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(60.)-Loan's Pearmain, is an excellent sauce

apple, is a good bearer, and will keep.


Par. 61.-Hawthorne Dean; this apple, for the beauty of its bloom, the beauty of its fruit, its fine flavour when in season, together with its wonderful bearing, surpasses every apple now in cultivation: if the trees stand where they can have the benefit of the sun, the fruit will look as handsome as a beautiful peach; it is handsomely formed, of a whitish yellow ground, and a brilliant pink next the sun; they are very full of juice, and the flavour universally admired while in season; it is generally in perfection through the month of September, although they are used much earlier, and till the end of October. If this apple would keep, there would not be such an apple in cultivation, for many of them grow large for kitchen purposes, while the small ones produce a beautiful and delicious fruit for the dessert, and it is thought by many it would make fine cider: but to have this fruit handsome it is absolutely necessary to plant the trees where the fruit will receive the sun, otherwise it will be of a pale colour. I know of no plant or shrub in cultivation that would adorn the shrubbery more than this tree; for the bloom is extremely handsome in the spring, and in the summer the fruit would not be passed without being admired.

(62.)-Hertfordshire Pearmain; this is an exceedingly fine apple for winter, it is rather of a red russet colour, the small ones are handsome for the table, having a very fine flavour; the large ones are most excellent for kitchen purposes.

(63.)-Kirke's Lord Nelson; this apple is one of Mr. Kirke's finest productions, it is a great bearer, and very handsome; good for table or sauce, is in perfection in October, and will keep till spring.

(64.)-French Crab, called by some the everlasting pippin; this is a very firm green apple, it is good for culinary purposes through winter, and in spring is a very fine table fruit; it will keep good till the early summer apples come in, and may be considered one of the most useful apples in cultivation: it might be grown in the country to very great advantage for the London markets, for they are so firm they will not bruise like other apples, and in the spring they always fetch a great price.

65.-Nonsuch; this well-known apple deserves cultivation, it is a great bearer, and very good for kitchen purposes; and for those who are fond of a sharp juicy apple, they will do for the dessert; it ripens late in summer, but will not retain it flavour long after it is ga thered.

(66.)-Norfolk Paradise; this is a handsome apple for table, and very good for sauce; it will keep through the winter.

(67.)-Woodstock, or Blenheim Pippin; this apple was produced at Woodstock, the seat of the Duke of Marlborough; it is a most excellent apple for all purposes; it ripens in October, and will keep good some time.

(68.)-Mank's Codlin; this is one of the greatest bearers we have; the fruit is handsomely formed, of a pale yellow colour, and where the sun can get at them they turn of a beautiful pale pink; it is full of fine rich juice, and good for all purposes; the bloom is not excelled by any; it is nearly as handsome as a rose; it is further to be recommended to plant as dwarfs in the shrubbery, for its great blooming and bearing prevents its growing so large as many sorts; it is in perfection about September, but will not keep long.

(66.)--Pile's Russet; this is an old, wellknown excellent keeping apple, and good for all purposes.

(70.)-Braddick's Nonpareil; this apple, which is rather new and not much known, deserves to be recommended; it partakes much of the old nonpareil in flavour, but is an earlier apple: it is nearly of a russet colour, fine melting flesh, and full of rich juice; some of them grow a tolerable size, which will do for culinary purposes, and the small ones afford a fine dessert; it is in perfection about November, and will keep and retain its juices; it is a great bearer.


Par. 71.-I have now furnished my readers with a collection of the best sorts of apples now in cultivation, for the different purposes as described in the character of each apple. Although there are more very good apples, there are a great many not worth recommending; indeed there are some I could mention superior to some of those in the list, but what a disappointment it is when your crops continually fail! Some may say, why leave out such and such a sort, where it may probably be a favourite? but there is such a confusion in the names of apples, that it is likely to be in this list under another name, for there are several among them I know to have three or four different names: but these are properly named as known by the Horticultural Society, and the principal nurserymen round London.

Some may think, if they see a tree full of fruit it must be a good bearer, but I have known some of the most shy bearers (by chance) produce a fine crop; it is therefore necessary to watch its general bearing: such fruits as I have described here I have thoroughly tried, and chosen them from a very large collection; I can

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