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and also destroy their character and reputation, as men amongst mankind.

16. Such laws as only favor a few, and enable them to domineer and tyranize over the rest, and degrade them into ignorance and ignominy has not a good bearing in society, and should be changed for such rules as would have a more and beneficial influ ence for social welfare.

17. The law to favour the faculty, if the dead are not called for by their friends within a certain number of hours, may be dissected, &c.

Supposing a youth going to school by stage, or a merchant for goods, is taken sick and amongst strangers, his friends hear not in due time to apply to the public house for the body,-What must be their feelings under such circumstances, when they hear? Or the young lady going to see her friends?

Should the law makers be disposed to give their own bodies, or sanction a society for the like purpose, why, it would be their own voluntary act, and not any would be to blame!

But to say the least, it is a poor world, and what is commonly called law, is but the example and opinion of a poor Judge, set up for a precedent, while statute law lays dormant and absolete, and is scarce ever mentioned at all.

18. In Ireland, 1798, there was a union betwixt the Protestants, Presbyterians and Catholics, called "united Men," for political purposes, but the Romans got the upper hand in the south they made it a religious affair, too serious to be trifled with. Will there ever be an attempt to amalgamate societies in America—a leading few and to sacrifice the rest?

The attempt and conspiracy to sacrifice the METHODISTS through Maffit. began in R. I. and the mock trial in her sister


So the affair of "Rev. E. K. Avery" was another Hallucidation of the political sermon of R. I. found in Antism, for political purposes, supposing him to have been a Mason! and also to sacrifice the Methodists through him!

Hence the threatening with fire and fagots for their attempt to allow him a fair chance to obtain justice!

The burning and hanging him in effigy, with the various false and unheard of ways and means, to prejudice the public mind against the Methodists; the assiduity with which the matter was persued, as if God, angels, men and devils were called and excited to action and the archieves of heaven, earth and hell ransacked for evidence and testimony, and the brains of men, strained almost to distraction, as if they were thirsting for blood and could not rest satisfied until the days of persecution unto blood must return, as a curse and scourge to revisit mankind upon the earth.

But after putting the state to about ten thousand dollars expense, and E. K. A. to about 6000 more—not a hair of his head as it relates to his moral and Christian character have they been able to soil or touch!

But will not God, the judge, laugh those persecutors to scorn, and be avenged for all these things! For it is a disgrace to human nature—the proceedings of a judicial court, upon such delicate points, inspected thus to shed blood, and after all, the book of nature exhibits the mischief to have been done or began some six weeks anterior to the Thomson Camp Meeting, and hence to the house of the most officious prosecutor where no doubt some of the evil may yet fall on the principles of equity.

There has been instances of some individuals of a certain profession, in attempting a certain kind of practice, have endangered the life of an individual, and jeopardize themselves personally to the law thereby, which to avoid, have helped the patient off the stage of action in attitude, as if they had committed suicide! But murder will out, and the tub must stand on its own bottom!

If such hallucinations are to be taken socially for law, order and gospel, who can be safe and elaim protection by the laws of his country!

The Town House of Providence, if God and man permit, was intended for a meeting, having never been shut on such an occasion before-but the Catholics with the town Council had such influence, as to cause the house to be shut against me!

Perhaps they may have Catholicism enough by and by.

Montville, Con, Sept. 1, 1833.


The practice of dressing in BLACK, by ministers of most denominations, is a perpetuation of one of the Popish eustoms, which was taken from the false prophets; who borrowed it from the true Prophets when mourning in sack-cloth, &c. But God declares he will remove the Chemarims (or black coats) with the Priests out of the land! Zeph. i. 4.

SIN and SATAN are represented as black.-Black is a rotten colour, and black will easily shew dirt, therefore there is no reason but pride and the prejudice of education to be assigned for the perpetuation of it!

As it relates to Baptisms, the plural is spoken of by Paul, Heb. vi. there are three elsewhere:-Water, Sufferings and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. As it relates to the mode, the Hebrews were Baptized to Moses IN the Cloud and in the Sea; and yet they went through on DRY ground, so that they were not wet all over under water! John Baptized with (not IN) water, "unto repentance," and baptized Christ, (who could not be baptized unto repentance for he had nothing to repent of,) and said I shall decrease, which implies that he knew his own dispensation would come to an end; while that of Jesus, must eat up all the rest and monopolize the world! Paul baptized some of John's people over again, which implies the use of water among the first Christians, and that John's baptism was not the Gospel one! IN Jordan IN the mountain into the tree, &c. at, to, upon, compare Exódus. and exercise common sense. To gain an ascendancy and exercise a supremacy over others, "moral evil" will adopt any plan to maintain unjust prerogative.


Hence the Pope puts down the Free Mason! Why? Not because Masonry is wrong, but because it admits and requires only Penn's general test, "a belief in one God and future rewards and punishment," "as though a Protestant might be saved as well as a Catholic," and by such all the

Mahometans, Heathens and Deists, are called "hereticks," "Infidels," &c. as though the whole, without any discrimination must be damned, without any hope of mercy together! Whereas, what is a Deist, but one who acknowledges a Deity: What is an Infidel, but he that hath been guilty of a breach of fidelity; seeing one is the opposite of the other, by an act of violation, which constitutes infidelity; but he that is not guilty, should not unjustly be accused! The backslider exemplifies a character of infidelity, as well as the unfaithful husband or wife who violates their marriage vow!

But, if what has commonly been called religion, be not religion, but a piece of solemn mockery, as a sham upon the people; and a man perceives the imposition; his reason must call it in question; if he begins to seek for facts and enquire after TRUTH. Of course, he will and must have his doubts: What is truth? until he obtains evidence that will satisfy him!

No two stones look exactly alike, neither do two human countenances, nor any two voices sound alike: and if not, how can we expect that all should think and see alike ? Variety exhibits both the wisdom and goodness of God in nature, and why not in grace? Charles V after doing his best, could not make two watches run alike-hence his folly, to attempt by persecution, to make a nation think alike! And what, short of divine illumination, to cause the light of the moon to become as the light of the Sun, and the light of the Sun to become sevenfold as the light of seven days, can make the watchmen see eye to eye? When there will be no need to say know ye the Lord? for all shall know him, from the least unto the greatest, and the glory of God shall fill the earth, as the waters do the sea!

The Pagans had many deities, and they admitted of dif ferent modes of worship; though they had one superior to all the rest, called Jove, or Jupiter, probably borrowed from the patriarch-JEHOVAH and his angels. But when the worship of only one God became general, there could be but one kind of worship acceptable and right, and the others considered wrong of course. But people, by mistaking a MODE for a PRINCIPLE, lost the spirit in the letter, and the substance in the shade-by which they forgot the power and only retained the form, which is worship only nominally.

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