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" You see the ways the fisherman doth take To catch the fish ; what engines doth he make ? Behold ! how he engageth all his wits ; Also his snares, lines, angles, hooks, and nets... "
Bibliotheca Piscatoria: A Catalogue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries and ... - Page 368
by Thomas Westwood, Thomas Satchell - 1883 - 397 pages
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The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come: ... By John ...

John Bunyan - 1731 - 234 pages
...both, and makes their BleiTrng null. You fee the Ways the Fifherrnan doth take To catch the Fr(h ; what Engines doth he make ?*• Behold ! How he engageth all his Wits ; Allo his Snares, Lines, Angles, Hook, and Nets: Yet Frlh there be, that neithet Hook nor Line, Nor...
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The pilgrim's progress from this world, to that which is to come. Repr. [in ...

John Bunyan - 1743 - 224 pages
...out both; and makes their Bieffing null. You fee the Ways the Fifherman doth take TQ catch theFifh ; what Engines doth he make Behold! how he engageth all his Wits l < AHb his Snares, Lints, Angles, Hooks, and Nets : Yet Ft/b there be, that neither Hook nor Line,...
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The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World to that which is to Come ...

John Bunyan - Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages - 1775 - 524 pages
...make? Behold ! Hew he engageth all bis Wits, Aljo his Snares, Lines, Angles, Hooks, and Nets : Tet Fijh there be, that neither Hook nor Line, Nor Snare, nor Net, nor Engine, can make thine j They miift be groped for, and be tickled too, Or they will not be catch' d whatever you do. How does...
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The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come

John Bunyan - 1775 - 454 pages
...out both, and makes their blelfing null. You fee the ways the fifherman doth take To catch the fifh; what engines doth he make ? Behold ! how he engageth all his wits ; Alfo his fnares, lines, angles, hooks and nets : ; Yet fifh there be that neither hook nor line....
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The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World to that which is to Come ..., Issue 145

John Bunyan - 1779 - 568 pages
...out both, and makes their biefling null. You fee the ways a iifherman doth take To oatch the fifh ; what engines doth he make! Behold ! how he engageth all his wits, Alfo his fnares, lines, angles, honks and nets! Ytt fifh there be, that neither hook nor Hs<, Nor fnare,...
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The pilgrim's progress, from this world, to that which is to come, Issue 157

John Bunyan - 1806 - 456 pages
...suit Her well when hungry ; but if she be full, She spews out both, and makes their blessings nulL You see the ways the fisherman doth take To catch...Yet fish there be, that neither hook nor line, Nor snares, nor net, nor engine can make thine : They must be grop'd for, and be tickled too, Or they will...
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The Pilgrim's Progress, from this World to that which is to Come: Delivered ...

John Bunyan - 1808 - 440 pages full, She spews out both, and makes their blessing null. You see the ways the fisherman doth lake To catch the fish : what engines doth he make ! Behold! how he engageth all his wils; Also his snares, lines, angles, hooks, and nels : Yet fish there be, that neither hook nor line,...
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The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World to that which is to Come, Delivered ...

John Bunyan - Adventure and adventurers - 1811 - 462 pages
...suit Her well, when hungry ; but if she be full, She spews out both, and makes their blessing null. You see the ways the fisherman doth take To catch...Yet fish there be, that neither hook nor line, Nor snares, nor net, nor engine can make thine : They must be grop'd for, and be tickled too, Or they will...
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The American National Preacher, Volumes 23-26

Religion - 1849 - 1188 pages
...than the following lines in his rhyming apology for the Pilgrim's Progress : — " You see the way the fisherman doth take To catch the fish ; what engines doth he mnke f Behold how he engageth all hia wits ; Also his snares, lines, angles, hooks, and nets. Yet fish...
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Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Miseries of Fishing

Richard Penn - Chess - 1833 - 104 pages
...DEDICATED BROTHER ANGLERS MEMBER OF THE CLUB. (.UMHIN, March, ШЗ. MAXIMS AND HINTS AN ANGLER. FOR " You see the ways the fisherman doth take " To catch...; " Yet fish there be, that neither hook nor line, " Лтог snare, nor net, nor engine can make thine ; " They must be groped for, und be tickled too,...
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