IX. ON DECK. 1. THERE is nothing to remember in me, In your mind, now I leave you, set you free. Conceded! 2. In turn, concede to me, Such things have been as a mutual flame. Your soul's locked fast; but, love for a key, You might let it loose, till I grew the same In your eyes, as in mine you stand: strange plea! 3. For then, then, what would it matter to me That I was the harsh, ill-favored one? We both should be like as pea and pea; It was ever so since the world begun : So, let me proceed with my reverie. 4. How strange it were if you had all me, As I have all you in my heart and brain, You, whose least word brought gloom or glee, Who never lifted the hand in vain Will hold mine yet from over the sea! 5. Strange, if a face, when you thought of me, Much such a mouth, and as bright a brow, Till you saw yourself, while you cried, ""T is She!" 6. Well, you may, or you must, set down to me A passion to stand as your thoughts approve, 7. But did one touch of such love for me Come in a word or a look of yours, Whose words and looks will, circling, flee Round me and round while life endures, Could I fancy "As I feel, thus feels He"; |