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independent writers on the same subject. I trust, therefore, that the following pages may be found to contain matter, not to be found elsewhere, which may deserve the attention of the historical inquirer.

As regards the personal life of Simon de Montfort I have been able to add but little to the admirable account of Dr. Pauli. Still even here I have seldom relied on my predecessor, but have based my conclusions almost entirely on the records of the time. I say this however with no idea of casting a veil over my obligations to this eminent historian. The readers of this volume cannot fail to see the value which his work has for me.

The other book to which I owe most is, I need scarcely say, the 'Constitutional History of England,' by Professor Stubbs; and here, again, if it should be necessary to anticipate any charge of not acknowledging my obligations, I may say that the portion of my book which has special reference to the constitutional struggle was written before the second volume of Professor Stubbs' work appeared. In that part of the volume some of my conclusions involve a slight dissent from his views; but it was with hearty satisfaction that on reading his pages I found I was in the main in agreement with the greatest of living authorities. My obligations to him are, however, not only such as appear on the surface: I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude for the invaluable aid he has given me, especially in the correction of the sheets

as they passed through the press. My best thanks are also due to Dr. Hort, to the Rev. H. R. Luard, and to Mr. Henry Bradshaw, for their kindly assistance and encouragement.

The references in the notes to Rish. Chron. are to the Chronicle of Rishanger, edited by Mr. Riley for the Master of the Rolls; those to Rish. de Bellis, &c. are to the other Chronicle attributed to the same author, edited by Mr. Halliwell for the Camden Society.

January 1877.

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