The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey, Volume 1

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Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1849

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Page 7 - Murray's Encyclopaedia of Geography ; Comprising a complete Description of the Earth : Exhibiting its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of All Nations. Second Edition ; with 82 Maps, and upwards of 1,000 other Woodcuts. 8vo. price 60s. Neale.— The Closing Scene; or, Christianity and Infidelity contrasted in the Last Hours of Remarkable Persons.
Page 9 - PORTLOCK.- REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE PORTLOCK, FRS &c.
Page 3 - LOW.— ELEMENTS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE: Comprehending the Cultivation of Plants, the Hushandry of the Domestic Animals, and the Economy of the Farm. By David Low, Esq. FRSE, Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edinhurgh.
Page 343 - A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : Comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principles of every Branch of Human Knowledge ; with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL and E.
Page 8 - DUTIES ; Or, Instructions to Young Married Ladies on the Management of their Households, and the Regulation of their Conduct in the various Relations and Duties of Married Life. By Mrs W. PARKES.
Page 8 - TREATISE ON FOOD AND DIET: With Observations on the Dietetical Regimen suited for Disordered States of the Digestive Organs ; and an Account of the Dietaries of some of the principal Metropolitan and other Establishments for Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, &c. By JON. PEREIRA, MDFRS & LS Author of
Page 343 - Hints to Mothers on the Management of their Health during the Period of Pregnancy and in the Lying-in Room. By T. BULL, MD Fcp.
Page 11 - STEEL'S SHIPMASTER'S ASSISTANT; Compiled for the use of Merchants, Owners and Masters of Ships, Officers of Customs, and all Persons connected with Shipping or Commerce : containing the Law and Local Regulations affecting the Ownership, Charge, and Management of Ships and their Cargoes ; together with Notices of other Matters, and all necessary Information for Mariners. New Edition, rewritten throughout. Edited by GRAHAM WILLMORE, Esq. MA Barrister-at-Law; GEORGE CLEMENTS, of the Customs, London;...
Page 6 - Moore.— The Power of the Soul over the Body, considered in relation to Health and Morals. By GEORGE MOORE, MD, Member of the Royal College of Physicians.
Page 5 - Historical Treasury; comprising a General Introductory Outline of Universal History, Ancient and Modern, and a Series of separate Histories of every principal Nation that exists; their Rise, Progress, and Present Condition, the Moral and Social Character of their respective Inhabitants, their Religion, Manners and Customs, &c.

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