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Yes, He is near to help, able to help, and willing to help. Perhaps you will ask, is Jesus willing to help little children too? Let me tell you a story of what once took place, to show how willing He is to help even little children.

A poor widow called her four little children to her one morning, and said to them, "My dear children, I can give you nothing to eat; there is no more bread, nor meat, nor even a potato in the house. I have worked hard for you, but I am now sick and can do no more. We must pray to God, who has said, 'Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you.'"

Little Johnny, who was scarcely six years old, being very hungry, was much troubled by what his mother said. As he was on his way to school he turned aside into a little cluster of trees where he thought no one but God could see him. There he kneeled down and prayed aloud, using words like these: "O God, my Heavenly Father, and my dear Saviour, through whom I may come to Thee, hear me, a little child, pray! Our mother has no bread, or meat, nor even a potato. Do give us something, that we and dear mother may not starve! Help us, O Lord! Thou art rich, and good, and canst easily help us ; and Thou hast promised to hear the cry of the poor and needy; so hear and help us, for Thy dear Son's sake.”

This was Johnny's simple prayer. After offering it he hurried to school. When, he returned home, in the middle of the day, he found a great loaf of bread, a large dish of meat, and a basket full of potatoes upon the table.

Jesus always kind in helping.


As soon as he saw them he clapped his hands and cried out, "Oh! good, good, good! Mother, did an angel bring all these nice things for us?"

"No," said his mother, "but God heard you when you were praying this morning on your way to school. A lady was near the place, where you could not see her; but she saw and heard you. And so she sent all these things. She was the angel that God sent to help us in our need."

Yes, my dear children, Jesus is willing to help not only generals and governors, magistrates and ministers, but He is also willing to help little boys and girls, and all people, so far and in such way as He sees best when they call upon Him.

There is only one other reason I will give you why Fesus is the best helper. Because He is ALWAYS KIND


Now there are some people who are willing and able to help others, and who do help them, too; but it is done in a very rough manner.

I was reading lately an account of the very kind way in which a gentleman belonging to the Society of Friends once helped a man who had injured him. He was a preacher among the Friends, but a tanner by trade, and known to all as one who "walked humbly" with his God. One night a quantity of hides was stolen from his tannery, and he had reason to believe the thief was a quarrelsome, drunken neighbour, whom we may call John Smith.

The next week, the following advertisement appeared in the county newspaper :

"Whoever stole a quantity of hides on the fifth of the present month is hereby informed that the owner has a

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this advertisement his heart was quite subdued, and he felt very sorrowful. A few nights afterwards, as the tanner's family were about retiring to rest, they heard a timid knock, and when the door was opened, there stood John Smith with a load of hides on his shoulder. Without looking up he said, "I have brought these back, Mr. Savery; where shall I put them?"

"Wait till I can get a lantern, and I will go to the barn with thee," he replied; "then perhaps thou wilt come in, and tell me how this happened. We will see what can be done for thee."

While they were gone his wife prepared some hot coffee, and placed other refreshments on the table. When they returned from the barn, she said, "Neighbour Smith, I thought some hot supper would be good for thee."

He turned his back towards her and did not speak.

The Thief reclaimed.


After a few moments he said, in a choked voice, "It is the first time I ever stole anything, and I have felt very bad about it. I am sure I didn't think once that I should ever come to what I am. But I took to drinking-then to quarrelling. Since I began to go down hill everybody gives me a kick. You are the first man that has offered me a helping hand. My wife is sick, and my children are starving. You have sent them many a meal-God bless you!—and yet I stole the hides. But I tell you the truth when I say it is the first time I was ever a thief."

"Let it be the last," replied William Savery; "the secret still remains between ourselves. Thou art still young, and it is in thy power to make up lost time. Promise me that thou wilt not drink any intoxicating liquor for a year, and I will employ thee to-morrow on good wages. Thy little boy can pick up stones. But eat a bit now, and drink some hot coffee. Perhaps it will keep thee from craving anything stronger to-night. Doubtless thou wilt find it hard to abstain at first; but keep up a brave heart, for the sake of thy wife and children, and it will soon become easy. When thou hast need of coffee, tell Mary, and she will always give it thee."

The poor fellow tried to eat and drink, but the food seemed to choke him. After vainly trying to compose his feelings, he bowed his head on the table and wept. After a while, he ate and drank, and his host parted with him for the night, with the friendly words, "Try to do well, John, and thou wilt always find a friend in me.”

He entered into his employment the next day, and remained with him many years, a sober, honest, and faithful man.

Now this is an instance of help rendered with great kindness; and if we desire to help any one, we must always try to do it in a kind way. This is what Jesus does. He is always kind, "even to the unthankful and to the evil."

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And He is the same now, meekness He moved among men." He is still always near to help-always able, always willing, and always kind in helping. These are the four reasons why Jesus is the best helper.

My dear children and friends, let us seek the help of Jesus. We all need it, in everything we have to do. We need it in all the engagements and occupations of daily life; but most especially do we need it in the important business of seeking our soul's salvation.

Ah! let us all begin to-day, and ask help from Jesus. He is ready to give it, if we pray to Him for it.

And let us try to imitate our blessed Saviour. Let us seek His grace, to make us like Him, in helping one another. We cannot, like Jesus, be always near, nor are we always able to help; but we can be like Him in being always willing and always kind, and in seeking in every way to do good to our fellow-creatures.

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