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Here was a case for the priest: he heard,

Marked, inwardly digested, laid

Finger on nose, smiled, "A little bird

Chirps in my ear": then, "Bring a spade,

Dig deeper!"- he gave the word.


And lo! when they came to the coffin-lid,

Or the rotten planks which composed it once,
Why, there lay the girl's skull wedged amid
A mint of money, it served for the nonce
To hold in its hair-heaps hid.


Louis-d'ors, some six times five;

And duly double, every piece.

Now, do you see? With the priest to shrive,
With parents preventing her soul's release
By kisses that keep alive,-


With Heaven's gold gates about to ope,

With friends' praise, gold-like, lingering still, What instinct had bidden the girl's hand grope

For gold, the true sort-"Gold in Heaven, I hope; But I keep earth's, if God will!"


Enough! The priest took the grave's grim yield :

The parents, they eyed that price of sin

As if thirty pieces lay revealed

On the place to bury strangers in,

The hideous Potter's Field.


But the priest bethought him: "Milk that's spilt'

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You know the adage! Watch and pray!

Saints tumble to earth with so slight a tilt!
It would build a new altar; that, we may!"
And the altar therewith was built.


Why I deliver this horrible verse?

As the text of a sermon, which now I preach: Evil or good may be better or worse

In the human heart, but the mixture of each Is a marvel and a curse.


The candid incline to surmise of late

That the Christian faith may be false, I find;

For our Essays-and-Reviews' debate

Begins to tell on the public mind,

And Colenso's words have weight:


I still, to suppose it true, for

my part,

See reasons and reasons; this, to begin:

"T is the faith that launched point-blank her dart

At the head of a lie - taught Original Sin, The Corruption of Man's Heart.


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