La grande politique de l'Angleterre, en ce moment et pour l'avenir, est de porter partout la civilisation Européenne, de faire germer avec elle les goûts et les besoins de l'Europe chez tous les peuples; pour les mettre en rapport avec elle-meme, et dans la dépendance de son industrie et de ses richesses. Elle seul est capable de concevoir et d'exécuter de si étonnantes entreprises, dignes de sa grandeur et de son génie. Il est doux et consolant de reposer sa vue sur ce noble gouvernement, qui est l'honneur et l'espoir de l'humanité. Des Destinées Futures de l'Europe, p. 270, 271. PROŒMIUM. THE following Poem, which is now, with much diffidence, given to the world, had originally no such destination; but was commenced merely as a domestic journal of an excursion in the summer of 1830. However much the author had travelled in different parts of the world, the scenery of the Rhine below Basle was altogether new to him, and proved peculiarly attractive, not only from its natural and picturesque beauties, but as it often comes blended with Roman remains, hallowing the ground over which they are strewed, and never failing to awaken those classical reminiscences which must be ever cherished. The banks of this noble river are sufficiently distinguished, and the cities with which they are crowded are not without fame; nay, Cologne, from its early love of liberty-the proud position it long maintained its civil and religious broils-its wars-its commercial enterprise-its decline and fall, is absolutely an epitome of a great and powerful state; and, as such, gave rise to many reflections connected with the vicissitudes which this world is continually undergoing, and which are repeatedly adverted to. Several changes, it will be observed, have taken place throughout Europe, different from those anticipated by the writer; but they are not of a nature to induce him to alter his opinions, nor vary one sentiment he has, with great deference, expressed. The measure he has adopted is not exactly the Spencerian, the last line of the stanza being two syllables shorter than that used in the Fairy Queen; a slight deviation, first fallen into by chance, and afterwards continued from preference. The object aimed at in Fitz-Raymond has not |