a collection of poems are entirely expunged. Besides a vast number of modern fongs of real merit, inferted in this Collection, will be found the new fongs fung at the Public Gardens fince the first publication; likewife a few favourite cantatas, catches and glees; to which is added a number of original toasts and fentiments not to be met with in any other book. As there have been frequent complaints, that publications of this kind often abound with ribaldry and indecency, the greatest care has been paid in felecting, totally to exclude every thing that would have the smallest tendency to corrupt the morals or offend the ear of the moft delicate reader. How far the Editors' endeavours have been fuccefsful, in rendering this Collection an agreeable companion to the focial mind, they muft leave to the determination of the Public. INDE X. A Page S Damon and Phillis were feeding their sheep, 10 All hail to the day that merits more praife, Attend all ye fhepherds and nymphs to my lay, A dawn of hope my foul revives, As bringing home the other day A term full as long as the fiege of old Troy, 40 41 48 70 72 74 81 95 100 114 115 122 129 As Jamie gay gang'd blithe his way, Afk if yon damask rose be sweet, As thro' the grove the other day, 135 137 141 149 Away to the field, fee the morning looks gray, As Hebe was 'tending her sheep t'other day, 154 174 180 Alexis fhun'd his fellow fwains, 187 As on the banks of Tweed I lay reclin'd, As down on Banna's banks I ftray'd, A Parson who had a remarkable foible, Bufy humble bee am I, B By the fide of a ftream at the foot of a hill, 269 276 22 46 Blithe young Befs to Jean did fay, Beneath a green fhade a lovely young fwain, Britons, loyal and bold, Bright Sol is return'd, the winter is o'er, Page 49 73 77 98 By Pinky house oft let me walk, 106 By the gayly circling glafs, 115 Behold this fair goblet, 'twas carv'd from the tree, 145 Behold from many a hoftile fhore, 160 But are you fure the news is true, 167 Braw, braw lads of Galla water, 178 Come live with me, and be my love, 5 Come hear me, my boy, haft a mind to live long, 26 Contented all day I will fit by your fide, 27 Come, gie's a fang the lady cries, 42 Come hafte to the wedding ye friends and ye neighbours, 47 Come cheer up my lads, 'tis to glory we fteer, 60 Ceafe, rude Boreas, bluft'ring railer, 66 Coming home with my milk the young 'fquire I met, 74 Come all ye young lovers who wan with despair, Come, jolly Bacchus, god of wine, 79 82 88 Come, come my good fhepherds, Come ye lads who wish to shine, Down by yon fhady grove, D. De'il tak' the wars that hurried Billy from me, Dear Chloe come give me sweet kisses, 138 Do you hear, brother sportsman, 146 Down top gallant fails, ftand by your lee braces, 154 175 Down the burn and thro' the mead, Dear Tom, this brown jug that now foams with mild ale, Page 195 216 E. Ere Phoebus fhall peep on the fresh-budding flow'r, 113 Encompafs'd in an angel's frame, F. Fill me a bowl, a mighty bowl, G. Guardian angels hov'ring near me, Gay Damon long study'd my heart to obtain, Gin I had a wee house, and a canty wee fire, 240 20 57 105 ib. 127 36 141 158 175 277 H. How hard is the fortune of all womenkind, How happy a lover's life paffes, How happy were my days till now, 55 65 68 How dare you, bold Strephon, prefume thus to prate, 80 Her fheep had in clusters crept close to the grove, 125 130 139 159 171 183 203 204 206 208 214 220 Hark the trumpet founds to arms, Page 229 In the dead of the night, when with labour oppreft, 78 In city, town, and village, my fancy oft hath rov'd, 84 I'm forry, dear breth'ren, I'm forc'd to comply, In the garb of old Gaul, with the fire of old Rome, I had a horfe, I had nae mair, I'll fing of my lover all night and all day, I'll fing of my Jenny all day and all night, |