1 BOOKS Printed for D. MIDWINTER, A. BETTESWORTH and C. HITCH, J. and. J. PEMBERTON, R. WARE, C. RIVINGTON, F. CLAY, A. WARD, J. and P. KNAPΤΟΝ, Τ. LONGMAN, R. HETT, and J. WOOD. 1. TH HE SCRIPTURE CHRONOLOGY, demonftrated by Astronomical Calculations, and also by the Year of Jubilee, and the Sabbatical Year among the Jews: Or, an Account of Time from the Creation of the World, to the Destruction of Jerufalem; as it may be proved from the Writings of the Old and New Testament. In a Method hitherto unattempted; and which was first proposed by the learned Archbishop Usher. In which the Hebrew Text is vindicated; and the Objections against it, as confisting of many Mutilations, and numerical Alterations, are occafionally confidered; and the Authority of the Samaritan and Septuagint Verfions, in Opposition to the original Copy, is confuted. Together with the History of the World, from the Creation, to the Time when Dr. Prideaux began his Connexion. Illustrated with a great Variety of Tables, Maps, and Copper-Plates. By ARTHUR BEDFORD, M. A. Rector of Newton St. Loe, in the County of Somerset, and Chaplain to the Haberdashers-Hospital at Hoxton near London. 2. A New TREATISE of GEOGRAPHY: Containing, 1. The Rudiments of the Science, with a general Account of our Globe. 2. An Explication of the several Parts of Land and Water; as Continents, Islands, Peninfula's, Oceans, Seas, &c. 3. A particular Description of the four great Parts of the World, with the several Empires, Kingdoms, Republicks, and Countries; shewing their Bounds, Divifions, Capital and other Cities and Towns in Alphabetical Order, and the Bearing of each Province from the Center of the Country; the Latitude and Longitude of such Center, and its Distance and Bearing from the Metropolis, and from London; Things most remarkable in each Country, with their Commodities, Religion, Government, Language, &c. 4. Distinct Alphabetical Accounts of Islands; Peninfula's, and Ifthmus's; Capes, Promontories, and Mountains; Banks, Sholes, and Estuaries; Streights, Channels, and Canals; Lakes; Gulfs; Bays, Harbours, Havens, Sounds, and Friths; Rivers; Seas, and Oceans. The Whole after a new, easy, and comprehenfive Method, and containing more Particulars, in many Respects, than any Treatise of the like Kind yet extant. By E. HATTON, Gent. A Speedily will be Published, beautifully Printed, Old and New Testament: Wherein the various Significations of the principal Words are inserted; by which not only the plain Meaning of many Passages of Scripture is given, but also an Account of the Jewist Customs and Ceremonies is occafionally added; tending to the Illustration of many obfcure Texts, particularly in the Old Testament. There is also added, A CONCORDANCE to the Books of the Apocrypha. The Whole is compiled in an easy, regular and exact Method; and the numerous Texts that are explained, render it more useful than any Concordance hitherto published. It is a Book proper for the Libraries of all Perfons, who defire to be well acquainted with the Holy Scriptures: By ALEXANDER CRUDEN, A. Μ. A PARAPHRASE With NOTES, on the ACTS of the Apostles, And upon all the EPISTLES OF THЕ New Testament. Being a compleat SUPPLEMENT to WITH A short PREFACE to each EPISTLE, shewing For the Use of Families. By THOMAS PYLE, M. A. VOL. II. The THIRD EDITION, Review'd and Corrected by the AUTHOR. LONDON: Printed for D. MIDWINTER, A. BETTESWORTH and C. HITCH, |