Philosophical MagazineTaylor & Francis., 1926 - Physics |
Dr E C Stoner on XRay Term Values Absorption Limits | 17 |
Prof F Ehrenhaft and Dr E Wasser on Determination of the Size | 30 |
Dr A H Davis and Mr N Fleming on the LoudSpeaker as a Source | 51 |
Messrs E W B Gill and R H Donaldson on a New Method | 129 |
Mr T Carlton Sutton on Shape of Waves from Large Explosions | 162 |
Miss P Jones and Mr T J Jones on the Effect of a Magnetic Field | 176 |
Prof W M Hicks on the Analysis of the Copper Spectrum | 237 |
Prof R W Wood and Mr T Lyman on Improved Grating | 310 |
Mr G W C Yates on Latent Heats of Vaporization of Ethyl | 817 |
Prof W B Morton on the ParallelPlate Condenser and other Two | 827 |
Dr H Jeffreys on the Stability of a Layer of Fluid heated below | 833 |
Prof H Levy on Growth of Eddies in a Viscous Fluid | 844 |
Mr H W Swift on Orifice Flow as affected by Viscosity | 852 |
Prof R W Wood on SelfReversal of the Red Hydrogen Line | 876 |
Prof W B Morton on Irrotational Flow past Two Intersecting | 900 |
Rev P J Kirby on Alternative Currents in Rarefied Oxygen | 913 |
Dr R Winstanley Lunt on the Determination of the Current Voltage | 314 |
AUGUST | 321 |
L Bircumshaw on the Surface Tension of Liquid Metals | 341 |
Determination of the Modulus of Elasticity | 351 |
Dr N R Campbell on the Variation of Pressure with Temperature | 369 |
Mr W H Patterson on a Bath for Observations at Lower Tem | 383 |
Prof A Press on the Elasticity Coefficients and the Thermodynamic | 431 |
Mr S E Sheppard on some Considerations of the Reaction Constant | 448 |
A Welo on the Photoelectric Emission from Platinum | 463 |
Prof J S Townsend and Mr C M Focken on the Transference | 474 |
Mr R C Richards on the High Frequency Oscillatory Discharge | 508 |
Dr R A Houstoun on the Theory of the Absorption of XRays | 512 |
Dr R C Gray on the Magnetic Stability of Permanent Magnets | 521 |
Dr W H McCurdy on Absorption and Resonance Radiation | 529 |
Mr E A Guggenheim on the Determination of the Velocity Con | 538 |
Mr W Stephenson on the Effect of the Shape of the Cathode | 556 |
Dr G Scatchard on the Milner and Debye Theories of Strong | 577 |
Messrs G Nonhebel and H Hartley on the Milner and Debye | 586 |
R Johnson and Dr R C Johnson on Intensity Variations | 593 |
Note on the Structure of Cadmium and Zinc | 610 |
Mr W A MacNair on the Fine Structure of Certain Lines | 613 |
Note on some Observa | 621 |
Mr N K Sur on the Arc Spectrum of Lead | 633 |
G Barkla and Dr S R Khastgir on Scattered XRays | 642 |
Mr E J Williams on the Compton Effect and the Reflexion | 657 |
Sir J J Thomson on Radiation produced by the Passage of Elec | 674 |
Mr Y Björnstahl on Electric Double Refraction in Colloids | 701 |
H L Searle on an Oscillographic Study of Anodic | 733 |
Dr F Kirchner on a New Method of obtaining a Luminous | 741 |
Dr E T Paris on the Theory of the Boys type of Double | 751 |
S Beals on Regularities in the Spectrum of Ionized Silver | 770 |
Dr A A Robb on a Simple Integraph | 778 |
Prof F H Newman on the High Vacuum Arc in Hydrogen | 796 |
Prof W B Morton on the Action in Parabolic Paths under Gravity | 800 |
Mr J S Rankin on the Elastic Range of Friction | 806 |
Dr P J Daniell on Orthogonal Potentials | 921 |
Mr J P Andrews on an Application of Diffraction Halos | 945 |
Dr H M Browning on Sound Changes analysed by Records | 955 |
Mr N Eumorfopoulos and Lieut J Rai on the JouleThomson | 961 |
Prof T R Merton on Reversal in Vacuum Tube Spectra | 975 |
Prof J A Wasastjerna on the Crystalline Structure of Anhydrite | 992 |
Mr T L Eckersley on the Compton Scattering and the Structure | 1002 |
Mr R Thoræus on the XRay Spectra of the Lower Elements | 1007 |
Mr W W Barkas on Photophoresis of Colloidal Particles | 1019 |
Dr S H C Briggs on Werners Coordination Theory and | 1026 |
Prof F II Newman on the Flash Arc Spectrum of Potassium | 1042 |
Researches on the Electric Discharge in Gases | 1046 |
Mr H F Biggs on a Simple Exposition of Electromagnetic | 1052 |
Prof G P Thomson on Scattering of Positive Rays by Gases II | 1076 |
Mr G Nonhebel on the Activity Coefficients of Aqueous Hydro | 1085 |
Rebound of a Ball from a Fixed Plane | 1091 |
General Formulæ for Two Syntonized | 1098 |
Messrs J M Nuttall and E J Williams on the Ranges | 1109 |
Notes on Scattered | 1116 |
G Barkla and Dr W H Watson on the Control of | 1122 |
Prof E T Whittaker on a Simple LightQuantum | 1137 |
Prof H Perlitz on an Apparent Relation between the Rate in | 1148 |
Dr J A Wilcken on the Molecular Association of Benzoic Acid | 1153 |
Dr J S Owens on the Making of a Salt Haze | 1165 |
Mr H V Lowry on the Legendre Function of Order | 1184 |
Dr R Chaplin on the Adsorption of Nitrogen at Low Pressures | 1198 |
Prof N P Kasterin on Sir J J Thomsons Model of a Light | 1208 |
Drs A Holmes and R W Lawson on the Radioactivity of | 1218 |
Prof A J S Pippard and Mr J F Baker on the Stresses in | 1234 |
Dr A C Davies and Prof F Horton on Critical Potentials | 1253 |
Dr P W Bridgman on Dimensional Analysis Again | 1263 |
Mr B S Cohen on the CondenserTelephone | 1271 |
Hart on the LoudSpeaker as a Source of Sonnd for | 1282 |
Dr F S Goucher on Further Studies on the Deformation | 1291 |