SHEWING THE STEPS BY WHICH IT HAS ADVANCED FROM ITS FORMER STATE OF NOTORIOUS VICE, IGNORANCE, TO ITS PRESENT STATE OF MORAL AND SOCIAL "Let not ambition mock their useful toil, "And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I "So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN ACCOUNT, NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED, OF NUMEROUS PREFACE. For many years, I have had an impression on my mind that it would be an interesting work, if some one would write "A History of Warminster Common,”heretofore a place of no ordinary celebrity, as it respects its gross ignorance, and deep moral degradation. As there is now no one living that is competent to do this, even in an imperfect way, but myself, and as my season also for labouring in the vineyard must soon end, I have therefore ventured on the work. When I first suggested the idea to our Sunday-school teachers, and others, my esteemed helpers in the Lord's blessed work, there was in a moment such a simultaneous burst of sacred joy, manifested, especially among the dear children, that I could not help concluding that "the thing proceeded from the Lord;" and, notwithstanding my numerous other avocations, it was all but completed in about four months,-my memory, aided by written docu |