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" His hand guides the plough, and the plough his thoughts, and his ditch and land-mark is the very mound of his meditations. He expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee and ree better than English. His mind is not much distracted... "
Spirit of the English Magazines - Page 416
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The Monthly Magazine, Volume 28

Art - 1809 - 772 pages
...meditations. He expostulates with his oxen тегу tiwlerstandingly» and speaks fee and ree, beller than English. His mind is not much distracted with objects : but if a good fat cowe come in his way, he stands dumbe and astonMit, and th'iugh bis haste be never so great, will fix...
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The Baltimore Reportory, of Papers on Literary and Other Topics, Volume 1

1811 - 448 pages
...the very mound of his meditations. He expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speak.' gee and ree, better than English. His mind is not much distracted with objects ; but if a good fat cowe come in his way he stands dumb and astonisht, and though his haste be never so great, will fix...
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The Literary Panorama and National Register, Volume 7

English literature - 1818 - 610 pages
...of his meditations, tie expostulates with his oxen тегу understandingly, and speaks gee and roe better than English. His mind is not much distracted...great, will fix here half an hour's contemplation. Mis habitation is some poor thatched roof, distinguished from his barn by the loopholes that let out...
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The British review and London critical journal

1818 - 574 pages
...oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee and ree better than English. His mind is not much distressed with objects: but if a good fat cow come in his way,...and astonished ; and though his haste be never so great,will fix here half an hour's contemplation. His habitation, is some poor thatched roof, distinguished...
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The Literary panorama, Volume 7

1818 - 550 pages
...ree belter than English. His mind is not much districted with objects, hut if a good fat cow conic in his way, he stands dumb and astonished, and though...great, will fix here half an hour's contemplation, [lis habitation is some poor thatched -roof, distinguished from his barn by Ilic loopholes that let...
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The Literary melange; or, Weekly register of literature and the arts

1822 - 522 pages
...mound of his meditations. He expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee, and rec, better than English. His mind is not much half an hour's contemplation. His habitation is some poor thatched roof, distinguished from his barn by the loop-holes that let out smoak, which...
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The bachelor's wife, a selection of curious and interesting extracts

John Galt - 1824 - 462 pages is the very mound of his meditations. He expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee, and ree, better than English. half an hour's contemplation. His habitation is some poor thatched roof, distinguished from his barn by the loopholes that let out smoak, which...
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Laconics: Or, The Best Words of the Best Authors, Volume 2

John Timbs - Aphorisms and apothegms - 1829 - 354 pages
...landmark is the very mound of his meditations. He expostulates with his oxen very understanding!}", and speaks gee, and ree, better than English. half an hour's contemplation. His habitation is some poor thatched roof, distinguished from his barn by the loop-holes that let out smoke, which...
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Laconics; or, The best words of the best authors [ed. by J. Timbs ..., Volume 2

Laconics - 1829 - 358 pages
...expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee, and ree, better than English. His mmd is not much distracted with objects, but if a half an hour's contemplation. His habitation is some poor thatched roof, distinguished from hls barn by the loop-holes that let out smoke, which...
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Chambers's Cyclopædia of English Literature: A History ..., Volumes 3-4

Robert Chambers - American literature - 1830 - 844 pages
...very mound of his meditations. Ho expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee aud ns of the vale. But thon ehalt fall ¡ike Morar ;...shall lie in the hall, unstrung I Thou wert swift, is some poor thatched roof, distinguished from his barn by the lo< pholes that let out smoke, which...
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