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Debates on the Slave Trade, 1791, 1792, 1806, and 1807.

Wilberforce's Letter to his Constituents, 1807.

Pinckard's Notes on the West Indies,


Professional Planter.

Dixon's Mitigation of Slavery, 1814. Watson's Defence of the Methodist Missions in the West Indies, 1816. Report of the African Institution on Reasons for a Registry of Slaves, 1815. Review of the Colonial Registry Bills by the African Institution, 1820. Sixteenth Annual Report of the African Institution, 1822.

Stephens's Letters to Wilberforce on the Registry of Slaves, 1816.

Cropper's Letters to Wilberforce, 1822. Singleton's Report of the State of Sierra Leone, 1822.

Pamphleteer, No. XVI., containing Coster on the Amelioration of Slavery,


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Mr. Salt has lately communicated the following intelligence from Cairo. We would earnestly hope, that, under the course of policy pursued by the present enterprising Basha of Egypt, that country will become increasingly open to the progress of education and Christian light.

"This morning," says Mr. Salt, "I had a conference with the Basha. His highness observed that he had received a visit from Mr. Wolff, with whom he expressed himself much pleased; and that that gentlemen had proposed to him to establish a school on the new system adopted in England, at Boulak near Cairo. His highness said, I must first explain to you that a project of this kind has great difficulties. In Europe, people pay contentedly for the education of their children; here, on the contrary, at our Lyceum at Boulak, I am obliged to pay those who come to be inCHRIST. OBSERV. No. 255.

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structed, to some thirty, some forty, some a hundred piastres per month; and even then, with difficulty can I persuade them to come, so ignorant and barbarous are the people of this country, whether Copts or Levantines. I feel sensible of the liberality of the gentlemen who have commissioned Mr. Wolff to make the proposal, and, if they are willing, shall have great pleasure in having their assistance in such a work; but I recommend that it should be at my Lyceum. Let them send clever men, capable of teaching the new system of education and the sciences, and I will afford them every facility; that is, I will collect for them as many scholars as I can get together. Let them teach the languages, Italian, French, and English, trigonometry, or measuring of land, and every thing connected with the science of engineers; but let those they send be men of abilities: I shall be glad to contribute towards the payment of such men."

Mr. Wolff, the gentleman mentioned in this extract has been travelling at the expense of some gentlemen in England, as a Christian Missionary, chiefly to the Jews in Syria and other parts of the East. He had projected the establishment of a school or college at Aleppo, and his proposal is stated to have met with warm approbation from the inhabitants; but, the earthquake having set aside the project for a time, he transferred his views to Cairo, where we shall rejoice to hear that it has been carried into effect.


of the present state of the plans of the SoThe following presents a summary view ciety for the Conversion of the Jews.

1. The Episcopal Chapel, at Bethnal Green.

2. Schools, containing 38 boys, and 44 girls.

3. The Hebrew New Testament-More than 10,000 copies circulated.

4. German-Hebrew, and Judæo-Polish New Testaments-Many thousands.

5. Tracts in various languages, on the subject at issue between Jews and Christians-Many hundred thousands.

6. Converted Jews, preaching the Gospel, including Mr. Moritz, employed by the Emperor of Russia-Six.

7. Missionary Agents of the Society abroad-Twelve.

8. Stations where they have labouredAmsterdam, Frankfort, Leipzic, Dresden, Warsaw, Posen, Breslau, Wilna, Cracow, Cochin, and Jerusalem.

9. Seminary for the education of Missionaries to the Jews. Six have gone forth. Five are preparing themselves for their future labours.

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10. Auxiliary Societies in England and Ireland-About one hundred and fifty. 11. Societies abroad in connexion with the London Society-Nine.

A separate Fund is open for the Hebrew New Testament, and another for Missions.



The Bishop of St. David's, in a learned pamphlet just published, entitled "The Greck Original of the New Testament asserted," (an extract from which appeared in our last Number,) has introduced the follow ing statement relative to the operations of the St. David's Church Union Society, respectingwhich several of our correspondents have requested information. The statement occurs in reply to some strictures in the last Number of the Quarterly Review respecting that Society, and Mr. Tebb's Essay, to which it lately adjudged its premium for an Essay on Adultery and Di


It is not within our province to enter into this controversy; but we refer those of our readers who may be interested in the subject, to Mr. Tebb's very satisfactory statements as respects himself (see our List of New Publications), and to the Bishop of St. David's remarks as respects the Society. In reply to the Quarterly Reviewer's charge of a misapplication of the Society's funds, which the reviewer thinks would have been better bestowed in furnishing Bibles to poor Welch families, than for an Essay on "the Doctrine of Scripture on Adultery and Divorce," the Bishop states, (referring for proof to the Reports of the lists of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Bible Society; the last of which, it is well known, expressly originated in the necessities of the Principality,) that funds and exertions are very far from being wanting for saturating his diocese with Bibles; and that the Society's 501. premiums are not supplied from its own resources, but by "the generous munificence of a noble benefactor."

This brief statement seems due not only to the Society, but to those who have subscribed to its objects, and might wish for an explanatian as to the alleged misapplication of its funds. We will only add on the subject of Mr. Tebb's Essay, that we are glad to find so competent an authority as the Bishop of St. David's concurring in the pressing necessity of strengthening our penal laws against the crime of adultery. Our present code is disgracefully lax and inefficient. Mr. Tebb's valuable work contains some reasonings and suggestions of great moment on this subject which it is his main object to press upon the attention of the legislature and the public.

"The Society," remarks his lordship, "originated in the necessities of the diocese; in its very imperfect means of clerical education; and in the want of some establishment which might, in some considerable degree, supply the advantages of an university education. And what has been the conduct of this provincial as sociation,' whose proceedings the reviewer is sure are injudicious? The most cordial co-operation of the clergy from all parts of the diocese; and even, with our poor endowments, the unwearied contribution of their best means for nearly twenty years, which, with the aid of English benefactors, have raised our preparatory funds towards effecting our long projected establishment, to the amount of 15,7831. 19s. 3d. in the three per cents. What now is the present result of the zealous and persevering endeavours of this provincial association?' The actual commencement of operations for building a college near Lampeter, in Cardiganshire, for the education of young men intended for holy orders, who cannot afford the expense of an university education; with the approbation and ge nerous aid of the two univerities, crowned with his Majesty's most gracious and munificent donation of one thousand pounds."

The utility of an appropriate course of studies for young men intended for holy orders, and the want of an institution which should unite in some considerable degree the advantages of an university education, by combining a progressive method of theology, literature, and science; with the regularity of moral discipline, first induced the Bishop of St. David's, in the year 1804, to propose the establishment of a clerical seminary at Llanddewi Brefi, for the education of future candidates for orders in the diocese of St. David's, who could not afford the expense of an university education. The great extent of the diocese, the poverty of its benefices, and the inability of the generality of candidates for the ministry in it to pursue their studies at an university, rendered such an institution peculiarly necessary in that diocese. Many objections having been made to Llanddewi Brefi, on account of its remote situation, the want of a market, and its inaccessibleness for want of turnpike roads; the offer of another site, dry, airy, and healthy, in the precincts of Lampeter, a small market town, a few miles distant from Llanddewi Brefi, was made by the lords of the manor of Lampeter, with a benefaction of one thousand pounds. The great superiority of the new site over that of Llanddewi Brefi, gave a new impulse to the undertaking, and brought an accession of most liberal benefactions, which his Majesty was graciously pleased to augment with the above-mentioned munificent donation. The college was in consequence founded

last August, (see Christ. Observ. for 1822, 595.) "The establishment of St. David's college," remarks his lordship, "though intended chiefly for one Welch diocese, may eventually be useful to the other three; and in proportion as the Welch clergy are employed in their ministerial duties in England, it may be beneficial to the whole church. It may also relieve the universities, by retaining at home many young men who might otherwise venture beyond their means to resort to them. The proof which the universities have given of their approbation of the undertaking, by their very liberal contributions, affords a most encouraging testimony to its utility.”


An institution was formed at Paris, towards the close of the year 1821, entitled "La Societé de la Morale Chrétienne," the plan and proceedings of which we feel great satisfaction in laying before our readers. The objects of the Society are to keep alive the public attention to the pure precepts of the Gospel; to shew their beneficial influence upon mankind, and to promote their wide extension in every work of peace and benevolence. The Society proposes to procure from every country, and under whatever form, interesting intelligence respecting measures in progress for the moral and physical benefit of the human race; and to promulgate both in occasional publications, and in a regular periodical work dedicated to that express object, the result of their researches, with a view particularly to stir up their countrymen to enter warmly into every useful design of Christian virtue and beneficence. They wish to demonstrate that nothing really true or good can be effected but upon the moral principles of the Gospel; at the same time avoiding all points of controversy among those who call themselves members of one common family. Politics and all other subjects irrelevant to the Society's benevolent objects, are excluded from its proceedings. Frenchmen or foreigners are equally admissible as members, being proposed by two members and balloted for. The minimum annual subscription for a member is 25 francs, for which he will receive the Society's monthly "Journal;" eight Numbers of which have appeared, and which is to be continued regularly. Strangers may purchase the work (forming annually two small 8vo. volumes) for 15 francs, in Paris, or 18 in the departments. It may be procured from Treuttel and Wurtz, in Paris, Strasburg, and London.

From the eight Numbers which have come to our hands we might extract va


rious articles of intelligence, highly interesting to those who have at heart the extension of moral and benevolent insti tutions upon the continent of Europe. This we may do at some future period. At present, however, we must be content with briefly mentioning some of the objects to which the Society has hitherto turned its attention; premising, in justice to its infant efforts, that its labours have necessarily in the first instance been chiefly confined to procuring information, and opening an extensive course of correspondence, which promises in its result greatly to benefit not only France, but every place where the influence or reaction of the Society may extend. Among the points to which the Society has directed its views are the improvement of prisons and prison discipline; the abolition of lotteries; the suppression of gambling houses; the improved construction and management of lunatic asylums; the extension and improvement of education; the promotion of principles of international peace; the extinction of the African Slave-trade; the mitigation of the horrors of slavery, and the final abolition of slavery itself. A considerable portion of the Society's initial proceedings consists of a correspondence with private individuals and charitable institutions in this country connected with the above-mentioned objects; and many a ray of light, we trust, has been elicited, and many an engine silently set at work, the beneficial effects of which may be felt long after the first promoters have rested from their labours. We are glad to see in the list of the Society's members several of our own countrymen, and shall be most happy if our recommendation of its important objects should assist in adding to their numbers, especially among our fellow-subjects residing or visiting in France. The institution has commenced its labours under highly respectable and liberal patronage, both French and foreign.

It may be necessary to add, that in declining theological controversy, the founders of the Society have stated that they reject most earnestly the supposition that they are indifferent to the distinctions of religious doctrines, or that they wish to merge the peculiarities of Christianity in the vague generalities of Deism. Their object being simply " the application of the precepts of Christianity to the social refations of life," they justly consider that this may be effected without sectarian disputes; as we see every day, in our own country, in the conduct of charitable institutions not immediately of a religious character such as hospitals, prison discipline, and anti-slave-trade societies.

We venture most respectfully and earnestly to urge upon the conductors of the Society a rigid adherence to this leading principle of their institution.

POOR PIOUS CLERGY SOCIETY. The following are extracts from letters received by the Committee of this Society in the course of last year. They afford unhappily but too ample proof of the necessity and utility of the institution. It is deeply afflicting in itself, and not a little discreditable to a church and country so opulent as ours, that numerous instances of deep and bitter poverty should be found among our clergy, and these not confined to individuals of indifferent character or principles, but too often among clergymen of regular education, unblemished conduct, scriptural piety, unwearied activity, and extensive pastoral usefulness. This painful subject deserves far greater public and parliamentary consideration and sympathy

than it has received.

1. "Notwithstanding all the economy used by us, my debts are many, and often upon my mind, from fear that I shall not be able to discharge them; for, as my children advance in years, their schooling, their clothing, and their maintenance, considerably increase, and my salary remains the same; while the glebe-fields which I farm I made no profit of in the years past, and this year I am a great loser, in consequence of the wet harvest greatly damaging the wheat I had for the use of my family. I hope the Committee will have compassion on me, and give me a helping hand. My salary is 80%. per annum; no private income; SEVEN always in family. The average number of our monthly communicants is about forty. We have a National School, which I superintend. The District Society at supply us with books."


"My incumbent,with a large family continues to be very poor, which, unfortunately for me, involves me in difficulties. Out of FORTY pounds, my annual but nominal income, I received no more than half the sum for the last twelve months, The parishioners are kind people; but as they are poor, they can afford me but little assistance. They are in general attending my ministry, and the church is pretty full every Sunday. The Sunday-school is thriving, and the number of communicants increasing; but as I have a WIFE and FOUR young children dependent upon my stipend solely for livelihood, I find that I must, though much against my will, (unless I be helped from some quarter or another,) undergo, before long, the very grievous task of being separated from this kind people."

3." During great part of the time I was at college, I was living totally without God in the world. The consequence was with me as with many others, I got sadly in volved in debt. My father, having a very large family, was utterly unable to render me any assistance. At the latter part of my residence God visited me, I humbly

hope, with a due sense of my follies, and an experimental knowledge of his Gospel. My curacy is 1001. per annum ; 50%. I devote annually to my creditors, and 201. to insure my life for their benefit. I have therefore left only 301. annually to subsist on, and the produce of a cow and garden not more than 61. besides."

4. "In consequence of the great agricultural distress, ten pounds per annum have been withdrawn from the curacy of I feel quite ashamed again to solicit your charity; but, alas! dire necessity has a tendency to banish those feelings which humility would ever studiously foster. I have no other resource to which I can apply, being the eldest of ten unprovided for children. My income is 115l. We are FIVE in family depending on my income for support. There is a Sunday-school in each parish. We have also a Bible and Missionay Association. Every cottage, where any one of its inhabitants can read, contains a Bible. Many Prayer-books, Homilies, and Church-of-England Tracts, have been distributed among the poor.'

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5. "My dear wife has been heavily afflicted for half-a-year, quite unable to take care, in any degree, of her numerous young family. The expenses attending her affliction, with those respecting my dear departed child which I had not overcome, have caused my bills to be this year much more than usual, and my income is the same. The physician advised me yesterday to send her to I am afraid she is too weak to bear the journey, and I am destitute of the means to support her there for a few weeks. My income is seventy-four pounds. I have SIX children dependent on me for support. The number of my congregation is as many as the church will contain, being about 4 or 500, and the communicants about 140-Sacraments monthly."

6. "The necessity of my circumstances excites me to make application to the Society. Like my blessed Lord and Master, I continue, it being his gracious will, in a low estate in this world, tried with the painful incumbrances of debts. I have a family of TEN children to support with a salary of fifty pounds per annum. The harvest last year was so bad that the corn was much damaged, and almost spoiled; and I shall be obliged to buy corn till the next harvest. I trust I shall be considered a proper object of your charitable relief; and that the Lord will bless and prosper all my benefactors, is the earnest prayer of, &c."

7. "I beg leave to inform you of the death of my dear husband, who departed this life in the assured hope of being happy for ever! I was left with EIGHT dear children, to lament the loss of an affectionate husband and a most tender and indulgent parent: my oldest boy is now near 16. I have six with me, one boy and five

girls. This is a true statement. Can I beg the favour of you to lay it before the Committee, from which we once received a. most bountiful present, and which relieved the mind of my lamented partner greatly. It was of infinite service to us.

very thankful to the Almighty for the many kind friends he has at different times raised us up. May he give us grace to make a right use and improvement of all the mercies he bestows upon me." 8. "Being in very distressed circumstances, and feeling unwilling to make a disclosure of them to any other person, I have at length resolved to lay my case before you, for the information of the benevolent Society, for whom you act as Secretary. In reply to the questions contained in your circular, I beg leave to state as follows:Thirty pounds per annum salary-no private income-number of congregation between three and four hundred-number of communicants when I first came to the parish two years ago were 9, now between 50 and 60-one Sunday-school superintended by myself. I have distributed

many Bibles, Testaments, and prayerbooks, to nearly all the population.'

9. "Yesterday I received your favour, inclosing a bank-bill of My dear

partner and myself were astonished, and

overpowered with gratitude, at the bounty of your Committee, and the kindness of a gracious Providence. I trust the mercy will make a deep and lasting impression on my mind, and cause me to be more diligent in the service of so good a Master. Were it not for the generous relief afforded by your Committee, I should be in great distress, and the cares and anxieties of my situation would have followed me into my closet and my pulpit; but through their liberality, I now go on my knees with gratitude, sit down to my study with pleasure, and shall to-morrow go into my pulpit with joy. Often did I endeavour to soothe the dejected spirits of my dear partner by that consolatory passage, The Lord will provide.' Often did I assure her, that HE cared for us. Now have we found, by blessed experience, that he doth indeed provide, that he doth indeed care for us."

10. "This situation is most important, as there is only one church to a population of ten thousand souls-income eighty pounds→→ nothing else from any certain or occasional source-a wife and FIVE children (a SIXTH is soon expected) and all dependent upon the father's income for support. During the last two or three years I have been much exercised with affliction."



FRANCE.-The vote of a hundred millions of francs for the war against Spain has been carried in the French chambers, but not without several intemperate debates. In one of these, in the lower chamber, M. Manuel having uttered some vehement remarks, in which he was considered, though most unfairly, as justifying regicide, a general uproar ensued, and the sitting was obliged to be suspended. The result was, that on a subsequent day M. Manuel was expelled the chamber for the remainder of the session. The day after this vote he took his seat in the chamber with a party of friends; and refused to retire till he was dragged out at the command of the president by the gendarmerie, the National Guard having refused to execute the order. M. Manuel, and Mercier the Serjeant of the National Guard who declined obeying the order,

have become popular favourites; and the public indignation against the ultra party has been every where warmly expressed. The Left side of the chamber have absented themselves from the debates, not considering any act valid which may take place during the expulsion of a member It would appear to us, that in this they are to blame; and the ultra party still more, in carrying matters to extremities, and particularly in not allowing M. Manuel to make the explanation which he wished to make, and which, judging from the remainder of the speech as it has been published by himself, would have prevented all the subsequent proceedings which have agitated France to its centre. He had only uttered half a sentence when he was interrupted: the second half would have shewn that his meaning was almost the reverse of what was attributed to him.-It cannot be denied

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