LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Abbot, Abiel. History of Andover, from its settlement to 1829. 12mo. Andover, 1829.* Abbot, Abiel and Ephraim. Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot, of Andover; Arthur Abbot, of Ipswich; George Abbot, of Rowley; Thomas Abbot, of Andover; Robert Abbot, of Brentford; and George Abbot, of Brentford. 8vo. Boston, 1847.4 Abbott, John S. C. South and North; or, Impressions received during a trip to Cuba and the South. 12mo. 12mo. New York, 1860.29-5 A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbot. Comic Blackstone; illustrated by Cruikshank. 4 parts in 1 v. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1844.40 About, Edmond. The King of the Mountains. From the French by Maria L. Booth, with an introduction by Epes Sargent. 12mo. 12mo. Boston, 1861.35 Abu Taleb Khan, Mirza. Travels in Asia, Africa, and Europe, during the years 1799-1803. Translated by C. Stewart. 16mo. London, 1814.29-1 3 v. Académie Française. Mémoires présentés par divers savants á l'Académie des Sciences de l'Institut Imperial de France. Sciences mathematiques et physiques. V. 16e et 17e. 4to. Paris, 1862.40 Acherley, Roger. Free Parliaments; or an argument on their constitution, proving some of their powers to be independent, with an appendix touching the right of the Duke of Cambridge to sit in Parliament. 8vo. London, 1731.25-7 Adams, Amos. Concise Historical View of the Difficulties, Hardships, and Perils, which attended the planting and progressive improvements of New England; with a particular account of its long and destructive wars, expensive expeditions, &c. 12mo. London, 1770.4 Adams, Charles B. First Annual Report on the Geology of the State of Vermont. 8vo. Burlington, 1845.6 Adams, John Quincy. Poems of Religion and Society; with notices of his life and character, by John Davis and Thos. H. Benton. 18mo. Auburn, 1854.33 12mo. Adams, Thomas F. Typographia. A brief sketch of the origin, rise, and progress of the Typographic Art. Philadelphia, 1847.15 Adams, W. Bridges, Roads, and Rails, and their sequences, physical and moral. 12mo. London, 1862.15 Adelung, Johann Christoph. Historical Sketch of Sanscrit Literature; with copious bibliographical notices of Sanscrit works and translations. Translated from the German, with additions and corrections. 8vo. Oxford, 1832.38 Admiralty Administration; its faults and defaults. 2d edition, revised (with a postscript.) 8vo. London, 1861.25–12 Eschylus, The Agamemnon of. Translated by John S. Harford, with a dissertation on Greek tragedy. 8vo. London, 1831.34 Agassiz, Louis. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. Second monograph; in five parts. Vol. IV; containing parts 3, 4, and a part of 5. 4to. Boston, 1862.12 Agassiz, Louis, and A. A. Gould. Outlines of Comparative Physiology; touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct. 12mo. London, 1855.11 Agricultural Society of England, Royal, Journal of. Vols. 20-23; for the years 1859-'62. 4 v. 8vo. London, 1859-'62.7 Aids to Faith. A series of theological essays by several writers. Edited by William Thomson, Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. 8vo. London, 1861.17 Aitken, R. General American Register and Calendar for the year 1774. 24mo. 24mo. Philadelphia, 1774.25-10 Alcoran (l') des Cordeliers. Tant en Latin qu'en François; ou recueil des plus notables bourdes et blasphèmes impudens de ceux qui ont osé comparer St. François à Jésus Christ. Trad, par Badius du grand livre des conformités de frère Barthelemi de Pise, cordelier en son vivant. 2 v. 16mo. Amsterdam, 1734.17 Alcott, William A. Conversations with Children on the Gospels. 2 v. 12mo. Boston, 1837.17 Confessions of a School Master. 18mo. Andover, Ms., 1839.15 The House I Live In; or, popular illustrations of the structure and functions of the human body. Edited by Thomas C. Girtin. Ninth edition. 24mo. 1857.11 London, Alexander, Archibald. Practical Sermons, to be read in families and social meetings. 8vo. Philadelphia.17 The Canon of the Old and New Testament ascer |