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whites, they feel constrained to remove over the Mississippi in the fall, and wish their daughter to go with them. We feel as though it would be sending forth a tender lamb into a howling wilderness without a shepherd; but we also feel that by this means, the Lord is raising up missionaries from among the natives, and sending them into that vast country before others are ready to go.-How consoling the thought, that by means of your charity, not only a precious soul has been saved, but a female missionary educated, who perhaps will be the first to carry a savour of religion into that unknown country; and whose example and progress may be the means of leading many others to seek the same precious salvation. One thing more I must mention. When she came to live with us, she was very fond of dress and ornaments, of which she had many. After she became pious, without any suggestions of ours, she laid aside all her ornaments, except a pair of plain knobs in her ears. She dresses plain, and expresses her disapprobation of ostentatious finery. In short, she seems desirous of being adorned not with gold and pearls and costly array, but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

Another instance worthy of notice, is the case of Charles Reece, who is also a half breed. He was the first of the three Cherokees, who, at the battle of the Horse Shoe, swam the Coosa river, under the fire of the enemy, and brought over their canoes; by which means the Cherokees crossed that river, and by turning the attention of the enemy, were instrumental in saving the lives of many of your valuable citizens. In consideration of this brave deed, President MADISON presented him with an elegant silver mounted rifle. But in this he does not now glory, having learned, as we humbly trust, to glory only in the cross of Christ. Soon after the mission was commenced here, this man once or twice attended our Sabbath preaching. He has since told us that he was then convinced that he was a bad man, and felt very uneasy in his mind. He had many struggles in his heart, whether to forsake his bad ways and attend to instruction, or quit going to the missionaries, and do as he had before done. The preaching of our dear brother Cornelius was made instrumental in increasing convictions; and after a few more ineffectual struggles of his wicked heart to reign, this brave and undaunted warrior was brought, by the power of divine grace, to bow cordially and joyfully to the meek and humble Jesus, and to trust alone in his merits for pardon and eternal life. This man is not only a hopeful Christian, but an industrious, or more properly, he is a hard working man. He has this season cleared several acres of ground, with his own hands, for the purpose of enlarging his cornfield. He labours in the daytime, and at night is engaged in learning to read, that he may be able to read the word of God.

Another instance. A Cherokee woman who was left a widow last spring, with three small children, has for some time been a constant attendant on our preaching. Lately she has given evidence

of a saving change of heart, and is to be admitted to our communion next Sabbath. She has had a little son at our school for several months, who now can read very well. On the Sabbath, after preaching, she has been seen to take him into the woods for the purpose of his teaching her to read. There the mother sits an humble and attentive hearer to this little boy, who appears no. less earnestly engaged for the instruction of his beloved parent. I will mention but one instance more, lest I should weary your patience, which is that of a young man, apparently a full blooded Cherokee. He was formerly a vicious, trifling character. Last summer he was hunting on the Sabbath, and his gun, accidentally going off, discharged its contents through his arm. This made a deep impression on his mind; he considered it as an evidence that the Great Spirit was displeased because he hunted on the Sabbath, and could not afterwards be persuaded by his people to go out on that day. But it was not till within a few weeks that he felt the burden of sin and the importance of being delivered from it by the merits of Christ. He is now a man of prayer, and though often reproached and ridiculed for it, is not at all moved. In short we have hopes that he is a renewed man, and trust he may soon be admitted a worthy member of our little church.

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Monday, March 30.-Not being able to close my letter last week, I will add a few lines before I speak of the school. Yesterday was our communion season. A larger number of people were assembled than I have before seen at this place, on such an occasion. After a sermon, to which all appeared attentive, two Cherokee women, and one white man made a public profession of their faith in Christ; were baptized and received into the church; and seven children were admitted to the ordinance of baptism. Twenty-two communicants then sat down to partake of those elements which represent the broken body and shed blood of our blessed Saviour, seven of whom were natives, who we hope have been gathered out of the wilderness into the fold of Christ. Two of the natives and two white men were members of the Moravian Church at Spring-Place, who were with us on this occasion. The season was truly solemn and interesting, and we often regretted that some of our pious benefactors could not be present to enjoy it with us.

Having spent so much time in giving particulars on what appeared to us a very interesting subject, I must be brief in my remarks on the school. We have at present about thirty regular scholars, who live in our family, eat at our table, and are receiving in every respect, as far as we are able to give it, a Christian education. They are all instructed, most of them fed, and many of them clothed in part, free of expense to them. But then in return, they are most of them very good children, attentive to their books, obedient to the commands of their master, and the rules of the family, and are fast acquiring habits of industry. Indeed if we tell the whole truth, we shall say that many of them learn faster than the same number of white children in any school with which we have been acquainted.

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The children appear cheerful and contented with their situation. But this has not been the case with all. Last season we laboured under many difficulties; our school was not taught regularly, and some of the children grew weary of the restraints laid on them, and left the school. Some of these have now returned; and both parents and children have solicited us to take them again, and they are now among our best scholars.

I am aware of the danger missionaries are in, of giving a colouring to their narratives which facts will not warrant. In this respect, I can only say, that I have endeavoured to confine myself to the simple narration of facts, and have omitted many which might have been given. If in these I have erred, it has been through ignorance, and not by design; and I do now, in the name and at the request ofthe Mission family, tender our grateful acknowledgments to those ladies who so generously came forward to aid the work in which we are engaged. We felt it our duty to make this statement to you, that both you who sowed and we who reap may rejoice together.

We hope no one will think that we overlook the liberal aid which the gentlemen in Knoxville and other places have given to our work. We devoutly acknowledge the hand of God in it, and pray that their hearts and yours may be enlarged a hundred fold towards the poor perishing heathen-that your prayers for them may be more frequent and fervent, and that a more abundant harvest of good may yet be realized by those who sow in hope, will ever be the prayer of your affectionate and obliged friends at Chickamaugh. CYRUS KINGsbury,

From the Evangelical Magazine


We had the pleasure, in our last Number, of laying before our readers a full account of the proceedings of the missionaries at Otaheite, &c. and of the blessing of God upon their labours; we now present a letter from the Rev. Mr. Marsden, senior Chaplain of the Colony of New South Wales, containing his views of the great importance of that intelligence.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. S. Marsden, dated Paramatta, New South Wales, Oct. 31, 1816, to the Secretary.

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Since I wrote last, the Queen Charlotte has arrived from Otaheite. By her I have received from your missionaries many private and public letters, which I have forwarded to you and other friends by the ship Willerby, under the care of Mr. Hill, Surgeon, who came out with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. I have now the unspeakable satisfaction of forwarding to you THE IDOL GODS OF OTAHEITE, as the glorious spoils of Idolatry. No event could have given me more pleasure. They are now lying prostrate on the table before me; and were we

not certain of the fact, we could not believe that any human beings could place their salvation in these wretched images, and offer up human sacrifices to avert their anger.

I need not say any thing relative to the work of the mission, as the missionaries have written so fully on the subject. The wishes and prayers of the Society are now fully answered, and they must rejoice with exceeding joy at the good news which they will receive by this conveyance. I have experienced many anxious hours on account of this mission when circumstances have occurred which threatened its total ruin: but the Lord hath now crowned the labours of his faithful servants far beyond all expectation, and I see nothing now wanting but some employment for the converts, to prevent the temptations which are at all times connected with an idle life: but this must be left to the wisdom of your Society.*

The Active (in which Mr. Crook and his family proceeded from Port Jackson to Otaheite, to join the missionaries) is not yet returned. I intend to keep her in the service of the missions to New Zealand and the other islands, as long as there may be occasion for her. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are both at Paramatta, waiting the return of the Active. They are promising young people, and I hope will prove of the greatest benefit to the cause. I am very much satisfied with them.

On Sunday, May 11th, 1817, the five missionaries designed for Otaheite arrived safely at Port Jackson, in the ship Harriet, Capt. Jones. She left England Nov. 17, 1816, remained 17 days at Rio Jeneiro, and reached Hobart Town 21st March. These missionaries are, Messrs. Darling, Platt, Bourne, Williams, who left England together, and Mr. Threlkeld, who had been detained at Rio on ac count of the illness of Mrs. T. and child. During the passage they buried a native of Otaheite, who with another of his countrymen was returning from England to his native country. Mrs. Bourne was delivered of a child about a fortnight before their arrival.

These five missionaries will doubtless proceed by the first conveyance to Otaheite; and with Mr. Crook and Mr. Ellis, and Messrs. Orsmond and Barff will form a considerable addition to the number of the brethren already there. The society of missionaries there will then consist of fifteen. They will, we hope, soon be joined by Mr. Gyles, who is gone to promote the mission, by instructing the natives in the cultivation of the soil, &c. &c.


Mr. Adam, in one of his late excursions among the negroes in this island, visited several small villages, about forty or fifty miles from Port-au-Spain; the inhabitants of which, about 650, with many children, were formerly slaves in North America, and being taken

* Some months ago, an active and intelligent person (with his family) was sent out for this express purpose.

prisoners in some of the forts, during the late war, were transported to Trinidad, and made free. The Governor has appointed them land to cultivate, and allowed them rations until it be made productive of sufficient support. Some of these blacks had obtained a little knowledge of the gospel while in America; and are now under the benevolent care of a Mr. Johnson, who was once a hearer of Mr. Adam, and others. They meet for worship every Sabbath, and in each of the villages (about ten in number) have chosen from among themselves one who was the best qualified to conduct it. Many of them can sing the praises of God, and the woods around them sweetly echo with the name of Jesus. These men had the character among their employers of being quiet, sober, and industrious. Mr. Adam preached among them, and was received 'as an angel of God.'

Mr. A. has promised to visit them again, and is very desirous of establishing schools, and settling a missionary among them. He has been repeatedly and dangerously ill, but much recoveted. The arrival of Mr. Mercer, who lately sailed for Trinidad will be truly seasonable.


A Letter to the Secretary from the Rev. Marmaduke Thompson, dated Madras, March 25, 1817, conveys much encouraging information.

My Dear Sir,


We have much to communicate-much that will afford, we trust, great satisfaction and encouragement to the Committee, and all the friends of the Society. Every where, at every station we seem to be prospering. In Madras, Mr. Rhenius is going on with unabated zeal, and I think with great judgment. His attention seems ever awake to observe the progress and effect of the systems of education which we adopt, and of his Wednesday evening lecture and public preaching; to hear and improve on the remarks of the natives round him, respecting the mission in its several parts; and to watch openings of Providence for the extension of it, especially by readers and schools. The consequence is, that our sphere is enlarging very widely; so that we are obliged to cry out loudly for 'Money! Money!-Missionaries! Missionaries!"

Mr.Rhenius, remember, is quite alone; and the business that he has to do in the course of the day of superintending and giving his portion of teaching in the schools, receiving visiters who call on him for religious instruction, studying languages, translating and preaching, together with a general care of the whole Mission Establishment now including four schools in as many different places, is so great that it is surprising how he gets through so much as he does, and, in justice to him it must be added, so well. Pray, my dear Sir, endea

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