That I, a faithful servant of the sovereign, Ques. But your Highness knows What little freedom he possessed of action In that disastrous diet. Wal. Death and hell! I had that which could have procured him free dom. No! Since 'twas proved so inauspicious to me I have been taught far other trains of thinking Wal. In this season ? And to what quarter, wills the Emperor, Ques. To the enemy. His Majesty resolves, that Regensburg Be purified from the enemy, ere Easter, Defilement desecrate the celebration Of that pure festival. Already hath commanded Colonel Suys To advance toward Bavaria ! Wal. What did Suys? Ques. That which his duty prompted. He ad vanced! Wal. What? he advanced! And I, his general, Had given him orders, peremptory orders, Not to desert his station! Stands it thus With my authority? Is this th' obedience Due to my office, which being thrown aside No war can be conducted? Chieftains, speak You be the judges, generals! What deserves That officer, who of his oath neglectful Is guilty of contempt of orders? Illo. [raising his voice, as all but ILLO had remained silent, and seemingly scrupulous.] Death. Wal. Count Piccolomini! what has he de served? Max Pic. [after a long pause.] According to the letter of the law, Death. Iso. Death. But. Death, by the laws of war. [QUESTENBERG rises from his seat, WALLENSTEIN follows; all the rest rise. Wal. To this the law condemns him, and not I. And if I show him favour, 'twill arise From the rev'rence that I owe my Emperor. Ques. If so, I can say nothing further-here! Wal. I accepted the command but on conditions! And this the first, that to the diminution Not even the Emperor's self, should be entitled Placing my honour and my head in pledge, The means thereto. What rendered this Gustavus This that he was the monarch in his army ! Ques. The Prince Cardinal Begins his route at the approach of spring From the Milanese; and leads a Spanish army Through Germany into the Netherlands. That he may march secure and unimpeded, 'Tis th' Emperor's will you grant him a detach ment Of eight horse-regiments from the army here. Wal. Yes, yes! I understand!-Eight regiments! Well, Right well concerted, father Lamormain ! Eight thousand horse! Yes, yes! 'Tis as it should be! I see it coming. Ques. There is nothing coming. All stands in front: the counsel of state-prudence, The dictate of necessity! Wal. What then? What, my Lord Envoy? May I not be suffered That take their route, as visitors, through the empire, There stands no syllable in my stipulation. No syllable! And so the politic court Steals in a-tiptoe, and creeps round behind it : First makes me weaker, then to be dispensed with, What need of all these crooked ways, Lord En voy! Straight-forward, man! His compact with me pinches The Emperor. He would that I moved off!— Well!-I will gratify him! [Here there commences an agitation among the Generals It grieves me for my noble officers' sakes! I was not wont to make nice scrutiny After his pedigree or catechism. This will be otherwise, i' the time to come. Well-me no longer it concerns. [He seats himself. Max Pic. Forbid it, Heaven, that it should come to this! Our troops will swell in dreadful fermentationThe Emperor is abused-it cannot be. Iso. It cannot be; all goes to instant wreck. Wal. Thou hast said truly, faithful Isolani! What we with toil and foresight have built up, 5 VOL. III. |