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and increase the usefulness of excellent persons, promoters of truth and righteousness, we share in their labours in some sort, and shall undoubtedly partake of their reward. This is a part of the virtuous character of the person here spoken of; and as our Lord commended her as worthy of praise for it here below, we may be assured that such will be approved at a higher tribunal hereafter.


Lastly: There were many other persons of the female sex, in our Saviour's lifetime, of higher rank and large fortunes, who were not ashamed of the gospel, nor declined to appear openly for it, and to do all in their power to advance it, notwithstanding any censure or danger to which it might expose them. And from their conduct, which our Lord highly approved, and from his commendations given to the person we have been treating of, we are taught that the divine favour, and high improvements in piety and virtue, are attainable by them equally with men.

The history of all times, and especially of times of distress and suffering for the truth, in our own country and in others, furnishes


us with many of the like instances of pious and exemplary women, who by the innocence and holiness of their lives, and many of them by their constancy unto death, have adorned and recommended the gospel of Jesus to those who were otherwise less favourable to it.

The departments of men and women, as appointed by providence, are in several respects very different: but the province of religion is common to both; nay, it often devolves more to the woman's share. For the public lectures and instructions of ministers of the gospel will go but a very little way, unless they be properly enforced, and continu ally inculcated by a suitable domestic discipline at home. And as the youth of both sexes are, for the most part, entirely in their mother's hands for their first years; and the religious inspection of the family, though it requires the common care of both, yet often falls entirely upon her, the men being generally called out to other business ; the good which they may do in their families and all around them by a pious example, and by instilling an early sense of God and love of truth into young and tender minds, is inconceivable. And though it may be little seen ar noticed

noticed here below, it will meet with its reward hereafter; of which they are not without some foretaste here, when they see the fruits of their labours appear in their virtuous offspring before they leave the world; which we may conceive to be some of the purest and most heartfelt felicity on this side the grave, which belongs to mortals.

I reckon, on the other hand, that the very early corruption and profligacy, that shows itself in such a melancholy way in our youth of both sexes, is chiefly owing to the bad example or fatal neglect of their parents, especially of the mother, in respect of all moral and religious culture and principle.

Young persons, alas! bad as they too often are, are only what you might expect beforehand from the little care of their education. They have never learned to love and fear God, or to reverence his word and authority; have never been taught to restrain their irregular passions and appetites from any other principle than that of health and mere decency; nor to look upon the worship of the most bounteous and merciful Creator as any other, than a good politic contrivance to keep the superstitious

perstitious multitude in awe of some invisible power. Where nothing virtuous and good has been sown, and the weeds of evil, which sow themselves in abundance, are suffered to grow, what can the harvest be but what we see and lament?

The fault, wherever it lies, will be charged home upon those to whom it is justly to be imputed. For, certainly, God made not his rational and moral creation to marr and corrupt themselves and others.

But I come not here to complain, but to exhort those who have fallen short of their duty, in this or any other respect, to reform their ways; and to recommend to all, especially to women, to aim at the highest excellence of piety and virtue in promoting the gospel of Jesus, from the example of her, which we have now been expatiating upon, and whom our Lord so much commended.


O holy and righteous Father! the lover of all thy creatures; who desirest our perfection and true happiness; and who hast taught us that it is life eternal to know thee, the only


true God, and Jesus thine anointed prophet and our heavenly teacher, and to follow his instructions, which lead us unto thee!

We thank thee for the examples of all thy holy servants, who have gone before us in the narrow way that leadeth unto life; and especially for all those whom he, our Lord and Master, approved in his day of trial and ministry here upon earth for those whom he approveth shall be blessed of thee.

Enable us to follow them in their deep reverence, affection, and esteem for him, the chosen messenger of thy favour to us; who desired life for no other end but to do thy will, O God, and to be thy instrument in saving us from sin and misery, and was contented at last to resign it in torments for the same great purposes for which he lived; that we may become his true disciples, and that others may thereby be won over to honour him, and to follow truth and righteousness; unto which it was his most earnest desire, and the labour of his mind, to bring the men of that time and of all future generations; that through thy blessing and powerful aid, we also, in our turn, may be serviceable in this great work of holiness and human happiness; and some may remember

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