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In a SCHEME; reprefenting their Commiffions, Travels, and Transactions, in one View; efpecially with regard to what peculiarly belonged to the Apoftolical Office, and the Method in which they propagated the CHRISTIAN RELIGION.

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Luke vi.

lin Gali-


31 Mountain

Proofs of the


Their most remarkable Transactions. Tranfa&tions.


ESUS, having spent al Luke vi.
night in prayer, in a13.
Mark iii. mountain in Galilee, cal s
his difciples unto him; anc
out of them he chooses twelve,
by the direction of God,
through the Spirit: Joht
xvii. 6, 9, 12. Acts i. 2.
x. 41. whom alfo he named
apoftles that he might ten Mark iii.
them forth to preach, and to 14, 45.
have power to heal fick

neffes, and caft out devils.
and that they might be with

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Proofs of the

Their most remarkable transactions. Transactus.

Some time after, Jefus Mat. x. I. called thefe twelve unto him, and gave them power and authority over all devils and unclean fpirits, to caft them bat, and to heal all manner of fickness and dileafe: and

fends them forth two by two, Mark vi. aying, Go not into the way 7. of the Gentiles, and into any of the cities of the Samaritans

enter ye not; but go rather Luke ix. to the loft fheep of the house 1, 2. of Ifrael, to preach the kingdom of God, which is at

hand." Heal the fick, Mat. x. cleanfe the lepers, caft out de-15. vils; freely ye have received. Mark vi. freely give. And whofoevert 1. will not hear your words, Mat. x. hake off the duft of your feet, 40. as a teftimony against them. Lukeix.5. And they departed, and Mark vi. went through the towns, 12, 13. preaching the gospel: and preached that men should repent. And they caft out Lukeix.b many devils, and anointed with oy many that were ick, and healed them.

Some time after, the apo-Mark vi. ftles gathered themselves to


gether unto Jefus, and told aim all things, both what Luke is. they had done, and what 10. they had taught. Here the commiffion ends. And now they continue with him, to be the better acquainted with what Jefus faid and!


How often
Paul bad

An. Places whi- been there

Dom.ther they


Proofs of

Proofs of the

after bis
the time and Their most remarkable Tranfactions Tranfactions.
converfion. place.

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And in thaJohn xvi. day ye shall ask me no 23 thing; verily, verly, i

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