enclosed his breast, Not in sheet nor in shroud we wound him ; But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Spirit of the English Magazines - Page 781818Full view - About this book
 | Edmund Burke - History - 1819 - 822 pages
...enclosed his breatt, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we bound him; But he lay liks a warrior taking his rest. With his martial cloak around him. Few and short...we spoke not a word of sorrow, But we steadfastly pazed on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought, as we hollowed his... | |
 | Parodies - 1813 - 410 pages
...enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet, nor in shroud, we bound him; But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Few and short...prayers we said, And we spoke not a word of sorrow; i But we steadfastly gazed on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought... | |
 | H. Biglow, Orville Luther Holley - American literature - 1817 - 502 pages
...enclosed his breast, Not in sheet nor in shroud we bound h;m. But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Few and short...we spoke not a word of 'sorrow, But we steadfastly gazed on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought, as we hollowed his... | |
 | H. Biglow, Orville Luther Holley - American literature - 1817 - 492 pages
...enclosed his breast, Kol in sheet nor in shroud we bound him, But he lay like a warrior taking bis re«t, With his martial cloak around him. Few and short were...we spoke not a word of sorrow, But we steadfastly gaied on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought, as we hollowed his... | |
 | English literature - 1817 - 694 pages
...enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we bound him, But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Few and short...we said, And we spoke not a word of sorrow, But we stedfastly gazed on the face of the dead. And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought, as we... | |
 | 1817 - 710 pages
...enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we bound him, But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Few and short...we said, And we spoke not a word of sorrow, But we stedfastly gazed on the face of the dead, ' And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought, as we... | |
 | John Evans - 1817 - 610 pages
...inclosed his breast, Nor iu sheet nor in shroud we bound him , But he lay like a WARRIOR taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him ! Few and...we said, And we spoke not a word of sorrow; But we stedfastly gaz'd on the face of THE DEAD, And we bitterly thought on the morrow! UPNOft CASTLK. •... | |
 | Edmund Burke - History - 1818 - 1274 pages
...enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we bound him ; But he lay 'like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Few and short...we spoke not a word of sorrow, But we steadfastly gazed on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow. t We thought, as we hollowed... | |
 | History - 1818 - 798 pages
...enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we bound him ; But he lay like a warrior taking his rest. With his martial cloak around him. Few and short...we spoke not a word of sorrow, But we steadfastly gazed on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought, as we hollowed his... | |
 | English literature - 1818 - 596 pages
...a warrior , taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Both few and short were the pray'rs we said, And we spoke not a word of sorrow ; But we stedfastly gaz'd on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow. We thought as we hollow'd... | |
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