16. Alexander the copperfmith did him much harm, ver. 14, 15. However, Paul made fuch an apology for himself and the Chriftian religion, that he was for fome time delivered out of the mouth of the lion, and the Chriftian religion became more fully known, 2 Tim. iv. 17. During his fecond imprisonment at Rome, he fends Titus (who came hither with him from Nicopolis) to Dalmatia, 2 Tim. iv. 10. And after his first and fecond defence, he writes his fecond Epiftle to Timothy. That Epiftle feems to have been directed] to him in fome place, from whence he was to take Ephefus in his way to Rome, as may be gathered from ch ii. 14, 15. and iv. 19. from whence too it woulo not be much out of his way to go by Troas to Rome; as we may collect from ver. 13. and from whence he might bring Mark with him, who is faid to have been at Jerufalem. I think it i probable it might be abou Lyftra, which was Timothy's native place; where, poffibly, Paul lef him (when he went from Jerufalem in his last journey to Rome), to Bay with his and friends; friends; and be useful to the churches in that neighbourhood. This feems to me the more likely, because he Speaks "of the faith of his grandmother Lois, and his mother Eunice," ch. i. 5. which, perhaps, the thought of the place, where he fent his letter, might bring to his mind. I think thus alfo, viz. because he mentions his afflictions and perfecutions in thefe countries, and no other, ch. ii. 10, 11, for the very fame reafon. His perfecutions elsewhere, and fome of which were as fevere or feverer, Timothy knew; having been his companion in moft of his travels fince Timothy's converfion. That all this was done during Paul's fecond imprifonment at Rome, will appear from the following confiderations. In the firft imprifonment Timothy was a prifoner. with him, and continued fo after Paul's releafe, Heb. xiii. 21. And Paul joins Timothy with him in three of the Epiftles he wrote in the firft imprisonment. And now Timothy was abfent from him, 2 Tim. iv. 9-21. Befides, in the first imprisonment, Paul was a prifoner at H large Proofs of the lic journies, Paul's 5 Apofta Their most remarkable Transactions. Tranfaction, arge in his own hired houfe ; all perfons having free accefs to him, Acts xxviii. 16-30. When he wrote this Epiftle, he was in fuch clofe cuftody, that Onefi phorus with difficulty found him out, 2 Tim. i. 17. Fipally, in the firft imprifonment he writes, that he hould foon be enlarged, Philip. i. 25. and ii. 24. Philem. v. 22. In this Epiftle he tells Timothy, that he is ready to be offered up, and the time of his "departure is at hand;" that he has fought the good fight, and finished his courfe," 2 Tim. iv. 1. 8. And though "God had delivered him out of "the mouth of the lion" (Nero or Helius Cæfar), For at his first defence;" yet The does not add, that he will deliver him out of it; but from every evil work, and preferve him -unto his heavenly kingdom." Tim. iv. 16-19. at this time he fays, he had left Eraftus in Corinth, and Trophimus fick at Miletum; whereas he could neither be at Corinth nor Miletum in his first voyage. Peter writes his two Epifles about this time, de clares How often bi- been there time and place. Proofs of the Proofs of the after bis Their most remarkable Transactions. Tranfactions. converfion. clares himself an Elder, Jude feems to have written Though Paul's intention feems to have been to have gone to Italy and Spain, to ftrengthen the difciples hel had made in his former journey; yet he went no farther, but fuffered martyrdom (under Helius Cæfar, the vileft lieutenant of the vileft prince any age or country ever produced): and fo did Peter, in the manner Jefus foretold, John xxi. 18. John writes his firft ge-1 John i. neral Epiftle; declares him- 1, 2, 3. felf a witnefs, and, per- and iv. haps, writes his two other 14. Epiftles about the fame time. John ftiles himself an Elder in his two laft Epiftles, 2 John i. and 3 John i. This year Jerufalem is befieged, taken, facked, and burned by Titus, according to Chrift's prophecy, Luke xix. 43, 44. 1,100,000 Jews perish, 97,000 are made prifoners, befides an innumerable company, who, in other places, killed themselves, or perifhed through famine, banifhment, or other miferies. Sir Laac Newton, on Scripture Prophecies, thinks that this Epiftle was written an. 65, and only published again an. 96. After Domitian's death, St. John returns to Ephefus, and, at the request of the church, writes his Gospel. 1 ESSAY |