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THE following work was undertaken at the request of the General Synod of the Lutheran Church in the United States. The want of a volume on the plan proposed, uniting in a portable form the primary aspects of Christian Doctrine and Practice, and sustaining at the same time some relation to the Lutheran church, had long been felt and frequently expressed. Out of due respect to the glorious Reformation, the same ecclesiastical body desired, that some reference should be had to the doctrines then avowed, and the Augsburg Confession be introduced. With a view that the work might also discharge a portion of the debt, due from Protestant churches to the cause of Reformation, amid the accumulated and insiduous efforts of Romanists to disseminate their errors, it was deemed expedient not to omit the list of Catholic corruptions of Christianity against which the early reformers protested before the Emperor and Diet, and which their churches had repudiated even at that early day. It was desired, that the plan of the work might be systematic, and yet that its discussions should partake rather of the popular than learned character, being designed for laymen as well as the clergy. How far the author has succeeded in

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