TABLE OF FIRST LINES. A spirit, golden-haired, upon the side A perilous life, and sad as life may be Page. 44 45 82 108 119 127 129 135 148 164 185 And is there sadness in thy dreams, my boy? 285 294 Page. Come to my arras, my dear wee pet 142 317 1 Day dawned. Within a curtained room 25 62 From the bright stars, or from the viewless air 232 Fear not that, while around thee 252 Farewell! if ever fondest prayer 300 Fare thee well, soul of sweet Romance! farewell 315 Fair images of sleep! . 320 "Forget thee?" - If to dream by night, and muse on thee by day 346 Gone from her cheek is the summer bloom 51 How long shall man's imprison'd spirit groan. 34 40 111 Hark! through the dim wood dying 121 Hope comes again, to this heart long a stranger Hark! friends, it strikes; the year's last hour I would I were a fairy, as light as falling snows 36 |