Builds his light town of canvas, and at once The motley market fills; the roads, the streams Are crowded with new freights, trade stirs and hurries! But on some morrow morn, all suddenly, The tents drop down, the horde renews its march. The meadow and down-trodden seed-plot lie, Max. O let the Emperor make peace, my father! Most gladly would I give the blood-stained laurel For the first violet of the leafless spring, Plucked in those quiet fields where I have journeyed! Oct. What ails thee? What so moves thee all at once? Max. Peace have I ne'er beheld? I have be held it. From thence am I come hither: O! that sight, father My venerable father, life has charms Which we have ne'er experienced. We have been But voyaging along its barren coasts, Like some poor ever-roaming horde of pirates, That, crowded in the rank and narrow ship, House on the wild sea with wild usages, Nor know aught of the main land but the bays Where safeliest they may venture a thieves' land ing. Whate'er in the inland dales the land conceals Of fair and exquisite, O! nothing, nothing, Do we behold of that in our rude voyage. Oct. [attentive with an appearance of uneasiness.] And so your journey has revealed this to you? Max. 'Twas the first leisure of my life. O tell me, What is the meed and purpose of the toil, The painful toil, which robbed me of my youth, Left me a heart unsouled and solitary, A spirit uninformed, unornamented. For the camp's stir and crowd and ceaseless larum, These cannot be man's best and only pleasures. Oct. Much hast thou learnt, my son, in this short journey. Max. O! day thrice lovely! when at length the soldier Returns home into life; when he becomes The colours are unfurled, the cavalcade Marshals, and now the buzz is hushed, and hark! Now the soft peace-march beats, home, brothers, home! The caps and helmets are all garlanded With green boughs, the last plundering of the fields. The city gates fly open of themselves, They need no longer the petard to tear them. The ramparts are all filled with men and women, With peaceful men and women, that send onwards Kisses and welcomings upon the air, Which they make breezy with affectionate ges tures. From all the towers rings out the merry peal, O happy man, O fortunate! for whom The well-known door, the faithful arms are open, The faithful tender arms with mute embracing. Ques. [apparently much affected.] O! that you should speak Of such a distant, distant time, and not Of the to-morrow, not of this to-day. Max. [turning round to him quick and vehement. Where lies the fault but on you in Vienna ? I will deal openly with you, Questenberg. Crowded and pressed my inmost soul together. Saxons, the And tries to awaken confidence in the enemy; plagues fall on you! Even as I love what's virtuous, hate I you. SCENE V-QUESTENBERG, OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI. Ques. Alas, alas! and stands it so? [Then in pressing and impatient tones. What, friend! and do we let him go away In this delusion-let him go away? Not call him back immediately, not open Oct. [recovering himself out of a deep study.] And I see more than pleases me. Ques. Oct. Curse on this journey! Ques. What is it? But why so? What is it? Oct. Come, come along, friend! I must follow up The ominous track immediately. Mine eyes Are opened now, and I must use them. Come! [Draws QUESTENBERG on with him. Ques. What now? Where go you then? Oct. Ques. To her herself. To Oct. [interrupting him and correcting himself.] To the Duke. Come, let us go 'Tis done, 'tis done, I see the net that is thrown over him. O! he returns not to me as he went. And that I should not Oct. Foresee it, not prevent this journey! Wherefore Did I keep it from him?—You were in the right. I should have warned him! Now it is too late. Ques. But what's too late? Bethink yourself, my friend, That you are talking absolute riddles to me. Oct. [more collected.] Come!-to the Duke's. 'Tis close upon the hour |