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with flowers very double, of a bright rose colour, and very perfect in their shape. Coccinea is evidently a hybrid of the crimson Chinese, as it has the pleasing tea-like scent of Rosa odorata, with the vivid colouring of Rosa semperflorens. Flon is a new and beautiful rose, a sort of fawn-coloured blush; its flowers very large and fragrant. Fragrans,

one of our oldest varieties, is but a very slight remove from the crimson Chinese, but it has acquired, by being hybridised, the pleasing perfume of this family. General Valazé is a superb rose, so large and double that it ought to be grown as a small standard, otherwise the weight of its flowers will bend it to the ground. Goubault is a new and excellent rose, as it is remarkably robust and hardy, and will probably form a fine standard. Hardy, or Gloire de Hardy, is a most superb vivid rose of the largest size, of most luxuriant growth, and well calculated for a standard; this will be one of our popular Tea Roses. Hamon is also a very fine rose, but rather too delicate for the open borders: this is a changeable variety; sometimes its flowers are blush tinged with buff, and sometimes, when forced, they are of a deep crimson. Lyonnais is a very large pale flesh-coloured rose, hardy, and worthy the attention of the amateur. Louis Philippe is a beautiful variation of the original Tea Rose,

scarcely at all hybridised, but with larger and more double flowers of the most delicate blush. Laura Rivers is a new variety, so named by the French cultivator, who raised it from seed; this is a very distinct red-flowering Tea Rose. Mansais is also quite a new rose, in colour something like Noisette Jaune Desprez, but not constantly so; this is a fine rose, but I cannot yet pronounce whether it is hardy or otherwise.* Madame Guerin is a large and fine fleshcoloured rose, very double, and apparently a luxuriant grower. Odoratissima is a very free, growing and pretty lilac rose, more than ordinarily fragrant, and apparently very hardy. Palavicini has been much admired and also much depreciated, owing to the different appearances it has taken under cultivation. On its own roots, and in a weak state, it is poor and insignificant, looking like a bad variety of the yellow Chinese Rose; but when budded on a strong branch of the common Chinese or the Blush Boursault, it will bloom in a splendid manner, so as to appear quite a different rose: a branch budded a few years ago, and blooming very finely on the wall of the council room at the Horticultural Society, attracted much attention. I believe it is of Italian origin, as many fine Tea-scented and Chinese Roses are raised from seed annually in

This proves to be as hardy as the most robust of the tea roses.


I saw

Italy, but not distributed. Princesse Marie is one of the finest roses in this this variety blooming in Paris in June (1837), in greater perfection than any other Tea Rose : its flowers were from four to five inches in diameter. Pactolus is a new yellow rose, of a pale sulphur, approaching to a bright yellow in the centre of the flower: this proves robust and hardy, and one of the best yellow Tea Roses known. Rêve du Bonheur is a singularly beautiful tinged rose, forming a fine large cup, but not very double. Silène is a new robust and hardy variety, with large shaded red and blush flowers, very double: this will make a fine standard, and grow in any situation. Strombio is now an old rose, but no variety can be more deserving of cultivation; when growing on a standard, its large and pendulous cream-coloured flowers are quite beautiful. Taglioni is a full sized, fine white rose, shaded with blush towards its centre, and a hardy and good variety. Triomphe du Luxembourg has made some noise in Paris; in the autumn of 1835 it was sold at thirty or forty francs per plant; it does not bloom quite so fine in this country as in France, but under any circumstances it is a fine and distinct variety: its colour is rose very peculiarly tinged with yellowish buff. The yellow Tea or yellow Chinese Rose, for they are one and the same, is placed

here, as it has decidedly more of the habit and appearance of the Tea-scented Rose than of the Chinese: its smooth glossy leaves and faint odour of tea sufficiently show its affinity.

To these, some new varieties of extraordinary beauty have been added, among which Elisa Sauvage, a fine straw-coloured rose, of rather a deeper tinge than the Yellow Tea, with flowers very large and double, richly deserves cultivation. Princesse Hélène of the Luxembourg is also a fine rose, of the same range of colour, with very large globular flowers. Duchesse de Mecklenbourg is of a more creamy yellow, and really a most beautiful rose. Lutecens Grandiflora is one of the largest of these yellow Tea Roses; its flowers are cupped, very large, and of deep yellow towards the centre of the flower cup.

Belle Allemande may be described as a creamy fawn-coloured rose. The blending of the colours in these roses is difficult to describe; this is also a most magnificent rose, and apparently very hardy and robust. Anteros or Antherose is also a new rose of this range of colour, but often much paler than Belle Allemande, depending upon climate and situation; it may generally be calculated that Tea Roses are less vivid in our moist climate than in France. Comte Osmond is a beautiful cream-coloured rose, very double and perfect in its flowers.

In rose-coloured varieties we have two or three very superb. Gigantesque, a Luxembourg Rose, is one of the largest Tea Roses we possess, and richly deserves its name. Bougère is a most singular and beautiful rose; its flowers are of a fine rose-colour, often slightly shaded with copper, and of first-rate form and quality. Mareschal Vallée is also a rose-coloured Tea Rose, with flowers very large and double; this is a new and first-rate variety.

As these interesting roses require more care in their culture than any yet described, I will endeavour to give the most explicit directions I am able, so as to insure at least a chance of success. One most essential rule must be observed in all moist soils and situations; when grown on their own roots they must have a raised border in some warm and sheltered place. This may be made with flints or pieces of rock in the shape of a detached rock border, or a fourinch cemented brick wall, one foot or eighteen inches high, may be built on the southern front of a wall, thick hedge, or wooden fence, at a distance so as to allow the border to be two feet wide; the earth of this border must be removed to eighteen inches in depth, nine inches filled up with pieces of bricks, tiles, stones or lime rubbish; on this place a layer of compost, half loam or garden mould, and half rotten dung well mixed, to which add some

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