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down and slept, and have awoke this morning in health and peace, because thou hast sustained me. Thus far, O thou Preserver of men, hast thou been pleased to spare my forfeited life; and numberless as my sins and provocations against thee have been, thou art still following me with thy mercies and favors. O let me not despise the riches of thy goodness, and forbearance, and long suffering, or forget that it is the design of all to lead me to repentance.

Blessed be thy name for the encouragement thou hast given me to repent of my sins, by the kind assurances of thy readiness to pardon and accept of all who are truly penitent. Blessed be thy name, that, unworthy as I am of the common bounties of thy providence, thou hast freely offered to my acceptance a share in the far richer treasures of thy grace.. Never can I enough admire that unexampled love which thou hast manifested towards us, apostate creatures, in sending

thine only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him: That we might be formed to a life of holiness here by the influence of his word and spirit, and raised at length by his mighty power, to a life of eternal glory and felicity in another and a better world. O suffer me not to neglect that great salvation which he has brought within my reach; but make me duly solicitous to secure an interest in it, by such a lively faith in him, as shall effectually engage me to devote myself to him in all the ways of holy obedience.


Help me, O God, to live under a constant sense of my absolute and entire dependence upon thee, as well as of my unspeakable obligations to thee; and impart to me those powerful influences of thy grace which are necessary to enable me to mortify my sinful inclinations, to bear afflictions as I ought, to make a right use of every mercy and enjoyment, and to discharge the various duties of life in a holy and acceptable manner.

And whatever portion of time thou mayest allot me on earth, enable me to redeem it from vanity and sin; and to employ it so as may turn to the best account, not only in the life that now is, but in that also which is to come. May I be making daily advances in all wisdom, righteousness, and goodness, in piety and purity, in humility and meekness, in contentment and heavenly mindedness. Let me not be anxiously careful about the things of this life; what I shall eat, or what I shall drink, or wherewithal I shall be clothed; but let me seek, in the first place, the blessings of thy kingdom, and that righteousness which thou requirest as the necessary qualification for the enjoyment of them; depending upon thy promise that all these things, so far as they are really needful, shall then be added to me.


Keep me this day in innocence, and in love to thee, and to all about me. all my ways let me acknowledge thee, and do thou direct my paths. Teach

me to guide my affairs with discretion; and in every respect to act in a manner suitable to the station wherein thy providence has placed me, and to the general relations which I sustain.

Bless the family to which I belong; and all my dear relatives and friends, whether near or at a distance. May we be all interested in thy peculiar favor and friendship; faithful in our duty to thee here on earth, and happy in the enjoyment of thee hereafter in heaven. All which, and whatever else thou seest needful and proper for me, for them, and for all mankind, I humbly entreat, for thy goodness sake in and through Christ Jesus thy Son, who has taught us to address thee under the endearing character of Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trepasses as we forgive them that trespass against


us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever....AMEN.


VI-A Prayer for Monday Evening.

O LORD, my God, thou art ever merciful and gracious. Thou causest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice over me. I desire at this time, with a grateful sense of the numberless favors thou hast conferred upon me, and art continually renewing, day by day, to offer thee my evening sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving. Let the words of my mouth and the medita tions of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and Redeemer.

I adore thee as the Author of my life and being; as the Former of my body, and the Father of my spirit. I

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