LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Abælardi, Petri, Abbatis Ruyensis, et Heloissa Abbatissæ Paracletensis Epistolæ. A prioris editionis erroribus purgatæ, et cum cod. MS. collatæ curâ Ricardi Rawlinson. 8vo. Londini, 1718.86 Abbott, Jacob. Hoary Head and M'Donner. New edition. 12mo. New York, 1855.85 Abrahams, N. C. L. Description des Manuscrits Français du Moyen Age de la Bibliothèque Royale de Copenhague. 4to. Copenhague, 1844.88 Accurate Historical Account of all the orders of Knighthood at present existing in Europe. By Sir Levett Hanson. 2 v. 8vo. London, 1802.2. Ackermann, C. The Christian Element in Plato and the Platonic Philosophy unfolded and set forth. Translated from the German by Samuel Ralph Asbury. With introductory note by William G. T. Shedd. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861.17 Adelmann, G. F. B. Untersuchungen über Krankhafte zustände der Oberkieferhöhle. 4to. Dorpat, 1844.10 Administration of the Colonies. 12mo. London, 1764.25 Agricultural Pamphlets.-Treatise on the Culture of Lucerne. By Jacqulin Ambler. Richmond, Va., no date.—Country Habitations. No place, 1798.-Letter to Lord Somerville; with a view to show the inutility of the plans and researches of the Board of Agriculture. By Thos. Stone. London, 1800. A Treatise on Practical Farming. By John A. Binns. Fredericktown, Md., 1803.-L'Abondance, ou la veritable Pierre Philosophale; consistant en un moyen de multiplier abondamment les grains, les fruits, les fleurs, et tous les végétaux généralement. Par le Chevalier Brodin de la Jutais. Philadelphia, 1805.-Directions for the transplantation and management of young thorn and other hedge plants. By Thomas Maier. Washington, 1807.-Notice sur l'Agriculture des Celtes et des Gaulois. Paris, 1806.Mémoire sur la naturalisation des arbres forestiers. F. A. Michaux. Paris, 1805.-Plan of the reprinted Reports of the Board of Agriculture. London, 1806.-Coup d'oeil sur la culture de quelques Végétaux exotiques. Par Louis Valentin. Marseilles, 1807.-Introductory Obser vations to the Board of Agriculture. By Sir John Sinclair, Bart.—Programme des Prix remis et proposés par la Société d'Agriculture du departement de la Seine, 1808.Rapport sur les Travaux de la Société d'Agriculture du département de la Seine, pendant l'année 1808. Par M. Silvestre. Paris, 1808.-Address to the people of the United States on the importance of encouraging agriculture and domestic manufactures. By George W. P. Custis. Alexandria, 1808.-Report of the County of Banff on Agriculture. London, 1806. 8vo.7* Agassiz, Louis. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. Vol. 3. Second Monograph, in five parts. 1. Acalephs in general; 2. Ctenophoræ ; 3. Discophora; 4. Hydroidæ; 5. Homologies of the Radiata. With forty-six plates. 4to. Boston, 1860.12 Agriculture, Journal of July, 1859, to March, 1861. New Series. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861.7 Alberti, Leon Batista. L'Architettvra; tradotta in lingva Fiorentina da Cosimo Bartoli. Small 4to. Venetia, 1565.80 Alderson, M. A. Essay on the Nature and Application of Steam, with an historical notice of the rise and progressive improvement of the steam-engine. 8vo. London, 1834.15 Alembert, Jean Lerond d'. Select Eulogies of Members of the French Academy. Translated from the French by J. Aiken. 2 v. 12mo. London, 1799.87 Alexander, John Henry. Index to the Calendar of Maryland State Papers. 8vo. Baltimore, 1861.†25 Alison, Alexander. Philosophy and History of Civilization. 8vo. London, 1860.25 All the Year Round; a weekly journal conducted by Charles Dickens; with which is incorporated Household Words. Vols. 3 and 5. 8vo. London 1860-1861.40 Allen, C. Bruce. Cottage Building; or, hints for improving the Dwellings of the laboring classes. 16mo. London, 1849-50.80 American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. New series, vol. 7. A Glossary of Later and Byzantine Greek. By E. A. Sophocles. 4to. Cambridge and Boston, 1860.40 American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 32, for the year 1861. 12mo. Boston, 1861.25 American Anti-Slavery Society. Annual Report by the Executive Committee for the year ending May 1, 1859. 8vo. New York, 1860.16 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of the second, fourth, and sixth meetings-1849, 1850, and 1851. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston and Washington City, 1850-1852.40 American Fowl Breeder; containing full information on breeding, rearing, diseases, and management of domestic poultry. By an association of practical breeders. 18mo. Boston, 1850.7 Annual Reports 1843, 1844, 1846, Albany, 1843 American Institute of the City of New York. made to the Legislature for the years 1847, 1848, 1849, and 1850. 7 v. 8vo. 1850.15 American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Edited by Isaac Hayes, M. D. First series. Vols. 1-8. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827-1831.-New series. Vols. 19-28. 8vo. Phil. adelphia, 1850-1854.10 (Vols. 21 and 25 wanting.) American Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings at the ninth annual meeting, Sept., 1860. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860.10 2 v. Ames, Fisher. Works, with a selection from his speeches and correspondence. Edited by his son, Seth Ames. 8vo. Boston, 1854.4 Andersson, Charles John. Lake Ngami; or, explorations and discoveries during four years wanderings in the wilds of southwestern Africa. 12mo. New York, 1856.29 Andersson, Charles John. The Okavango River; a narrative of travel, exploration, and adventure. 8vo. London, 1861.29 Andrews, Israel D. Report on the Trade and Commerce of the British North American Colonies, and upon the trade of the great lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each State, of the gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. 2v. 8vo., with maps. Washington, 1854.25 Andrews, W. S. Illustrations of the West Indies. Vol. 1. Sailing directions for the Caribbean sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Florida. Oblong 4to. London, 1861.29 Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, udgivne af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab; 1856-1858. 3 v. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1856-1858.2 Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Par Messrs. Chevreul, Dumas, Pelouze, Boussingault, Regnault, et De Senarmont. 3e série. Vols. 60-62. 8vo. Paris, 1860-1861.8 Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology. Third series. Vols. 4, 5, 7, and 8. 8vo. London, 1859-1861.12 Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Georgetown College, D. C.; containing the description of the Observatory, and the description and use of the transit instrument, and meridian circle. 4to. New York, 1852.+28 Annuaire des Deux Mondes: Histoire Générale des diversé tats. V. 10, 1860. 8vo. Paris, 1861.2 Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York, from the organization of the Commis sion, May 5, 1847, to 1860, inclusive, together with tables and reports, and other official documents. 8vo. New York, 1861.25† Anthon, Charles. Manual of Roman Antiquities. 12mo. New York, 1851.1 ± Antiquités Mexicaines. Relation des trois expeditions du capitaine Dupaix, ordonnés en 1805, 1806, et 1807, pour la recherche des antiquités du pays, notamment celles de Mitla et de Palenque. Avec des notes explicatives et autres documents, par MM. Baradère, de St. Priest, et plusieurs voyageurs qui ont parcouru l'Amérique. 2 v. folio. Avec atlas des planches, folio. Paris, 1834.29 Architecture, &c. Treatises on Architecture and Building, by William Hosking; Masonry and Joinery, by Thomas Tredgold; and Carpentry, by Thomas Young. 4to. Edinburgh, 1846.80 Archivio Storico Italiano. Nuova serie. Vols. 11 & 12, 8vo. Firenze, 1860.2 Army of the United States. Revised Regulations, 1861, with a full index. By authority of the War Department. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861.15 (2 copies.) Arnott, Neil. Survey of Human Progress, from the savage state to the highest civilization yet attained. 8vo. London, 1861.16 Art Journal of London. Vol. 22, for the year 1860. 4to. London, 1860.81 Arthur, T. S. What can Woman Do? 12mo. Philadelphia Edited 4to. Lon 1856.85 Artizan Club. Treatise on the Steam Engine in its application to mines, mills, steam navigation, and railways. by John Bourne, C. E. Illustrated. New ed. don, 1851.15 Astronomical Observations made during the years 1849 and 1850, at the U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, under the direction of M. F. Maury, Superintendent. Vol. 5. 4to. Washington, 1859.+28 Atlas Suisse, embracing seventeen Maps. Folio. Aarau, 1802.29 Auckland, William, Lord. Journal and Correspondence. With a preface and introduction, by the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Bishop of Bath and Wells. 2 v. 8vo. London, 1861.8 Aytoun, William E. Book of Ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. New edition. 12mo. New York, 1852. Babson, John J. History of the Town of Gloucester, Cape Ann; including the Town of Rockport. 8vo. Gloucester, 1860.4 |